Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 458 Don’t break the chicken legs

Slowly, the dining cart rolled over, and the last few dishes were about to be served, including Liu Changyu's favorite dish. After seeing how Zhao Jiaolong and the others ate, Liu Changyu didn't care so much anymore. He quickly grabbed the chopsticks and looked at the dining car nervously.

At this time, Zhao Jiaolong asked a confused question, "Fengzi, can we really do what we do at home?"

Uncle Liu and Li Xiangyun both laughed. You guys are like this, what else are you embarrassed about?

They both said almost at the same time: "Yes, you are just like at home, you are welcome."

Suddenly, Zhao Jiaolong and the others looked at each other, nodded as if they had some understanding, and grasped the chopsticks tightly in their hands.

Just when the dining car was still a few meters away from the dining table, whoever made the move first, Zhao Jiaolong and the other two cheered and rushed towards the dining car.

"Damn it, I haven't even eaten any of you animals."

Ji Wufeng became anxious when he saw it, cursed loudly, and rushed over with chopsticks in hand.

Before the servant pushing the dining cart came to his senses, he found that there were suddenly a few people in front of him. He was startled and saw that they were frantically eating the dishes that had not yet been served. ??

Just as she was about to say something, she found that Li Xiangyun gave her a "nothing" look, so she stepped aside.

After only a minute or two, they had finished eating all the dishes. Liu Changyu, who was sitting aside and was about to compete with Ji Wufeng and the others, was dumbfounded.

He touched his belly and looked at Ji Wufeng and others with grief and anger. Are they all reincarnations of starving ghosts?

Ji Wufeng and others who had already put down their chopsticks suddenly discovered that among the many dishes on the dining car, there was a shiny chicken leg lying quietly in the corner. The five of them picked it up at the same time. They took their chopsticks and gathered around. They stood around and guarded against each other.


The servants of the Liu family were stunned. It was really hard to imagine that someone could eat like a fight.

Uncle Liu and Li Xiangyun didn't say a word, watching the performances of Ji Wufeng and others with great interest.

These young people gave them a lot of good impressions, and they didn't feel disgusted at all by doing this. Moreover, Liu Qingqing and his juniors were often away from home, and the house was very deserted, and it was rare for them to be lively, so not only did they not feel disgusted, they also felt very happy.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Ji Wufeng and the others actually stretched out their chopsticks, and the first thing they caught was a mouse. Even though this kid was as skinny as a monkey, his hands and feet were very nimble.

But before he could hold it firmly, there was a "pop" sound, and the chopsticks in his hand were interrupted by Zhao Jiaolong, who was chasing after him, and took away the chicken legs.

Just as Zhao Jiaolong proudly put the chicken leg into his mouth, a sudden change occurred. Xu Yang, who arrived later, also clamped the chicken leg. While the two were fighting, Ji Wufeng's chopsticks chopped down, and the two's chopsticks Interrupted.

Ji Wufeng laughed loudly and was about to throw the chicken legs into his mouth. However, Zhao Jiaolong, Mouse and Xu Yang unexpectedly raised half of their chopsticks at the same time to attack Ji Wufeng.

Suddenly, the chopsticks in Ji Wufeng's hand were broken into two pieces, and the chicken leg fell steadily onto an empty plate.

The four of them stared at each other and grabbed the new chopsticks on the dining table. At this time, Yuan Dongdong suddenly shouted: "Don't break the chicken legs."

Zhao Jiaolong didn't care about this. He raised his chopsticks and thrust them into the chicken legs. Ji Wufeng, Xu Yang and Mouse were not to be outdone, so they thrust them into the chicken legs with their chopsticks. The chopsticks immediately collided with each other. The four of them were at the dining table as if they were holding swords. noodle

The former Hehemahhey got up and staged a chopstick war.

Finally, both chopsticks were broken. When they tried to take the chopsticks again, they found that the chicken leg was gone. They turned around and saw Yuan Dongdong chewing on a chicken leg bone. The four of them immediately stared.

Yuan Dongdong was startled and trembled all over. He quickly swallowed the half of the bone, spread his hands and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't take it."

Ji Wufeng said fiercely: "Your uncle, give him a beating!"

The four of them rushed over without saying a word. They grabbed Yuan Dongdong and gave him a good beating. They screamed repeatedly: "Don't slap me in the face, I'm still here to pick up girls. Damn it, who's going to kick my ass? Oh, you rat, I If I’m not done with you, you dare to kick my little brother.”

The scene in front of them was a farce to the Liu family, but except for Liu Changyu, no one felt angry or annoyed.

They are all members of the upper class, and they must pay attention to their cultivation and quality, but who knows what they are like in their hearts? Perhaps each of them hopes to be like Ji Wufeng and the others, playing around casually, truly and happily.

"Oh, it's great to be young. There is no limit to passion!"

Uncle Liu twisted the wine bottle and let out a long sigh before getting up and leaving. Everyone's faces were filled with black lines when he said "youth has no limits", but looking at his slightly hunched back, they subconsciously realized this man who had been strong all his life. The old man is really old.

Liu bit her lip gently and remained silent for a long time. My grandparents are old, what can I do for them? Perhaps nothing can be done but to grant their wishes.

It was already late at night after they had had enough wine and food, and Zhao Jiaolong and others couldn't sleep no matter what. To them, the Liu Family Courtyard was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. They pulled Ji Wufeng out of bed in the middle of the night and said they wanted to take a walk. \u003c


After a final round of shopping, after getting used to the luxury, everyone was no longer interested. Finally, Ji Wufeng entered Uncle Liu's room and ran out with a lavender transparent cup, and then took out three more items from his pocket. He threw a black dice into the cup, then grabbed a lot of change and shouted: "Come on, come on, let's bet on big or small, bet big, win big, buy it, and leave without regrets!" "

Zhao Jiaolong and others were bored, but suddenly they became interested and took out all the banknotes in their pockets. However, they lost all their money in a few moments, and even the food expenses for the next month went into Ji Wufeng's pocket.

I don’t know if it’s a ghost. No matter how they bet, they lose. They bet big, and the dice turns out small. They bet small, and the dice turns up big. It’s like the dice grew up on Ji Wufeng’s breasts. It’s like meeting your biological father. obedient.

Seeing the evil smile on Ji Wufeng's face, Zhao Jiaolong refused to accept this anger and said angrily: "Don't be so damn proud. If you lend me food expenses for another month, I will definitely kill you until you pee!"

Ji Wufeng threw a stack of banknotes over and said arrogantly: "Just dream, do you know what my nickname is in our village? The Undefeated God of Gamblers! Do you know what the Undefeated God of Gamblers is? He just can gamble. You pledged your house to sell your wife!"

Yuan Dongdong also said with red eyes: "Stop bragging, let's see the real tricks under our hands!"

At this moment, several big men in black suddenly rushed in, pointed guns at them, and shouted: "Don't move, who are you?"

But when Ji Wufeng turned his head, the bodyguards were so frightened that they almost couldn't hold their guns steady. Damn it, isn't this the bastard boy who scolded the old man and beat Master Changyu today?

At first, they all disliked Ji Wufeng and wanted to find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. But now they don't dare to offend someone even the old lady can't afford to offend, even if they are given the courage to do so.

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