The last time they saw Ji Wufeng murder with their own eyes, several girls were frightened, but afterwards they all felt guilty for alienating Ji Wufeng. Mei Yingxue and the others had already opened up their hearts, but Hua Yutong has always been worried about it. .

Chen Tienan glared and said, "I'm warning you, Yutong has already apologized to you, so don't be ignorant."

After not seeing each other for a while, Hua Yutong was obviously haggard. Ji Wufeng did not take this matter to heart, but Hua Yutong was tortured during this period. She thought that alienating Ji Wufeng that day must have caused harm to him, and she wanted to Find an opportunity to apologize.

He even thought that Ji Wufeng had not come to class during this period because he was angry with her.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, the matter has passed."

"Aren't you angry with me?" Hua Yutong asked.

"No life." Ji Wufeng shook his head.

Hua Yutong immediately looked happy and said, "How about you go to class tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'll go to class tomorrow." Ji Wufeng said.

No matter what, I am still a student. If my mother knows that I have not been in class for several days, I will have to peel off my skin.

"Don't leave after the birthday banquet. I have something to do with you." Chen Tienan's expression was very serious.

Ji Wufeng nodded. Chen Tienan was his liaison and should talk to him about Long Feng.

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng was surrounded by so many beauties, which made him feel like he was on pins and needles. There were eyes full of envy and jealousy everywhere, as if they were knives. If eyes could kill, he would have been chopped into pieces. .

As time passed, more and more guests came, many of whom were acquaintances. I felt two resentful eyes and turned to look, it was Wen Tianbo from the Wen family and Murong Jie from the Murong family.

Standing beside them were two older young men. One of them had reached the second level of Xiantian. He should be Wen, the eldest son of the Wen family.


As for the oily-faced guy next to Murong Jie, he was Murong Ying, the eldest son of the Murong family.

When members of the two leading families, Murong and Wen, arrived, many people immediately came forward to say hello, their faces full of flattery, as if they wanted to kneel down and treat them as grandsons.

The time for the birthday banquet finally arrived, and everyone entered the Liu family's reception hall one after another. As the lights in the hall slowly dimmed, three giant beams of light suddenly lit up.

Slowly, the three beams moved to the corner of the second floor at the same time, and the eyes of everyone present were also focused there.

A colorful ball exploded on the top of the second floor. Countless ribbons and fireflies floated out from the middle of the ball. As the music played, Liu Tianlong, dressed in formal clothes, walked out with a smile on his face. Liu Qingqing followed Liu Rourou stood on both sides, holding one of his arms respectively.

Under the shining of the colorful light, Liu Rourou's face looked noble, like a little fairy, while Liu Qingqing had long since taken off her fierce girl's coat, and now she was simply a living goddess.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the men and most of the women present were deeply attracted to the sisters, and countless exclamations came from people's mouths.

After the three of them stood still, Liu Tianlong said loudly: "Thank you to all the guests present for allowing you to come to celebrate my birthday despite your busy schedule. Old man, I feel deeply ashamed and would like to solemnly express my gratitude."

Liu Tianlong pretended to be affectionate for a while, and after he finished his high-sounding speech, there was a burst of thunderous applause, and then some juniors stepped forward to congratulate Liu Tianlong on his birthday and gave him gifts.

The first to step forward were Jin Yu, Wen Tianhai, Murong Ying and Yang Feiyun, followed by Wu Youde, Tang

Xinyu, Fang Tianhua and other representatives of the eight major families.

Ji Wufeng knew most of these eight people, but what surprised Ji Wufeng was that the person representing the eight aristocratic families was not Lu Zixuan, but Lu Zifeng.

He had long known that this bastard had a complicated background, but he didn't check it carefully. He didn't expect that this guy was actually the real eldest son of the Lu family, Lu Zixuan's eldest brother.

In addition, there is a young man and a girl whom I have never met before. They are Wan Jinglei, the eldest son of the Wan family, and Duan Qingxun, the eldest daughter of the Duan family.

Seeing Wan Jinglei, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but stare at him. This guy was actually a master of the fifth level of the innate world. However, the skills he practiced were very strange and he kept it secret. If it weren't for Ji Wufeng's status as a cultivator, he wouldn't have noticed it at all. arrive. ??

Afterwards, Luo Hui, Zheng Xinhou, Hua Yutong and others came forward to congratulate him, and soon the table was filled with gifts.

Those gifts were tightly wrapped in gift boxes. You couldn't tell what was inside, but you could guess that they must be very valuable. If they were cheap, these people wouldn't be able to get them. Wouldn't it be a shame if they were passed around?

Ji Wufeng was estimating how much money he would get if he sold all those gifts. If I can exchange a lot of money, I can celebrate my grandpa's birthday no matter what. This can be considered an income, right?

Just when Ji Wufeng was making calculations, the birthday celebrations of the juniors had ended, and everyone turned their attention to him. Among the juniors, he was the only one who had not passed away.

It is now well known that Ji Wufeng has a close relationship with the Liu family, and will even become his son-in-law in the future. How could he not receive a birthday gift?

Liu Tianlong also looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of jokes, you little bastard, you have never taken me, your future wife, grandfather, and father-in-law seriously. Now I want you to pay my birthday to me in public, let’s see what else you can do.


Ji Wufeng had no choice but to step forward, hugged his fists, and said lazily: "I wish you eat well, sleep well, and have a great birthday tomorrow!"

The whole audience was stunned. What kind of birthday wishes are these?

At the very least, you have to say that you will be as blessed as the East Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains, right? But this guy wished him good food, good sleep, and a birthday tomorrow. This was clearly saying that he had no hope of having a birthday next year.

Does this kid want to die? Saying such words on someone's birthday is tantamount to cursing them for not having the next year after this year.

Suddenly, some people who had grudges against Ji Wufeng and those who disliked him looked at him with gloating, "How will you die now?"

But looking at Liu Tianlong again, he still had a smile on his face, and he didn't look angry at all. Instead, he said politely: "Thank you, Xian Sun, for lending you some good words here."

The whole audience was stunned. Did the old man take the wrong medicine? Ji Wufeng scolded him like this, but he didn't even get angry? Could this boy be the son he had with a wild woman outside?

Although Liu Tianlong had a smile on his face, he had already scolded Ji Wufeng in his heart. He already knew that this kid couldn't spit out ivory, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't give him face in front of so many people.

Liu Qingqing was even more angry and was about to explode, but was stopped by Liu Rourou. It would be ugly if so many people were present and there was a commotion. At the same time, she also glared at Ji Wufeng fiercely.

Ji Wufeng didn't take it seriously. Old Man Liu wanted to take advantage of him, but there was no way.

Liu Qingqing knew that it was not appropriate to have an attack now. Suddenly her big eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and she said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you prepared a particularly precious birthday gift for my grandpa? I wanted to see it at the beginning, but you weren't willing. I showed it and said it is absolutely priceless and my father will definitely like it. Can I take it out now?"

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