Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 469 Huajing’s wealthy family


There was a crisp sound, and Ji Yanran stood there calmly, but the girl covered her face and took several steps back. She looked at Liehu beside her with a look of horror and said, "You dare to hit me?"

There was an icy chill in Liehu's eyes, and he said solemnly: "If it hadn't been for the young master's order, I would have killed you just because you were disrespectful to the second young lady."

Since he chose to follow Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng is his belief, the person he respects and admires the most. Ji Yanran is Ji Wufeng's sister. Anyone who dares to be disrespectful will be killed without mercy!

If Ji Wufeng hadn't already said that he shouldn't kill indiscriminately, this girl would have turned into a cold corpse.

"Kill you" are words that ordinary people often talk about. Most of them are just words, but Chu Handong retreated with a look of fear. The chill made him really feel the threat of death, and he panicked. shouted: "Chu Lin!"

A skinny man rushed over quickly and said respectfully to Chu Handong, "Young Master."

With Chu Lin around, Chu Handong obviously relaxed a lot. He pointed at Lu Shuangshuang and the others with malicious eyes and said, "Catch these bitches for me. I will take care of them!"


Chu Lin turned around and glanced at Lie Hu, and said disdainfully: "How dare you be so arrogant even if you are a mere second-level innate person?"

That's right, Liehu was only in the first level of the innate world before, but after receiving Ji Wufeng's guidance, he had already broken through to the second level of the innate world.

"Third Heavenly Heaven?" Liehu frowned slightly.

That's right, this Chu Lin is no ordinary bodyguard, he is a master of the third level of innateness and is Chu Handong's personal bodyguard.

Being able to have masters from the third level of the innate world serve as bodyguards shows that the Chu family is indeed very powerful in Huajing.

"How dare you be rude to our young master, you will definitely die."

Chu Lin didn't take Liehu seriously and pointed at him with his finger.

He turned his nose and looked at Lu Shuangshuang, a lustful light suddenly appeared in his eyes, he chuckled and said: "Little girl, I advise you to follow me honestly. It will be your blessing to be taken notice of by our young master."

Being stared at by Chu Lin, Qin Yi and others felt as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake, and felt a strong sense of crisis.

Liehu took a step forward and blocked Chu Lin. A violent aura burst out from his body, and the sense of crisis among Qin Yi and others disappeared.

"You scared the madam and the young lady, so you deserve to die!" Liehu said word by word with a cold look on his face.


Chu Lin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

One step in the martial arts leads to the sky. Although the difference between the two is only one level, their combat prowess is completely different, let's put it this way.

Chu Lin, who has an innate third-level heavenly cultivation, is fully capable of killing Liehu, who has an innate second-level heavenly cultivation level, within three moves.

Seeing Chu Lin laughing, Ji Yanran got angry and said, "You laugh so hard. You can tell at a glance that you are a bad person. You'd better leave quickly, or my brother will beat you to death when he comes."

Chu Lin licked his lips and said with a lewd smile: "Hey, Master, this little girl is quite interesting. Give it to me later."

This Chu Lin actually has such evil habits.

"Okay, I know you like this bite, so of course I will satisfy you." Chu Handong said immediately and cheerfully.

Hearing this, Ji Yanran was furious and said: "You big bad guy, although I know I'm beautiful, you still got the wrong idea when I'm so young. I guessed right, and you did

Not a good thing. "

"You little bitch, you have a pretty good mouth."

Chu Lin's eyes flashed fiercely, and he bent his palms into claws to grab at Ji Yanran, causing a sound that broke through the air. Liehu held Ji Yanran with one hand and moved his feet lightly, immediately avoiding the claws.

Chu Lin's claws grabbed the small tree that was as thick as an arm behind Ji Yanran. The small tree looked like it was made of tofu and was pinched in half.

Such a terrifying attack power, what if it could be caught on someone?

When the move missed, Chu Lin was startled and felt a strong danger. Liehu's cold voice sounded in his ears: "You are too slow."

Chu Lin quickly wanted to retract his claws, but he couldn't. His wrist was strangely held by a palm, but it felt like it was clamped by an iron pliers, and the bones were about to break.

Liehu's cultivation level was indeed inferior to Chu Lin's, but after Ji Wufeng's guidance, he improved not only his cultivation level, but his combat power also increased several times. .??.

Sensing Liehu's murderous intent, Qin Yi immediately said: "Liehu, no."

In Qin Yi's view, no matter what happens, people should not be injured or disabled.

"Madam, he dares to offend you and the ladies. This is a capital offense." Liehu said.

"I won't do it if I say no. I'm here to pay my respects today." Qin Yi said.

"Yes, madam." Liehu said respectfully.

"You were bound to die today!"

Liehu spoke very softly, but a chilling aura instantly spread throughout the space. The temperature of the air seemed to drop below zero in an instant. Chu Handong looked frightened and his whole body trembled. The girl sat down on the ground, her legs There was a pool of water stains flowing out from the room, and I was so frightened that I became incontinent.


Liehu now looked like a cold god of murder in Chu Handong's eyes.

Liehu frowned and then said: "But today is Mr. Liu's birthday, so it is not appropriate to start killing. Your life will be stored with you for the time being. I will take it back after tonight."

After speaking, the jade hand was gently squeezed, and the sound of broken bones immediately sounded on Chu Lin's wrist, and Chu Lin immediately let out a harsh and tragic howl.

Chu Lin's howl resounded throughout the Liu family compound, and a large number of bodyguards immediately rushed over following the sound, pointing their guns at Liehu and shouting sternly: "Who dares to act so arrogant in the Liu family!"

Chu Handong was frightened half to death and shouted at the bodyguards: "I am Chu Handong from the Chu family in Huajing. This man wants to kill me, so shoot him quickly!"

The expressions of the bodyguards suddenly changed. People from the Liu family certainly knew what the Chu family in Huajing meant. It was a wealthy family in Huajing, and its weight was not comparable to that of the so-called eight aristocratic families in Yuzhou.

"Please stop immediately and come with us." The bodyguards were well-trained and did not fire immediately. Instead, they persuaded Liehu with a wary look.

Liehu glanced at them lightly. The bodyguards immediately felt that their whole bodies were filled with coldness. They immediately took a step back unconsciously and shuddered. They were selected as the Liu family's bodyguards because they were all battle-hardened masters. They were still the first. This is the first time I saw such a look full of murderous intent.


Liehu kicked Chu Lin in the lower abdomen, and Chu Lin suddenly spat out blood and flew out.

The expressions of the bodyguards changed. This man was too dangerous. He must not be allowed to pose a threat to the Liu family. One of the bodyguard leaders immediately shouted: "Shoot!"

The muzzles of the dozen or so bodyguards immediately pointed at Lie Hu and pulled the trigger. The muzzles of the guns sprayed out brilliant sparks, and a series of gunshots rang out.

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