Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 483: Not as good as a beast

Then, even his mouth stopped moving, and he fainted again!

An indescribable sadness slowly spread from Ji Wufeng's body, filling the entire space instantly.

If he hadn't been capable enough, it would have been Lin Xiaomeng or Ji Yanran who were caught here today, and they would have met the same miserable end.

He found a coat, wrapped the girl's body, held her in his arms, walked up to Murong Ying, and said without any emotion: "Do you know how many times you can die?"

"You dare to kill me? I am from the Murong family. If you dare to touch me, I guarantee that your whole family will die!" Murong Ying looked a little panicked, but threatened fiercely.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his body was filled with murderous intent!

"A member of the Murong family? Even if Murong Zhen comes, you will definitely die today!" Ji Wufeng said calmly.

With a flick of his finger, a burst of energy shot directly into the root of Murong Ying's thigh. Murong Ying immediately let out a scream and fell to the ground in pain. It would be too easy to kill him casually. People like him should be tortured to death.

"You are so cruel." Murong Ying roared in pain and said bitterly: "Just wait, even if you run to the end of the world, my grandpa will not let you go. You just wait and your life will be worse than death."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly: "Murong Zhen? Is he very powerful? Even if he comes in person, I will still kill him, but since you can't see it, I will let you take one step ahead of Murong Zhen!" He slapped Murong Ying on the head with his palm, preparing to torture him to death. .??.

Some people really don't have any brains. People say that people have to lower their heads when they are under the roof. This kid can't find a way to survive, but he dares to threaten people. Is it true that all the children of rich families are born with difficulty, and their brains are damaged by being pinched?

"Wait a minute!" At this time, Ma Tianlin ran over and stopped Ji Wufeng.

Murong Ying's screams finally attracted the attention of other bodyguards, who rushed over in a hurry. When they saw Murong Ying dying tragically at their feet, they were frightened out of their wits.

Damn it, they were responsible for protecting Murong Ying, and now Murong Ying is killed, it’s over, it’s over, it’s completely over now!

"Kill them both!" the bodyguard Dice yelled.

The Murong family will definitely not let him go. They only hope to kill these two murderers and give the Murong family an explanation in exchange for a chance of survival. However, he dares to kill people from the Murong family without thinking about it. Could it be that he could deal with it casually?

boom! boom! boom! Gunfire rang out.

All the bodyguards fired without hesitation. One bodyguard aimed at Ma Tianlin and shot him in the head. However, he did not see the expected scene of his head blossoming because the person was gone. Then the bodyguard was kicked away. , Ma Tianlin said angrily: "Damn it, you dare to shoot me, you are too tired of living!"

At the same time, someone also fired at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed with cold light, he waved his hand and said coldly: "Seeking death!"

A shocking scene appeared. Ji Wufeng's body was dancing like a ghost, and all the bullets were empty.


Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and stamped one foot on the ground. The floor was trampled into pieces. The gravel returned like raindrops faster than the bullets. The bodyguards who fired suddenly had blood all over their bodies and fell to the ground.

In a pool of blood.

The bodyguard leader took a deep breath and looked at Ji Wufeng with a horrified look on his face. Is this still a human being? At this time, he realized that people who dared to kill Murong Shi's family casually were not something that a person like him who could not stand up to the stage could deal with, but now it was too late.

More importantly, Murong Ying was protected by a large number of martial arts masters, but now he couldn't see any of them, and it was obvious that he had been killed.

Similarly, Ma Tianlin stood there in shock. He could avoid bullets, but he could kick out the gravel faster than the bullets. He had never thought about it. Oh my god, could this kid be a great master? Warrior?

In a moment, apart from Ji Wufeng, the bodyguard leader, Ma Tianlin, and the unconscious girl, there were only dead bodies on the floor.

The head bodyguard looked at Ji Wufeng as if he were a devil. His legs kept shaking and he said in a trembling voice, "Who are you?"

Before he finished speaking, a liquid flowed down from the root of his thigh, and suddenly the smell of blood in the room was mixed with the smell of urine.

A big mouth slapped him, and blood spurted out from his mouth. Before he could get up, Ji Wufeng stepped forward and stepped on his face, saying in a cold tone: "Send a message to the Murong family. , one day later I will go to Murong’s house to take Murong Zhen’s life!”

He said that anyone who dares to harm his family will pay a hundred times the price.

Just killing Murong Ying was not enough. He wanted to kill Murong Zhen as well and uproot the Murong family.

Ji Wufeng said to Ma Tianlin indifferently: "Fat man, I don't care who you are, I hope you won't interfere in this matter."

Ma Tianlin paused: "Boy, are you thinking..."

Ji Wufeng picked up the D-camera and threw it to Ma Tianlin. After reading the content captured inside, Ma Tianlin's eyes suddenly turned red with anger: "I didn't expect that such a beast would come out of the Murong family and do something worse than a beast. If you don’t seek justice, it will be unjust!”

Ji Wufeng remained silent, holding the D-camera, holding the girl in his arms, and left the villa while suppressing his murderous intention. He was afraid that he would kill everyone here if he couldn't help it.

After finding a hotel and entering the room, Ji Wufeng injected a burst of true energy into the girl's body, and found that fortunately, her Yuan Yin was still there, and he arrived in time before Murong Ying could invade her.

The effect of the true energy was very obvious, and the girl woke up quickly. When she opened her eyes, she found that her eyes were red, and the fierceness seemed to come from a crazy beast.

"Don't worry, you're fine now." Ji Wufeng patted her back and comforted her.

But when Ji Wufeng touched her body, the girl seemed to be electrocuted. Her face was filled with fierceness and she bit Ji Wufeng's wrist hard.

Ji Wufeng felt a burst of pain, but he did not use his energy to protect his body, for fear of hurting the girl.

The girl was full of resentment and wanted to bite off Ji Wufeng's wrist, blood dripping continuously.

Ji Wufeng sighed for a while. The girl fell into Murong Ying's hands before and she could not get any kindness or mercy. This undoubtedly made her experience despair. She no longer had hope for anything in time and no longer had trust in anyone. .

She had died once just now. After her rebirth, her temperament changed drastically. She believed that the only way to protect herself was to kill those who tried to harm her. Then, even his mouth stopped moving, and he fainted again!

An indescribable sadness slowly spread from Ji Wufeng's body, filling the entire space instantly.

If he hadn't been capable enough, it would have been Lin Xiaomeng or Ji Yanran who were caught here today, and they would have met the same miserable end.

He found a coat, wrapped the girl's body, held her in his arms, walked up to Murong Ying, and said without any emotion: "Do you know how many times you can die?"

"You dare to kill me? I am from the Murong family. If you dare to touch me, I guarantee that your whole family will die!" Murong Ying looked a little panicked, but threatened fiercely.

Ji Wufeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his body was filled with murderous intent!

"A member of the Murong family? Even if Murong Zhen comes, you will definitely die today!" Ji Wufeng said calmly.

With a flick of his finger, a burst of energy shot directly into the root of Murong Ying's thigh. Murong Ying immediately let out a scream and fell to the ground in pain. It would be too easy to kill him casually. People like him should be tortured to death.

"You are so cruel." Murong Ying roared in pain and said bitterly: "Just wait, even if you run to the end of the world, my grandpa will not let you go. You just wait and your life will be worse than death."

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly: "Murong Zhen? Is he very powerful? Even if he comes in person, I will still kill him, but since you can't see it, I will let you take one step ahead of Murong Zhen!" He slapped Murong Ying on the head with his palm, preparing to torture him to death.

Some people really don't have any brains. People say that people have to lower their heads when they are under the roof. This kid can't find a way to survive, but he dares to threaten people. Is it true that all the children of rich families are born with difficulty, and their brains are damaged by being pinched?

"Wait a minute!" At this time, Ma Tianlin ran over and stopped Ji Wufeng.

Murong Ying's screams finally attracted the attention of other bodyguards, who rushed over in a hurry. When they saw Murong Ying dying tragically at their feet, they were frightened out of their wits.

Damn it, they were responsible for protecting Murong Ying, and now Murong Ying is killed, it’s over, it’s over, it’s completely over now!

"Kill them both!" the bodyguard Dice yelled.

The Murong family will definitely not let him go. They only hope to kill these two murderers and give the Murong family an explanation in exchange for a chance of survival. However, he dares to kill people from the Murong family without thinking about it. Could it be that he could deal with it casually?

boom! boom! boom! Gunfire rang out.

All the bodyguards fired without hesitation. One bodyguard aimed at Ma Tianlin and shot him in the head. However, he did not see the expected scene of his head blossoming because the person was gone. Then the bodyguard was kicked away. , Ma Tianlin said angrily: "Damn it, you dare to shoot me, you are too tired of living!"

At the same time, someone also fired at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed with cold light, he waved his hand and said coldly: "Seeking death!"

A shocking scene appeared. Ji Wufeng's body was dancing like a ghost, and all the bullets were empty.


Ji Wufeng shouted loudly and stamped one foot on the ground. The floor was trampled into pieces. The gravel returned like raindrops faster than the bullets. The bodyguards who fired suddenly had blood all over their bodies and fell to the ground.

In a pool of blood.

The bodyguard leader took a deep breath and looked at Ji Wufeng with a horrified look on his face. Is this still a human being? At this time, he realized that people who dared to kill Murong Shi's family casually were not something that a person like him who could not stand up to the stage could deal with, but now it was too late.

More importantly, Murong Ying was protected by a large number of martial arts masters, but now he couldn't see any of them, and it was obvious that he had been killed.

Similarly, Ma Tianlin stood there in shock. He could avoid bullets, but he could kick out the gravel faster than the bullets. He had never thought about it. Oh my god, could this kid be a great master? Warrior?

In a moment, apart from Ji Wufeng, the bodyguard leader, Ma Tianlin, and the unconscious girl, there were only dead bodies on the floor.

The head bodyguard looked at Ji Wufeng as if he were a devil, his legs kept shaking, and he said in a trembling voice: "Who are you?"

Before he finished speaking, a liquid flowed down from the root of his thigh, and suddenly the smell of blood in the room was mixed with a hint of urine.

A big mouth slapped him over, causing blood to fly out from his mouth. Before he could get up, Ji Wufeng stepped forward and stepped on his face, saying in a cold tone: "Send a message to the Murong family. , one day later I will go to Murong’s house to take Murong Zhen’s life!”

He said that anyone who dares to harm his family will pay a hundred times the price.

Just killing Murong Ying was not enough. He wanted to kill Murong Zhen as well and uproot the Murong family.

Ji Wufeng said to Ma Tianlin indifferently: "Fat man, I don't care who you are, I hope you won't interfere in this matter."

Ma Tianlin paused: "Boy, are you thinking..."

Ji Wufeng picked up the D-camera and threw it to Ma Tianlin. After reading the content captured inside, Ma Tianlin's eyes suddenly turned red with anger: "I didn't expect that such a beast would come out of the Murong family and do such a thing that is worse than a beast. If you don’t seek justice, it will be unjust!”

Ji Wufeng remained silent, holding the D-camera, holding the girl in his arms, and left the villa while suppressing his murderous intention. He was afraid that he would kill everyone here if he couldn't help it.

After finding a hotel and entering the room, Ji Wufeng injected a burst of true energy into the girl's body, and found that fortunately, her Yuan Yin was still there, and he arrived in time before Murong Ying could invade her.

The effect of the true energy was very obvious, and the girl woke up quickly. When she opened her eyes, she found that her eyes were red, and the fierceness seemed to come from a crazy beast.

"Don't worry, you're fine now." Ji Wufeng patted her back and comforted her.

But when Ji Wufeng touched her body, the girl seemed to be electrocuted. Her face was filled with fierceness and she bit Ji Wufeng's wrist hard.

Ji Wufeng felt a burst of pain, but he did not use his energy to protect his body, for fear of hurting the girl.

The girl was full of resentment and wanted to bite off Ji Wufeng's wrist, blood dripping continuously.

Ji Wufeng sighed for a while. The girl fell into Murong Ying's hands before and she could not get any kindness or mercy. This undoubtedly made her experience despair. She no longer had hope for anything in time and no longer had trust in anyone. .

She had died once just now. After her rebirth, her temperament changed drastically. She believed that the only way to protect herself was to kill those who tried to harm her.

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