Ji Wufeng rushed to the hotel. The room was filled with food, but it didn't move at all. Li Xue was sitting on the floor with a pale expression and her eyes were lifeless. It was obvious that she had not slept all night, had not drunk any water, and was extremely haggard!

But the moment Li Xue saw Ji Wufeng, a terrifying edge suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the fierceness in the edge was soaring to the sky!

If this kind of look appeared on a warrior, he would definitely be a cold-blooded murderer.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but frown. If such a person could control his emotions, he would definitely become a murderous weapon in the world!

But if you can't control it, sooner or later you will go astray, fall into madness, and be doomed!

"You said you would come here in two days, and it's only been one day." Li Xue said in a dry and scary voice.

"Come with me!"

Ji Wufeng turned and left, and Li Xue immediately followed.

The two got into a taxi and arrived at a dilapidated urban village on the outskirts of the city. The place was already sparsely populated, and the words "demolished" were spray-painted on the walls. It was obvious that it was about to be demolished.

After getting out of the car, the two continued to walk forward, but Li Xue's mood was constantly changing. Although his face was still full of coldness and resentment, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Arriving in front of a door, Li Xue's emotions were almost out of control. His whole body was shaking violently, his eyes turned as red as blood, and his body became more violent, like a devouring beast.

The house in front of me is Li Xue’s home!

Li Xue's mother was not a good woman to begin with. She always disliked her husband for his incompetence, so she hung out all day long and hooked up with unscrupulous men.

In order to make his wife's life better, Li Xue's father worked hard and finally died of exhaustion on the construction site. This woman left Li Xue, who was only two or three years old, and ran away without a trace.

Not long ago, this place was going to be developed and rebuilt. I don’t know how this woman got the news, but she immediately ran over like a fly smelling smelly meat, because this place was about to be demolished. Although the Li family did not have a family property, but the house The area is not small, and the demolition costs are not a small sum of money.

Li Xue's grandma knew what kind of thing her daughter-in-law was. This house was the only place for the grandparents and grandson to shelter from the wind and rain. It was also the only thing she could leave to Li Xue. Of course, she could not give it to her.

Under the shameless entanglement of the woman, the old man who was already seriously ill was so angry that he vomited blood and died.

The Li family set up a mourning hall, but right in front of the mourning hall, this despicable woman actually started a bloody affair with a wild man in front of Li Xue.

Li Xue finally lost control and bit the wild man. The wild man was furious and beat Li Xue severely, and then sold Li Xue to a human trafficker.

In the meantime, the woman did not stop her in any way, because in her opinion, not only did her daughter not have any feelings for her, but it would be better to kick her away as she stood in the way of getting rich.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but sigh. They were all mothers. He could guarantee that Qin Yi would risk his life for him.

, but where is Li Xue’s mother?

There was a car parked in front of Li's house, and two gangster-looking young men stood next to it, smoking cigarettes and telling dirty jokes in a boring way.

Seeing the two people coming, the two young men guarding the door immediately came over and shouted loudly: "Boy, what are you doing?"

When they saw Li Xue, their faces were full of surprise. It was obvious that they did not understand that Li Xue, who had been sold, was back.

"You little bitch, you actually ran back again, okay, just follow me from now on." A young man said with eyes that were almost laughing.

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold and he stepped forward. The two young men immediately spit out blood and flew out. They fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Then there was no movement and turned into two corpses.

Turning to look at Li Xue, he found that not only did she not have the slightest fear, but the anger in her eyes was even stronger.

The two of them strode into the home. Before they even entered the house, they heard the conversation inside.

"Don't you just like my house?"

"Hehe, once the demolition fee is reduced, it will be nearly one million. The old ghost is dead and the little bitch has been sold. This money is ours. From now on, we can eat well and drink hot food..."

The two walked into the house, and the mourning hall was still there. According to custom, after someone dies in the family, the coffin must be kept at home for three days before the funeral.

On the sofa in front of the mourning hall, a woman in mourning clothes and a strong man were hugging each other. Suddenly someone came in and startled the two crazy people. The man turned around angrily and shouted: "Damn it, boy are you looking for death?" !”

The man quickly found his pants, but the woman slowly picked up her clothes without any panic, and didn't mind at all that her body was exposed in front of two men at the same time.

Ji Wufeng ignored the man and looked at the woman. Although the woman was old, she was very beautiful and had a good figure. She was indeed a beauty, but her facial features were very similar to Li Xue.

This woman is Li Xue's mother Wang Xueying, and that man is her wild man.

Ji Wufeng never thought that there would be such a shameless woman in the world. Compared with her, the number one prostitute in Water Margin could stand a chastity memorial.

"Don't you think you are going too far in front of your daughter?" Ji Wufeng pointed at Li Xueyue.

When the man saw Li Xue, he was stunned and said, "Little bitch, how did you come back?"

And Wang Xueying was also full of surprise and said: "Damn girl, how did you come back?"

Li Xue was silent, but her red eyes were staring at his mother. At that moment, Ji Wufeng felt that her anger had more than doubled than before.

Being stared at by such a terrifying look, Wang Xueying couldn't help but the hairs on her hair stood on end. She suddenly became angry, stretched out her palm and slapped Li Xue's cheek, cursing: "Why are you looking at me like this, you damn girl?"

But Wang Xueying's wrist was caught in Ji Wufeng's hand, and she asked in a deep voice: "She is your biological daughter, are you sure you want to treat her like this?" Ji Wufeng rushed to the hotel. The room was filled with food, but there was no trace of it. Li Xue was sitting on the ground with a pale face and lifeless eyes. It was obvious that she had not slept all night, had not drunk any water, and was extremely haggard!

But the moment Li Xue saw Ji Wufeng, a terrifying edge suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the fierceness in the edge was soaring to the sky!

If this kind of look appeared on a warrior, he would definitely be a cold-blooded murderer.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but frown. If such a person could control his emotions, he would definitely become a murderous weapon in the world!

But if you can't control it, sooner or later you will go astray, fall into madness, and be doomed!

"You said you would come here in two days, and it's only been one day." Li Xue said in a dry and scary voice.

"Come with me!"

Ji Wufeng turned around and left, and Li Xue immediately followed.

The two got into a taxi and arrived at a dilapidated urban village in the suburbs. The place was already sparsely populated, and the words "demolished" were spray-painted on the walls. It was obvious that it was about to be demolished.

After getting out of the car, the two continued to walk forward, but Li Xue's mood was constantly changing. Although his face was still full of coldness and resentment, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Arriving in front of a door, Li Xue's emotions were almost out of control. His whole body was shaking violently, his eyes turned as red as blood, and his body became more violent, like a devouring beast.

The house in front of me is Li Xue’s home!

Li Xue's mother was not a good woman to begin with. She always disliked her husband for his incompetence, so she hung out all day long and hooked up with unscrupulous men.

In order to make his wife's life better, Li Xue's father worked hard and finally died of exhaustion on the construction site. This woman left Li Xue, who was only two or three years old, and ran away without a trace.

Not long ago, this place was going to be developed and rebuilt. I don’t know how this woman got the news, but she immediately ran over like a fly smelling smelly meat, because this place was about to be demolished. Although the Li family has no family property, but the house The area is not small, and the demolition costs are not a small sum of money.

Li Xue's grandma knew what kind of thing her daughter-in-law was. This house was the only place for the grandparents and grandson to shelter from the wind and rain. It was also the only thing she could leave to Li Xue. Of course, she could not give it to her.

Under the shameless entanglement of the woman, the old man who was already seriously ill was so angry that he vomited blood and died.

The Li family set up a mourning hall, but right in front of the mourning hall, this despicable woman actually started a bloody affair with a wild man in front of Li Xue.

Li Xue finally lost control and bit the wild man. The wild man was furious and beat Li Xue severely, and then sold Li Xue to a human trafficker.

In the meantime, the woman did not stop her in any way, because in her opinion, not only did her daughter not have any feelings for her, but it would be better to kick her away as she stood in the way of getting rich.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but sigh. They were all mothers. He could guarantee that Qin Yi would risk his life for him.

, but where is Li Xue’s mother?

There was a car parked in front of Li's house, and two gangster-looking young men stood next to it, smoking cigarettes and telling dirty jokes in a boring way.

Seeing the two people coming, the two young men guarding the door immediately came over and shouted loudly: "Boy, what are you doing?"

When they saw Li Xue, their faces were full of surprise. It was obvious that they did not understand that Li Xue, who had been sold, was back.

"You little bitch, you actually ran back again, okay, just follow me from now on." A young man said with eyes that were almost laughing.

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold and he stepped forward. The two young men immediately spit out blood and flew out. They fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Then there was no movement and turned into two corpses.

Turning to look at Li Xue, he found that not only did she not have the slightest fear, but the anger in her eyes was even stronger.

The two of them strode into the home. Before they even entered the house, they heard the conversation inside.

"Don't you just like my house?"

"Hehe, once the demolition fee is reduced, it will be nearly one million yuan. The old ghost is dead and the little bitch has been sold. This money is ours. From now on, we can eat well and drink spicy food..."

The two walked into the house, and the mourning hall was still there. According to custom, after someone dies in the family, the coffin must be kept at home for three days before the funeral.

On the sofa in front of the mourning hall, a woman in mourning clothes and a strong man were hugging each other. Suddenly someone came in and startled the two crazy people. The man turned around angrily and shouted: "Damn it, boy are you looking for death?" !”

The man quickly found his pants, but the woman slowly picked up her clothes without any panic, and didn't mind at all that her body was exposed in front of two men at the same time.

Ji Wufeng ignored the man and looked at the woman. Although the woman was old, she was very beautiful and had a good figure. She was indeed a beauty, but her facial features were very similar to Li Xue.

This woman is Li Xue's mother Wang Xueying, and that man is her wild man.

Ji Wufeng never thought that there would be such a shameless woman in the world. Compared with her, the number one prostitute in Water Margin could stand a chastity memorial.

"Don't you think you are going too far in front of your daughter?" Ji Wufeng pointed at Li Xueyue.

When the man saw Li Xue, he was stunned and said, "Little bitch, how did you come back?"

And Wang Xueying was also full of surprise and said: "Damn girl, how did you come back?"

Li Xue was silent, but her red eyes were staring at his mother. At that moment, Ji Wufeng felt that her anger had more than doubled than before.

Being stared at by such a terrifying look, Wang Xueying couldn't help but the hairs on her hair stood on end. She suddenly became angry, stretched out her palm and slapped Li Xue's cheek, cursing: "Why are you looking at me like this, you damn girl?"

But Wang Xueying's wrist was caught in Ji Wufeng's hand, and he asked in a deep voice: "She is your biological daughter, are you sure you want to treat her like this?"

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