Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 492 The number one leading family? A bunch of trash


A violent aura burst out from Ji Wufeng's body and headed directly towards Murong Zhen!

Everyone was shocked. Did Ji Wufeng want to attack Murong Zhen directly?

How arrogant!

"This is too much!" Murong Han roared violently.

"Too much bullying?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "If we talk about bullying, no one in Yuzhou can compare to the Murong family, right?"

Murong Han snorted coldly and said: "The Murong family is the number one leading family in Yuzhou!"

"The number one leading family, does that mean that as long as you are strong enough, you can bully others?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course, the weak will eat the strong, this is an eternal principle!" Murong Han said.

"What you said is absolutely correct, the weak will eat the strong. This sentence, no matter when or where it is placed, is the unchanging truth!"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "You, the Murong family, pride yourself on being strong, so you can bully the weak at will. Now that I, Ji Wufeng, feel that I am the strong one, and you, the Murong family, are the weak, then it is only natural for me to bully you, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was very speechless. You actually dare to say that the Murong family is weak, and you want to bully others. Are you crazy?

Yes, in the eyes of many people, he was indeed crazy. With so many corpses lying on the ground, wasn't Ji Wufeng bullying the Murong family?

Ji Wufeng's background is no longer a secret. He is not a powerful master, and he does not have the support of a peerless person behind him.

With him, there was no possibility of surviving the decisive battle with Songdao Quan. Under such circumstances, he did not seek to protect himself, but instead forged a deadly feud with the Murong family. If he was not crazy, how could he deliberately force himself to Dead end?

Murong Han was completely furious and shouted: "Brother, this son has committed a heinous crime and we cannot let him walk out of the Murong family alive."

Murong Zhen's eyes were full of sternness and he said: "Little beast, since you are eager to seek death, I will help you and capture him!"

Everyone knows that the Murong family and Ji Wufeng are already fighting to the death. Even if Songdao Quan fails to kill Ji Wufeng today, Murong Zhen will never let him go. It's just because Murong Zhen has scruples and wants to borrow Songdao Quan's money. Get rid of Ji Wufeng with his own hands.

But now his scruples no longer exist. Ji Wufeng has killed so many people from the Murong family, and even if Long Feng and the law enforcers come, they can't say anything.

Besides, Ji Wufeng was running rampant in the Murong family. If the Murong family didn't get rid of him personally, how would they lose their face?

Immediately, a large number of people rushed out. These people were all expert guards from the Murong family, and at least seven or eight of them were innate experts.

"Just ants!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, and his body was as fast as lightning. The four or five strong men felt their eyes flashing, and their chests felt as if they were hit by a truck. They flew out, snapped his fingers, and there was no movement after landing. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The whole place was in an uproar. Ma Tianlin had been mentally prepared, but he still felt as if he had seen a ghost. The onlookers were even more shocked. In the eyes of ordinary people, these people are all masters. Anyone who goes outside can block ten with one. He was actually destroyed by Ji Wufeng with one move. Is this still a human being?

Warriors are definitely not legends and may not be visible to ordinary people. However, as members of the ancient martial arts family, the Murong family knows that the legendary powerful warriors can make people move with just a wave of their hands.

Everyone's head fell to the ground.

But how old is Ji Wufeng? According to the investigation, he is only eighteen years old this year. Could it be that he is an old monster who has reached the state of transformation and returned to his original nature?

"Come on, kill him!"

Murong Han said sternly. He felt a strong sense of crisis. This was something he had never experienced before. Even when facing Murong Zhen, the strongest member of the Murong family, there was absolutely no such sense of crisis.

Dozens of people no longer held back, and all shouted and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Among the crowd, Ji Wufeng's not-so-tall body was swaying like leaves in the wind, as if it would be swallowed up in an instant.

Ji Wufeng shouted violently and struck out with one palm. The powerful force directly hit seven or eight strong men, spitting out blood and sending them flying backwards. With an evil smile on his lips, he punched out, knocking one strong man away and hitting him. The person behind him fell like a kite with its string broken.

Ma Tianlin, who was standing aside, was horrified, and Murong Han's face was even more horrified.

Ji Wufeng, who was surrounded by everyone, was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, with overwhelming force. These Murong family guards, who were unparalleled in the eyes of ordinary people, were nothing in his eyes, as if they were made of paper. In a moment, most of them were already lying down. , unknowingly, some people started to stagnate and wanted to retreat. They finally realized that the seemingly thin young man in front of them possessed a powerful force that they could not compete with.

Ji Wufeng slapped a guard away with one palm, suddenly raised the corners of his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Seeking death!"

After he finished speaking, he had already disappeared from the spot. An afterimage roared towards him. His feet touched the ground, cracking the bluestone floor. He punched out a guard and punched him through. His fist protruded from his back. Blood spurted all over the floor.

The beaten guard stared at Murong Han with pain and confusion on his face: "Second Master!"

Before Murong Han could react, Ji Wufeng's cold voice came from behind: "Damn, you old bastard, you actually want to sneak attack me!"

Ji Wufeng's figure instantly pounced on Murong Han and tapped Murong Han's seven vital points like lightning. A soaring aura rose from the ground, forming an invisible wall of energy that pushed the surrounding guards far away.


Ji Wufeng punched Murong Han on the nose, which immediately caused blood to splash everywhere, like a dye shop being opened.

"Boy, if you dare to touch a hair on my head, you will be hunted down endlessly by the Murong family!" Murong Han roared.


With a crisp sound, Ji Wufeng slapped him, causing Murong Han to spit out a mouthful of blood. There were two yellow teeth in the blood.

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Murong Zhen and said with a sneer: "The number one leading family? A bunch of losers!"

"Boy, I want you to kill everyone in your family!"

Murong Han was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, even though he had already vomited blood. As the second prince of the Murong family and a half-step master, the Jedi was a man with one hand covering the sky. He had lived in dignity for many years. When had he ever encountered such humiliation? This was simply killing. If you kill him, you still want to make him feel uncomfortable.


With another backhand slap, Ji Wufeng said coldly: "You still dare to threaten me now. I think you either have no brain or your brain was kicked by a donkey. By the way, let me tell you, I hate others threatening me the most in my life!"

The surrounding guards rushed towards Ji Wufeng crazily, but no one could break through the invisible wall of energy. They could only stare at the scene in front of them in stunned silence. In their minds, the second prince, who was superior to them, was being crazily ravaged by a young man. boom!

A violent aura burst out from Ji Wufeng's body and headed directly towards Murong Zhen!

Everyone was shocked. Did Ji Wufeng want to attack Murong Zhen directly?

How arrogant!

"This is too much!" Murong Han roared violently.

"Too much bullying?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "If we talk about bullying, no one in Yuzhou can compare to the Murong family, right?"

Murong Han snorted coldly and said: "The Murong family is the number one leading family in Yuzhou!"

"The number one leading family, does that mean that as long as you are strong enough, you can bully others?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Of course, the weak will eat the strong, this is an eternal principle!" Murong Han said.

"What you said is absolutely correct, the weak will eat the strong. This sentence, no matter when or where it is placed, is the unchanging truth!"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "You, the Murong family, pride yourself on being strong, so you can bully the weak at will. Now that I, Ji Wufeng, feel that I am the strong one, and you, the Murong family, are the weak, then it is only natural for me to bully you, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was very speechless. You actually dare to say that the Murong family is weak, and you want to bully others. Are you crazy?

Yes, in the eyes of many people, he was indeed crazy. With so many corpses lying on the ground, wasn't Ji Wufeng bullying the Murong family?

Ji Wufeng's background is no longer a secret. He is not a powerful master, and he does not have the support of a peerless person behind him.

With him, there was no possibility of surviving the decisive battle with Songdao Quan. Under such circumstances, he did not seek to protect himself, but instead forged a deadly feud with the Murong family. If he was not crazy, how could he deliberately force himself to Dead end?

Murong Han was completely furious and shouted: "Brother, this son has committed a heinous crime and we cannot let him walk out of the Murong family alive."

Murong Zhen's eyes were full of sternness and he said: "Little beast, since you are eager to seek death, I will help you and capture him!"

Everyone knows that the Murong family and Ji Wufeng are already fighting to the death. Even if Songdao Quan fails to kill Ji Wufeng today, Murong Zhen will never let him go. It's just because Murong Zhen has scruples and wants to borrow Songdao Quan's money. Get rid of Ji Wufeng with his own hands.

But now his scruples no longer exist. Ji Wufeng has killed so many people from the Murong family, and even if Long Feng and the law enforcers come, they can't say anything.

Besides, Ji Wufeng was running rampant in the Murong family. If the Murong family didn't get rid of him personally, how would they lose their face?

Immediately, a large number of people rushed out. These people were all expert guards from the Murong family, and at least seven or eight of them were innate experts.

"Just ants!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, and his body was as fast as lightning. The four or five strong men felt their eyes flashing, and their chests felt as if they were hit by a truck. They flew out, snapped his fingers, and there was no movement after landing. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The whole place was in an uproar. Ma Tianlin had been mentally prepared, but he still felt as if he had seen a ghost. The onlookers were even more shocked. In the eyes of ordinary people, these people are all masters. Anyone who goes outside can block ten with one. He was actually destroyed by Ji Wufeng with one move. Is this still a human being?

Warriors are definitely not legends and may not be visible to ordinary people. However, as members of the ancient martial arts family, the Murong family knows that the legendary powerful warriors can make people move with just a wave of their hands.

Everyone's head fell to the ground.

But how old is Ji Wufeng? According to the investigation, he is only eighteen years old this year. Could it be that he is an old monster who has reached the state of transformation and returned to his original nature?

"Come on, kill him!"

Murong Han said sternly. He felt a strong sense of crisis. This was something he had never experienced before. Even when facing Murong Zhen, the strongest member of the Murong family, there was absolutely no such sense of crisis.

Dozens of people no longer held back, and all shouted and rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Among the crowd, Ji Wufeng's not-so-tall body was swaying like leaves in the wind, as if it would be swallowed up in an instant.

Ji Wufeng shouted violently and struck out with one palm. The powerful force directly hit seven or eight strong men, spitting out blood and sending them flying backwards. With an evil smile on his lips, he punched out, knocking one strong man away and hitting him. The people behind him were flying like kites with their strings broken.

Ma Tianlin, who was standing aside, was horrified, and Murong Han's face was even more horrified.

Ji Wufeng, who was surrounded by everyone, was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, with overwhelming force. These Murong family guards, who were unparalleled in the eyes of ordinary people, were nothing in his eyes, as if they were made of paper. In a moment, most of them were already lying down. , unknowingly, some people started to stagnate and wanted to retreat. They finally realized that the seemingly thin young man in front of them possessed a powerful force that they could not compete with.

Ji Wufeng slapped a guard away with one palm, suddenly raised the corners of his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Seeking death!"

After he finished speaking, he had already disappeared from the spot. An afterimage roared towards him. His feet touched the ground, cracking the bluestone floor. He punched out a guard and punched him through. His fist protruded from his back. Blood spurted all over the floor.

The beaten guard stared at Murong Han with pain and confusion on his face: "Second Master!"

Before Murong Han could react, Ji Wufeng's cold voice came from behind: "Damn, you old bastard, you actually want to sneak attack me!"

Ji Wufeng's figure instantly pounced on Murong Han and tapped Murong Han's seven vital points like lightning. A soaring aura rose from the ground, forming an invisible wall of energy that pushed the surrounding guards far away.


Ji Wufeng punched Murong Han on the nose, which immediately caused blood to splash everywhere, like a dye shop being opened.

"Boy, if you dare to touch a hair on my head, you will be hunted down endlessly by the Murong family!" Murong Han roared.


With a crisp sound, Ji Wufeng slapped him, causing Murong Han to spit out a mouthful of blood. There were two yellow teeth in the blood.

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Murong Zhen and said with a sneer: "The number one leading family? A bunch of losers!"

"Boy, I want you to kill everyone in your family!"

Murong Han was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, even though he had already vomited blood. As the second prince of the Murong family and a half-step master, the Jedi was a man with one hand covering the sky. He had lived in dignity for many years. When had he ever encountered such humiliation? This was simply killing. If you kill him, you still want to make him feel uncomfortable.


With another backhand slap, Ji Wufeng said coldly: "You still dare to threaten me now. I think you either have no brain or your brain was kicked by a donkey. By the way, let me tell you, I hate others threatening me the most in my life!"

The surrounding guards rushed towards Ji Wufeng crazily, but no one could break through the invisible wall of energy. They could only stare at the scene in front of them in stunned silence. In their minds, the second prince, who was superior to them, was being crazily ravaged by a young man.

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