"Boy, if you dare to hit me, you're dead. I'm going to make you die badly. I'm going to make you regret your life...ah!" Qin Song's roar stopped abruptly. Because Ji Wufeng's foot stepped on his face.

"Keep scolding." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

When Qin Song came into contact with his smiling eyes, he didn't know why, but he felt a chilling coldness that made him feel in danger.

"I'll let you continue scolding." Ji Wufeng was angry, raised his foot and stepped down again.

"I..." With burning pain on his face, Qin Song wanted to curse, but what came out was: "I'm sorry, we are also responsible for this matter, I apologize...ah!"

Ji Wufeng stepped down again, and with a "click" sound, Qin Song's jaw was dislocated. He couldn't speak, let alone move. He couldn't even cry out in pain. He opened his mouth with his mouth open, and tears poured down his face. Obscene.

"Apologize to your mother? Do you think that if you apologize, I will be embarrassed to hit you? Tell you, no way, I will not be fooled by you!"

Damn it, I'm having a great time. I just want to apologize and ask me to stop. What a beautiful idea you have!

At this time, under surveillance, Zhang Qifan's eyes were about to burst out with fire. Damn, what is the background of this little bastard? He is too arrogant.

Originally, he estimated that Ji Qingchen didn't want to make things too big and just wanted to teach Ji Wufeng a lesson, but the result was unexpected.

"Go and find me the Pig King!" Zhang Qifan said coldly.

Soon the Pig King brought people over and said respectfully: "Master Zhang, do you have any orders?"

"Hmph, someone is making trouble here and even beat me. Come and kill him immediately!" Zhang Qifan said with a fierce look on his face.

The Pig King hesitated for a while, then said helplessly: "Yes!"

Ji Wufeng was happily ravaging Qin Song, when the Pig King and his men rushed over aggressively.


Qin Song was immediately overjoyed and said: "Pig King, hurry up and kill this bastard for me!"

The Pig King looked gloomy and said: "Friend, are you making trouble in Yuehai... Master Feng?"

After recognizing Ji Wufeng, the Pig King's expression suddenly changed.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "Pig King, you are really promising. When did you learn to be a dog for others?"

The Pig King suddenly had a bitter look on his face and said, "Young Master Feng, I have my share of hardships."

"I have no objection to you wanting to be a dog for me, but now that your master has bitten me, do you, the dog, want to bite me back for him?" Ji Wufeng pointed at Qin Song and said coldly.


The Pig King looked panicked and immediately knelt on the ground and said: "Young Master Feng, although I have my own difficulties, I am absolutely loyal to you."

Ji Wufeng frowned slightly. He could see that the Pig King was indeed loyal to him. There must be some real reason for the situation in front of him.

He immediately thought of Zhang Qifan. With Ji Qingchen's identity, anyone who knew her well must have a complicated background.

If it were him, then the Pig King could indeed be at his mercy!


A cold light flashed in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he suddenly slapped Qin Song in the face again, knocking him to the ground immediately.

The Pig King was shocked and said hurriedly: "Young Master Feng, it is better to do less than to do more. Let's..."

"Are you afraid of Zhang Qifan?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The Pig King's cheeks twitched, and then he lowered his head.

That's right, Zhang Qifan's

It is not easy to confirm his identity. He is the young master of the Zhang family, a large family in Huajing. After coming to Yuzhou, he fell in love with Yuehai Restaurant and asked for 70% of the shares.

Yuehai Restaurant was the brainchild of the Pig King, but Zhang Qifan asked, and he had to give it, and he didn't dare not give it.

Otherwise, if Zhang Qifan wanted to kill him, it would be as easy as squeezing an ant to death!

At this time, Qin Song was extremely angry and shouted: "You bastard, how dare you do this to me, Master Zhang will never let you go..."

Zhang Qifan's face in the monitoring room instantly turned livid, and he shouted sternly: "Trash, what a waste!"

The reason why he didn't come forward was because of Ji Qingchen. Unexpectedly, Qin Song sold him out in a blink of an eye.


Ji Wufeng stepped on Qin Song's palm, crushing it to pieces, and said coldly: "Then I want to see why he won't let me go."

At this time, Zhang Qifan finally came out and ran over to Ji Qingchen and said: "Oh, Qingchen, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding..."

Ji Qingchen smiled slightly and said, "If it's a misunderstanding, go ahead and tell him."

Zhang Qifan's eyes were sinister, and he smiled forcefully at Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother, this matter is all a misunderstanding. How about we make it a big deal and make it a trivial matter?"

Ji Wufeng sneered: "We came over to eat, and we were teased and beaten. Do you think this is a misunderstanding?"

"What? There is such a thing? It's really lawless!"

When Zhang Qifan heard this, he immediately pointed at Qin Song and said sternly: "You and everyone involved today will be fired. Then go to the Public Security Bureau to explain the matter clearly and strive for leniency."

When Qin Song heard this, his face suddenly turned pale with fright, but when he saw Zhang Qifan squinting at him,

He immediately lowered his head and said: "Yes, I will take the person to surrender immediately."

Zhang Qifan took out another check, scrawled three million, handed it to Ji Wufeng with both hands, and said with a smile: "These five million will be considered as compensation for Qingchen's mental damage. As for the loss of sir, we will discuss it separately." ,what do you think?"

It was just five million, and it was only a loss fee. The other item would be discussed immediately. Such a large sum of money showed sincerity.

Ji Wufeng turned to look at Ji Qingchen and said, "What do you think?"

"Not bad, we can build an orphanage." Ji Qingchen said.

Naturally, she would not be stupid enough to accept the five million. Ji Wufeng would definitely not make such a big splash just for such a small amount of money.

Ji Wufeng accepted the five million check with a smile and said: "Young Master Zhang is really rich, I will thank you on behalf of those orphans."

Zhang Qifan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him accepting the money. As long as he was willing to accept it, the matter would be easy to handle. He said with a smile: "Then let's get over this matter. I will immediately arrange a table to apologize. Look. How about it?"

"not so good!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly said coldly: "Do you think you just came out and said a few nice words, and then paid two dirty dollars, and the matter was over? Are you sending someone to beg for food or what?"

He knew that Ji Qingchen was not a person who liked to stir up trouble, but this time Ji Qingchen didn't seem to intend to settle the matter and let himself continue to make trouble.

This made it clear that Ji Qingchen was very annoyed with Zhang Qifan and wanted to use her own hands to teach him a lesson.

In this case, how could he not satisfy Ji Qingchen's request?

Zhang Qifan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't hear Ji Wufeng's words clearly, and asked with a smile: "What did you say?"

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