Lu Shuangshuang frowned slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it."

After saying that, she turned around and left without looking back. She didn't want to offend anyone, but she didn't dare to offend anyone. At least she didn't take the Hongchen Group seriously.

Zhou Hongchen was left standing alone, holding a wine glass, his face turning blue and white.

In such a situation, directly saying "I haven't heard of it" is much uglier than directly swearing at someone. This is tantamount to denying the person's status and not treating him as an equal person at all!

In other words, it means that this person is not worthy of talking to her!

Several young people who had not been able to seize the opportunity had expressions of rejoicing, but they were still frightened when they saw the embarrassing scene of Zhou Hongchen who dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and was ridiculed by the people around him for not overestimating his abilities.

They didn't expect Lu Shuangshuang to be so straightforward and reject people mercilessly. It seems that this new ice and snow goddess in Yuzhou is just as expected!

It is said that people who die under peonies can be romantic even if they are ghosts. Even though Lu Shuangshuang mercilessly attacked Zhou Hongchen, there were still countless people who wanted to kiss Fangze and came to him one after another.

But without exception, they all left in disgrace.

Just when Lu Shuangshuang finally became impatient and wanted to leave early, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears, saying: "Don't you business people like to say that one more friend means one less enemy? Harmony and wealth. ? If you don’t give them face today, aren’t you afraid that they will stab you in the back in the future?”

Lu Shuangshuang seemed to have not realized anything yet and said coldly: "Friends are friends, enemies are enemies. If they are friends, they will not stab me in the back. If they are enemies, as long as I am better than them, they will never have that chance."

"Hehe, you are so strong and queen-like, I like it."


Lu Shuangshuang turned around and saw Ji Wufeng looking at her with a smile, then turned around and said, "How is it? Are you handsome? You really have good taste. Put on the clothes you bought."

I looked in the mirror and was shocked. Damn it, I'm fucking handsome again. "

At this moment, Lu Shuangshuang's nose felt sour and she almost shed tears. She didn't know whether she was happy or aggrieved, so she turned around and left.

Thinking of what happened before, she wanted to bite this bastard a few times, but when she saw him wearing the clothes she bought, she felt sweet in her heart.

"Hey, hey, don't leave."

Seeing Lu Shuangshuang about to leave, Ji Wufeng quickly reached out to grab him.

When Ji Wufeng grabbed his hand, Lu Shuangshuang immediately panicked. While breaking away, he blushed and said, "Let go. What do you look like pulling at me?"

Sure enough, the two people pulled each other and immediately attracted the attention of others. In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

"Asshole, stop it!"

"How brave you are to be disrespectful to Miss Lu."

"If you dare to act wild in the Yang family, take your dog's paws away!"

After several angry shouts, Zhou Hongchen from before ran over angrily with several young masters, glaring at Ji Wufeng with a righteous and awe-inspiring attitude of wanting a hero to save the beauty.

Ji Wufeng immediately became angry, "Damn it, are you bothering me?"

Just when he was about to get angry, he saw Lu Shuangshuang had already said coldly: "This is my private matter and has nothing to do with you. Please go away!"

The young men were stunned immediately, and their faces were filled with embarrassment. These young men had all been beaten by Lu Shuangshuang before. Although they were beaten, none of them were discouraged. Beauties are always a little arrogant.

Now that I see Lu Shuangshuang being treated lightly, I immediately feel that there is another opportunity. A hero saving a beauty is a classic scene that has never changed through the ages. As long as Lu Shuangshuang is saved,

Show your righteous side and you might win the heart of a beautiful woman.

But who knew that Lu Shuangshuang didn't appreciate it at all, and put his typical hot face on his cold butt.

Not far away, a handsome and handsome young man sat there, looking at Lu Shuangshuang with a trace of fascination in his eyes.

At this time, a short young man in a white suit came to the young man with a wine glass and said with a smile in very jerky Chinese: "Qianba, is that your woman? But I think she seems to have an affair with another man. leg."

Qianye Ming said calmly: "Mairis, being favored by more men, doesn't it further prove that this woman is outstanding?"

The young man named Meris also smiled and said: "Qianye, we are brothers. Your woman has been robbed. As a brother, shouldn't I help you stand up for it?"

Qianye Ming shook his head slightly and said: "Mairis, it's not me who is trying to hit you. Your identity as Prince Xin'an may not be acceptable in front of that guy."

Meris suddenly looked unhappy and said, "What? Does he have a big background?"

"Whether it is big or not, you will know if you try it, but I want to remind you that he is not easy to mess with." Qianye Ming reminded him kindly.

Meris's face turned a little gloomy, and he turned around and walked towards Lu Shuangshuang.

A young man sitting next to Qianye Ming said: "Master, Meris' identity is not simple, and he is also your friend. If you do this..."

Qianye Ming sneered and said: "The reason why we are friends is because I have enough benefits to share with him. Otherwise, do you think he will recognize me as a friend? Besides, I promised him such a big benefit, and he doesn't It would be a shame to contribute.”

"His identity is very sensitive. If something really happens, will it be difficult for the Xin'an royal family to explain it?"

"Explain? Why should I confess? No one

Knowing that the second prince of Xin'an, Mai Ruisi, was notoriously lecherous, he stole women from others and was punished. Do you still need to explain this? "

Zhou Hongchen and others were beaten to pieces by Lu Shuangshuang again, their faces were turned into the color of pig liver. They could stand there and walk, or not walk.

At this moment, a short young man in a white suit and a large group of people came over like stars holding the moon. With a smile on his face, he elegantly said to Lu Shuangshuang: "Miss Lu, I'm Xin'an Meris. I have heard of Lu Shuangshuang’s name for a long time, and I wonder if I would be honored to become friends with Lu Shuangshuang?”

"Mairis? The second prince of Xin'an Kingdom?" someone immediately exclaimed.

Although Xin'an Kingdom is only a small country, its economy is extremely developed and occupies a pivotal position in the entire Southeast Asia. Even if it is an economic powerhouse in the world, this Mairis is actually the second prince of Xin'an Kingdom.

Lu Shuangshuang's face also became serious. This Mairis was different from those playboys, but he was a genuine prince with extremely strong financial strength. It was definitely not a wise choice to offend him.

"Both of us are also very honored to be friends with Prince Meris."

Lu Shuangshuang's tone was very calm. She did not deliberately please or exclude. Obviously she did not want to offend Mairis, but she also did not want to have too much intimacy with Mairis.

Meris immediately smiled and said: "Since we are friends, can I invite you both to dance together?"

After speaking, he gracefully extended his right hand.

Lu Shuangshuang frowned slightly and said, "Sorry, I can't dance, please forgive me."

She didn't want to offend Meris, but she definitely didn't allow him to push his limits.

The smile on Meris's face turned a little cold, and he said, "What if I must invite both of you?"

Lu Shuangshuang's face turned cold and said, "I'm sorry, I refuse."

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