Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 510 Even if I laugh at you, I will still laugh secretly

Just then, the security guard rushed in. When he saw this scene, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to be brave.

The old man frowned and said, "I'm so panicked, what happened?"

The security guard said tremblingly: "Old Master, the second young master is trying to drive away the eldest young master's friends outside."

The old man looked at Yang Tianfeng and said: "Go ahead, just do whatever you want, even if it means going to die, I, an old man, will be with you."

After everyone left, only the old man was left. He turned around and said, "If I didn't agree just now, would you kill me?"

Liu Tianju came out and said indifferently: "I will not kill you. A person who dares not even avenge the murder of his son is not worthy of my action!" ??

The old man sighed and said, "Are we destined that the Yang family owes them and their son?"

In the lobby outside, Ji Wufeng was surrounded by a group of security guards. Looking at Lu Shuangshuang with a depressed look on his face, he said, "It's so embarrassing to be kicked out."

Lu Shuangshuang rolled her eyes at him and said, "You are so thick-skinned, are you still afraid of embarrassment?"

Ji Wufeng touched his face, smiled, and said, "That's right, since they don't like us, then we will withdraw."

After saying that, he pulled Lu Shuangshuang to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianfeng sneered and said, "Where do you think the Yang family is? Do you come and leave whenever you want?"

Ji Wufeng paused, turned around and said, "Then what do you want?"

"I want you to get out of here." Yang Tianfeng said domineeringly.

Ji Wufeng looked at the security guards and said disdainfully: "What can these rotten salted fish and rotten bird eggs do to me?"

Yang Feiyun's expression suddenly changed. Even the Murong family was crippled. Although those security guards were very skilled, in Ji Wufeng's eyes, they could not be counted as a dish.

Meris looked at the two strong men following him and said with a ferocious smile: "As a guest, you must also fulfill some obligations for the host. You go over and help Brother Yang get out of here."

The two strong men immediately stood up, with fierce auras erupting from their bodies, like two ferocious beasts, and walked towards Ji Wufeng step by step. Before they took a step, there was a bang, and the floor beneath their feet was crushed to pieces.


There was a gasp from the whole audience. I thought, this is too fierce, isn't it?

Ji Wufeng didn't feel surprised at all. He was a prince after all. How could he not be protected by an expert when he went out?

"Sister Shuangshuang, I only offended them because of you. How about I send you out and ask them to let me go." Ji Wufeng shrank his neck and said with a scared look on his face.

Like other big families, the Yang family is also competing for the head of the family. In the struggle for the position of head of the family, Yang Chengen and Yang Chenghui can be regarded as evenly matched, regardless of superiority or inferiority.

But if Yang Feiyun was deprived of the power to manage the family business because of this incident, it would be equivalent to completely losing the bargaining chip to compete for the position of the family leader. It would be a fool's dream to wait for Yang Chenghui to return it in the future.

"I also think it's not appropriate for my eldest brother to get involved in the family business at this time. Grandpa, what do you think?"

Yang Tianming, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke and looked at the old man and said solemnly, but Yang Feiyun did not ignore the fleeting light of pride in his eyes.

Yang Tianming is fair and fair, wears a pair of glasses, and looks very gentle.

But Yang Feiyun knew that this bastard was the most damn sinister.

There are four brothers in the three generations of the Yang family. Yang Feiyun and Yang Yaohui are typical playboys. The only ones who are slightly more outstanding are Yang Feiyun and Yang Tianming.

Moreover, Yang Tianming is also well-known as a business wizard, but unfortunately he is not the eldest son. Even if he is the best, he cannot take over the Yang family's throne.

But he also knew what kind of person the old man was who was still alive. He couldn't blatantly get rid of this thorn in his side, so he could only do it secretly. Unfortunately, he failed to do so. It was a God-given opportunity for something like this to happen this time.

If the old man believes that Yang Feiyun's acquaintance with Ji Wufeng will be detrimental to the Yang family and puts him in the cold palace, then after the old man dies, the Yang family will be his.


Although Yang Yaohui is not smart, he is not a fool either. He also sees that the current situation is very unfavorable for his own brother.

Before this, although Yang Feiyun was resentful towards Ji Wufeng and did not dare to do anything to Ji Wufeng, but now that he was helping Meris, he had nothing to worry about.

If something goes wrong, Merius can be pulled out as a shield. Is he scared?

"You are still in the mood to joke at this time."

Lu Shuangshuang glared at him fiercely, but at the same time she was worried in her heart. She knew Ji Wufeng was very powerful, but Meris was a prince after all.

Ji Wufeng said: "Well, since you don't want to, I'll beat them up, but if I can't beat them and get beaten up by them, will you laugh at me?"


After finishing speaking, Lu Shuangshuang thought about it seriously and said, "Even if I laugh at you, I will still laugh secretly without you seeing me."

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face. He didn't expect Lu Shuangshuang to joke, and it was at such a tense moment.

If it were before, Lu Shuangshuang would have been scared by this time, but now that Ji Wufeng is around, it seems that no matter what happens, she will not feel scared.

Ji Wufeng rolled up his sleeves and said angrily: "In order not to be laughed at by Sister Shuangshuang, I will beat them into pig heads no matter what."

Lu Shuangshuang suddenly took his hand and whispered: "I think it's better to forget it. What if you really can't defeat them? How about we run away."

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "Run? How can a beautiful woman run away now? That would be too shameless and she would be laughed at."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng jumped out, pointed at the two bodyguards of Meris, raised his fingers, and shouted arrogantly: "Come on, grandpa will beat you so hard today that even your mother won't recognize you."

Since the two bodyguards followed Mai Ruisi to China, they naturally understand Chinese. They must have become angry immediately and hit Ji Wufeng with their fists.

When the fist came down, there was still a sound of breaking wind, which showed how terrifying the punch was.

At this moment, a roar came out: "Stop it all!"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, took a step forward with his left foot, easily avoided the heavy blows of the two bodyguards, and stood aside with a smile on his face.

Yang Feiyun rushed over angrily and shouted angrily: "Who dares to touch my master?"

The whole audience was stunned. The two people walked in affectionately before. Everyone knew that the two had a good relationship, but they did not expect that Yang Feiyun would admit in public that Ji Wufeng was his master.

Yang Tianfeng said with a gloomy face: "Feiyun, don't mess around. This guy is harassing the guests and being rude to the distinguished guests. I just kicked him out." At this moment, the security guard rushed in and was frightened when he saw this scene. Dare to be brave.

The old man frowned and said, "I'm so panicked, what happened?"

The security guard said tremblingly: "Old Master, the second young master is trying to drive away the eldest young master's friends outside."

The old man looked at Yang Tianfeng and said: "Go ahead, just do whatever you want, even if it means going to die, I, an old man, will be with you."

After everyone left, only the old man was left. He turned around and said, "If I didn't agree just now, would you kill me?"

Liu Tianju came out and said indifferently: "I will not kill you. A person who dares not even avenge the murder of his son is not worthy of me!"

The old man sighed and said, "Are we destined that the Yang family owes them and their son?"

In the lobby outside, Ji Wufeng was surrounded by a group of security guards. Looking at Lu Shuangshuang with a depressed look on his face, he said, "It's so embarrassing to be kicked out."

Lu Shuangshuang rolled her eyes at him and said, "You are so thick-skinned, are you still afraid of embarrassment?"

Ji Wufeng touched his face, smiled, and said, "That's right, since they don't like us, then we will withdraw."

After saying that, he pulled Lu Shuangshuang to leave.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianfeng sneered and said, "Where do you think the Yang family is? Do you come and leave whenever you want?"

Ji Wufeng paused, turned around and said, "Then what do you want?"

"I want you to get out of here." Yang Tianfeng said domineeringly.

Ji Wufeng looked at the security guards and said disdainfully: "What can these rotten salted fish and rotten bird eggs do to me?"

Yang Feiyun's expression suddenly changed. Even the Murong family was crippled. Although those security guards were very skilled, in Ji Wufeng's eyes, they could not be counted as a dish.

Meris looked at the two strong men following him and said with a ferocious smile: "As a guest, you must also fulfill some obligations for the host. You go over and help Brother Yang get out of here."

The two strong men immediately stood up, with fierce auras erupting from their bodies, like two ferocious beasts, and walked towards Ji Wufeng step by step. Before they took a step, there was a bang, and the floor under their feet was stepped on to pieces.


There was a gasp from the whole audience. I thought, this is too fierce, isn't it?

Ji Wufeng didn't feel surprised at all. He was a prince after all. How could he not be protected by an expert when he went out?

"Sister Shuangshuang, I only offended them because of you. How about I send you out and ask them to let me go." Ji Wufeng shrank his neck and said with a scared look on his face.

Like other big families, the Yang family is also competing for the head of the family. In the fight for the position of head of the family, Yang Chengen and Yang Chenghui can be regarded as evenly matched, regardless of superiority or inferiority.

But if Yang Feiyun was deprived of the power to manage the family business because of this incident, it would be equivalent to completely losing the bargaining chip to compete for the position of the family leader. It would be a fool's dream to wait for Yang Chenghui to return it in the future.

"I also think it's not appropriate for my eldest brother to get involved in the family business at this time. Grandpa, what do you think?"

Yang Tianming, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke and looked at the old man and said solemnly, but Yang Feiyun did not ignore the fleeting light of pride in his eyes.

Yang Tianming is fair and fair, wears a pair of glasses, and looks very gentle.

But Yang Feiyun knew that this bastard was the most damn sinister.

There are four brothers in the three generations of the Yang family. Yang Feiyun and Yang Yaohui are typical playboys. The only ones who are slightly more outstanding are Yang Feiyun and Yang Tianming.

Moreover, Yang Tianming is also well-known as a business wizard, but unfortunately he is not the eldest son. Even if he is the best, he cannot take over the Yang family's throne.

But he also knew what kind of person the old man was who was still alive. He couldn't blatantly get rid of this thorn in his side, so he could only do it secretly. Unfortunately, he failed to do so. It was a God-given opportunity for something like this to happen this time.

If the old man believes that Yang Feiyun's acquaintance with Ji Wufeng will be detrimental to the Yang family and puts him in the cold palace, then after the old man dies, the Yang family will be his.


Although Yang Yaohui is not smart, he is not a fool either. He also sees that the current situation is very unfavorable for his own brother.

Before this, although Yang Feiyun was resentful towards Ji Wufeng and did not dare to do anything to Ji Wufeng, but now that he was helping Meris, he had nothing to worry about.

If something goes wrong, Merius can be pulled out as a shield. Is he scared?

"You are still in the mood to joke at this time."

Lu Shuangshuang glared at him fiercely, but at the same time she was worried in her heart. She knew Ji Wufeng was very powerful, but Meris was a prince after all.

Ji Wufeng said: "Well, since you are not happy, I will beat them up, but if I can't beat them, will you laugh at me if they beat me up?"


After finishing speaking, Lu Shuangshuang thought about it seriously and said, "Even if I laugh at you, I will still laugh secretly without you seeing me."

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a dark look on his face. He didn't expect Lu Shuangshuang to joke, and it was at such a tense moment.

If it were before, Lu Shuangshuang would have been frightened at this time, but now that Ji Wufeng is by her side, it seems that no matter what happens, she will not feel scared.

Ji Wufeng rolled up his sleeves and said angrily: "In order not to be laughed at by Sister Shuangshuang, I will beat them into pig heads no matter what."

Lu Shuangshuang suddenly took his hand and whispered: "I think it's better to forget it. What if you really can't defeat them? How about we run away."

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "Run? How can a beautiful woman run away now? That would be too shameless and she would be laughed at."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng jumped out, pointed at the two bodyguards of Meris, raised his fingers, and shouted arrogantly: "Come on, grandpa will beat you so hard today that even your mother won't recognize you."

Since the two bodyguards followed Mai Ruisi to China, they naturally understand Chinese. They must have become angry immediately and hit Ji Wufeng with their fists.

When the fist came down, there was still a sound of breaking wind, which showed how terrifying the punch was.

At this moment, a roar came out: "Stop it all!"

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, took a step forward with his left foot, easily avoided the heavy blows of the two bodyguards, and stood aside with a smile on his face.

Yang Feiyun rushed over angrily and shouted angrily: "Who dares to touch my master?"

The whole audience was stunned. The two people walked in affectionately before. Everyone knew that the two had a good relationship, but they did not expect that Yang Feiyun would admit in public that Ji Wufeng was his master.

Yang Tianfeng said with a sullen face: "Feiyun, don't mess around. This guy is harassing the guests and being rude to the distinguished guests. I'm just kicking him out."

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