"But this is Yuzhou, he is not easy to deal with." Qianye Ming said.

"I don't care where this is, if I want him to die, he must die!"

After the song ended, Ji Wufeng limped back to his seat and said with a sad face: "Look, I even said I wouldn't dance anymore, right?"

Lu Shuangshuang may be tired, and there are some sweat stains on his forehead, but he is extremely excited, and his face is flushed, which is really cute.

After wiping it gently, he took a sip of red wine and said, "I feel pretty good. I have decided that whenever there is a banquet in the future, I will come to attend it, and you must come with me."

Ji Wufeng's legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground. Damn it, you stepped on me dozens of times, but you still feel good. How about I try stepping on you instead?

At this moment, there was a roar of car engines outside the door, and a gorgeous Bentley drove over.

In an instant, almost everyone in the Yang family stood up and walked towards the door with enthusiasm.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. Has the rightful owner finally arrived today?

Gu Jingshen, who was dressed in black and had a cold expression, got out of the car, then opened the rear door respectfully, and saw Gu Tianyang walking out in high spirits.

"Young Master Gu!"

The onlookers immediately gathered around and greeted Gu Tianyang respectfully and enthusiastically, saying: "Young Master Gu, your coming to Yuzhou will make the entire Central Plains shine with glory. !”

These people are all big shots in Yuzhou. They are usually arrogant and arrogant, but now they all have a very low profile. How low can they be? As low as their grandson is, they are as low as they are.

Then, a middle-aged man in formal attire strode out with a group of people, and said with a smile from afar: "Young Master Gu, you can come to my humble home, and it is a sin to fail to welcome me from afar!"

Yang Chengen, Yang Feiyun's uncle, Mr. Yang is old and rarely shows up. Yang Chengen is basically the head of the Yang family.

When Meris and Qianye Ming arrived before, Yang Chengen appeared once, but never appeared again until now.

After all, the Murong family is considered disabled, and the Yang family is now the most powerful person in Yuzhou. Apart from these three people, there is no one worthy of his personal greeting.

Gu Tianyang said with a smile on his face: "Uncle Yang is serious. How can a junior like Tianyang deserve such courtesy? This junior is so embarrassed!"

Arrogant but dissatisfied, aloof but not domineering!

I have to say that this Gu Tianyang is indeed very outstanding, and he is definitely not comparable to those playboys.

Gu Tianyang appeared, and Qianye Ming and Mai Ruisi also came over. After all, Gu Tianyang was the only one present who was equal to them.

"Mairis, are you having fun?" Gu Tianyang asked with a smile.

Meris snorted coldly and looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "I look very happy, right?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the audience changed strangely. Just now Ji Wufeng embarrassed Mai Ruisi and couldn't get off the stage. Gu Tianyang would definitely not let it go, right?

A friend of the dignified young master Gu was actually bullied in Yuzhou. If this spread, how could he lose face?

Sure enough, Gu Tianyang frowned, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Merris is my friend no matter what, so what you are doing is too disrespectful to me, isn't it?"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Am I familiar with you? Why should I give you face?"

Everyone was shocked, Ji Wufeng actually dared to follow like this

Gu Tianyang said, doesn’t he want to live?

It is true that Ji Wufeng crippled the Murong family, but compared to the Gu family, the Murong family was the difference between an ant and an elephant. He had no qualifications to be arrogant in front of Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang's eyes instantly turned cold, including his face, which changed drastically. People who know Gu Tianyang know that he is actually very easy-going and very kind to everyone, including the cleaners on the street. . But that's when he's not angry. If he's angry, not only is he no longer easy-going, but he's also crazy.

Just a month ago, when Gu Tianyang was eating in a restaurant, a young man accidentally stepped on him. He smiled very politely and asked him to apologize. As a result, the young man not only did not apologize, but instead yelled at him.

However, the very next day, all the dozen or so members of the country boy's family disappeared out of thin air, as if the world had evaporated. The relevant departments searched for half a year without any clues.

Ji Wufeng was cruel enough, but Gu Tianyang was even more cruel. If he offended Ji Wufeng, he might die, but if he offended Gu Tianyang, he might have his family confiscated and his family exterminated.

"What if I don't apologize?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"That's okay, I will turn around and leave, but something may happen to you tomorrow that you will regret for the rest of your life."

Gu Tianyang had a smile on his face, but there was a cold chill in his eyes.

His meaning is already obvious. You don't have to apologize today, it doesn't matter, but you will bear my revenge tomorrow.

"Are you threatening me?" Ji Wufeng laughed.

"Hmph, are you worthy of letting the eldest young master threaten you?" Gu Jingshen said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Gu Tianyang nodded slightly, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and said: "You can think so, but what can you do?"

"I can't do anything."

Ji Wufeng's smile became thicker. You smile brighter than me, so I will smile brighter than you.

Suddenly, Gu Tianyang's eyes flashed. Ji Wufeng rushed to Gu Jingshen without knowing when, raised his palm and slapped him with a big mouth.

Gu Jingshen was instantly frightened and wanted to dodge, but Ji Wufeng's speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge at all.


Ji Wufeng slapped Gu Jingshen firmly on the face with this big mouth blow, and he immediately fell to the ground with his head knocked down, and his mouth was full of blood!

Gu Jingshen was only half a master in strength. Ji Wufeng wanted to kill him with just a raise of his hand.

"But what can you do to me?" Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang with a smile on his face.

The whole audience was stunned, their eyes widened, and their chins dropped to the ground.

Damn, is this too arrogant? Although the person he was fighting was not Gu Tianyang, what was the difference between fighting Gu Jingshen and fighting Gu Tianyang?

The smile on Gu Tianyang's face finally solidified, and he asked coldly: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Ji Wufeng said: "Didn't I beat a dog?"

"You'll pay tenfold."

Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of murderous intent. This was the first time someone dared to offend him with such disobedience.

"Oh, I slapped him, ten times the price is ten slaps. It's too light, I'm not satisfied."

Ji Wufeng shook his head, then slapped his thigh and said, "How about this? I'll break one of his legs, and you can find someone to break ten of my legs. What do you think?" "But this is Yuzhou, and he's not very good. It’s easy to deal with.” Qianye Ming said.

"I don't care where this is, if I want him to die, he must die!"

After the song ended, Ji Wufeng limped back to his seat and said with a sad face: "Look, I even said I wouldn't dance anymore, right?"

Lu Shuangshuang may be tired, and there are some sweat stains on his forehead, but he is extremely excited, and his face is flushed, which is really cute.

After wiping it gently, he took a sip of red wine and said, "I feel pretty good. I have decided that whenever there is a banquet in the future, I will come to attend it, and you must come with me."

Ji Wufeng's legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground. Damn it, you stepped on me dozens of times, but you still feel good. How about I try stepping on you instead?

At this moment, there was a roar of car engines outside the door, and a gorgeous Bentley drove over.

In an instant, almost everyone in the Yang family stood up and walked towards the door with enthusiasm.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. Has the rightful owner finally arrived today?

Gu Jingshen, who was dressed in black and had a cold expression, got out of the car, then opened the rear door respectfully, and saw Gu Tianyang walking out in high spirits.

"Young Master Gu!"

The onlookers immediately gathered around and greeted Gu Tianyang respectfully and enthusiastically, saying: "Young Master Gu, your coming to Yuzhou will make the entire Central Plains shine with glory. !”

These people are all big shots in Yuzhou. They are usually arrogant and arrogant, but now they all have a very low profile. How low can they be? As low as their grandson is, they are as low as they are.

Then, a middle-aged man in formal attire strode out with a group of people, and said with a smile from afar: "Young Master Gu, you can come to my humble home, and it is a sin to fail to welcome me from afar!"

Yang Chengen, Yang Feiyun's uncle, Mr. Yang is old and rarely shows up. Yang Chengen is basically the head of the Yang family.

When Meris and Qianye Ming arrived before, Yang Chengen appeared once, but never appeared again until now.

After all, the Murong family is considered disabled, and the Yang family is now the most powerful person in Yuzhou. Apart from these three people, there is no one worthy of his personal greeting.

Gu Tianyang said with a smile on his face: "Uncle Yang is serious. How can a junior like Tianyang deserve such courtesy? This junior is so embarrassed!"

Arrogant but dissatisfied, aloof but not domineering!

I have to say that this Gu Tianyang is indeed very outstanding, and he is definitely not comparable to those playboys.

Gu Tianyang appeared, and Qianye Ming and Mai Ruisi also came over. After all, Gu Tianyang was the only one present who was equal to them.

"Mairis, are you having fun?" Gu Tianyang asked with a smile.

Meris snorted coldly and looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "I look very happy, right?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the audience changed strangely. Just now Ji Wufeng embarrassed Mai Ruisi and couldn't get off the stage. Gu Tianyang would definitely not let it go, right?

A friend of the dignified young master Gu was actually bullied in Yuzhou. If this spread, how could he lose face?

Sure enough, Gu Tianyang frowned, looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Merris is my friend no matter what, so what you are doing is too disrespectful to me, isn't it?"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "Am I familiar with you? Why should I give you face?"

Everyone was shocked, Ji Wufeng actually dared to follow like this

Gu Tianyang said, doesn’t he want to live?

It is true that Ji Wufeng crippled the Murong family, but compared to the Gu family, the Murong family was the difference between an ant and an elephant. He had no qualifications to be arrogant in front of Gu Tianyang.

Gu Tianyang's eyes instantly turned cold, including his face, which changed drastically. People who know Gu Tianyang know that he is actually very easy-going and very kind to everyone, including the cleaners on the street. . But that's when he's not angry. If he's angry, not only is he no longer easy-going, but he's also crazy.

Just a month ago, when Gu Tianyang was eating in a restaurant, a young man accidentally stepped on him. He smiled very politely and asked him to apologize. As a result, the young man not only did not apologize, but instead yelled at him.

However, the very next day, all the dozen or so members of the country boy's family disappeared out of thin air, as if the world had evaporated. The relevant departments searched for half a year without any clues.

Ji Wufeng was cruel enough, but Gu Tianyang was even more cruel. If he offended Ji Wufeng, he might die, but if he offended Gu Tianyang, he might have his family confiscated and his family exterminated.

"What if I don't apologize?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"That's okay, I will turn around and leave, but something may happen to you tomorrow that you will regret for the rest of your life."

Gu Tianyang had a smile on his face, but there was a cold chill in his eyes.

His meaning is already obvious. You don't have to apologize today, it doesn't matter, but you will bear my revenge tomorrow.

"Are you threatening me?" Ji Wufeng laughed.

"Hmph, are you worthy of letting the eldest young master threaten you?" Gu Jingshen said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Gu Tianyang nodded slightly, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and said: "You can think so, but what can you do?"

"I can't do anything."

Ji Wufeng's smile became thicker. You smile brighter than me, so I will smile brighter than you.

Suddenly, Gu Tianyang's eyes flashed. Ji Wufeng rushed to Gu Jingshen without knowing when, raised his palm and slapped him with a big mouth.

Gu Jingshen was instantly frightened and wanted to dodge, but Ji Wufeng's speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge at all.


Ji Wufeng slapped Gu Jingshen firmly on the face with this big mouth blow, and he immediately fell to the ground with his head knocked down, and his mouth was full of blood!

Gu Jingshen was only half a master in strength. Ji Wufeng wanted to kill him with just a raise of his hand.

"But what can you do to me?" Ji Wufeng looked at Gu Tianyang with a smile on his face.

The whole audience was stunned, their eyes widened, and their chins dropped to the ground.

Damn, is this too arrogant? Although the person he was fighting was not Gu Tianyang, what was the difference between fighting Gu Jingshen and fighting Gu Tianyang?

The smile on Gu Tianyang's face finally solidified, and he asked in a cold voice: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Ji Wufeng said: "Didn't I beat a dog?"

"You'll pay tenfold."

Gu Tianyang's eyes were full of murderous intent. This was the first time someone dared to offend him with such disobedience.

"Oh, I slapped him, ten times the price is ten slaps. It's too light, I'm not satisfied."

Ji Wufeng shook his head, then slapped his thigh and said, "How about this? If I break one of his legs, you can find someone to break ten of my legs. What do you think?"

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