"It's you?"

Seeing Ye Linglong, Ji Wufeng's face was full of surprise. It could be said that the explosion just now was definitely the most surprising thing to him since his rebirth.

Ye Linglong asked him to teach the formation before. Ji Wufeng believed that Ye Linglong was not a cultivator and had no true energy. Even if he knew the secret of the formation, it would be absolutely impossible to activate it.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Linglong actually activated the formation just now.

However, Ye Linglong did not use true energy to activate the formation, but used the power of the bomb to activate the formation.

Although the power of the bomb is not as good as the true energy, which greatly reduces the power of the formation, the destructive power is at least several times increased, which is definitely unmatched by ordinary bombs.

This made Ji Wufeng finally understand why Ye Linglong was so valued. Her genius brain was absolutely a priceless treasure. If used properly, it was an indestructible and terrifying weapon! ??

"What is a divine warrior?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Ye Linglong rolled her eyes and said, "Are you still pretending to me now?"

Ji Wufeng said speechlessly: "I really don't know."

"You are obviously a divine warrior, but you say you don't know about divine warriors. Do you think I will believe it?" Ye Linglong said.

"Ignoring whether you believe it or not, first tell me what a divine warrior is?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Humph, are you still teasing me now?" Ye Linglong said angrily.

"You tell me, and I'll tell you another formation." Ji Wufeng said.

Ye Linglong's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Really?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Okay, it's settled."

Ye Linglong said with a serious face: "Actually, I don't know much about the divine warriors. I only know a little bit from some related ancient books."

Divine Warrior, as the name suggests, is a warrior, but with the word "神" added in front, it means

Mingshen warriors are far more powerful than ordinary warriors!

The ancient books that Ye Linglong knew vaguely mentioned that in ancient times, a group of cultivators had already appeared on the earth.

These practitioners can not only develop their own potential and gain powerful strength, but can even draw on the power of heaven and earth.

This kind of person's cultivation has reached an advanced level. It is said that he can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, move mountains and seas, and is omnipotent. It cannot be explained by the so-called modern scientific knowledge at all!

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng asked: "Isn't it possible for ordinary warriors to achieve these things if they practice to a high level?"

"Of course it can't be done. If ordinary warriors can do it, then the divine warriors won't be called divine warriors!"

Ye Linglong said: "Do you know the specific origin of the title of Divine Warrior?"

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said: "I don't even know what a divine warrior is, how can I know where the title of divine warrior comes from?"

"Then do you know anything about mythology?" Ye Linglong asked.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "I can't even speak of understanding, but I read fairy tales when I was a kid."

"Then what mythological characters do you know?" Ye Linglong asked.

"Then I know a lot, such as Hou Yi, Dayu, Kuafu, Huangdi, Chi You, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother..."

Ye Linglong said: "It is certain that some of these mythical characters are fabricated, but most of them are real in history and have relevant historical backgrounds. Why are they portrayed as mythical characters?"

Yes, Sun Wukong and the Jade Emperor should be fabricated, but Hou Yi, Dayu, Huang

Emperor, Chi You, etc. are all real figures in history.

However, these people all have the image of a mythical character.

"It should be to build their image, right?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Wrong, it's not just to establish an image, but because they are all cultivators, they are all divine warriors, they have power beyond mortals, and their power can be matched by the so-called gods and gods!" Ye Linglong road.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, what is the so-called immortal?

Immortals are not born. Every immortal has a mortal background and relies on cultivation to become an immortal.

Just like a cultivator, he is actually just a mortal. The reason why he is strong is because of his cultivation.

If what Ye Linglong said is true, then the mythical characters in myths all exist. They are not real gods. They are also humans. They are called gods because they have power beyond mortals!

The reason why the divine warriors are called divine warriors is because they are a group of warriors with the power of immortal gods!

"Then where is the divine warrior now?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"I don't know, the divine warrior disappeared." Ye Linglong shook his head.

"How did it disappear?"

Ye Linglong said: "It is said that when a warrior's cultivation reaches a high level, he can break through the void, soar into the sky, and be free from the three realms."

Ji Wufeng knew that she was talking about the ascension of ancient gods and gods, and said, "But it's impossible for them all to ascend, right?"

"Of course it is impossible for all of them to ascend. There is no clear record in the ancient books, but it is vaguely mentioned that there was a great war in ancient times, and the divine warriors disappeared after that." Ye Linglong said.

Ji Wufeng frowned. Because of a great battle, all such powerful divine warriors disappeared?

r\u003e Ye Linglong continued: "Although the divine warriors have disappeared, some of their cultivation techniques have been left here and there. However, due to the incompleteness, the effectiveness of the cultivation has been greatly reduced, and there have also been disagreements, resulting in two cultivation methods. .”

"What two ways?"

"One is to develop one's own potential, break the limits of the human body, and gain strength, that is, a warrior!" Ye Linglong said.

That's right, Ji Wufeng discovered that warriors on earth did obtain their strength by simply tapping the human body's potential.

"What about the second one?"

"The second is to rely on the power of heaven and earth and use the power of heaven and earth. This is the current Tao Sect!"

Ji Wufeng, a member of the Taoist sect, has already met Ma Tianlin.

And Ma Tianlin is indeed as Ye Linglong said, the human body is weak, but it can induce the aura of heaven and earth and borrow the power of heaven and earth!

Ye Linglong said: "And you know both cultivation methods, and the methods you use are exactly the same as those of a divine warrior. What are you if you are not a divine warrior?"

Ji Wufeng understood that Ye Linglong had misunderstood him as a divine warrior!

No, that's not right!

Ji Wufeng suddenly thought that Ye Linglong might not be a misunderstanding, but the truth!

Because it is very possible that the so-called divine warriors are actually cultivators, but they have different titles.

Originally Ji Wufeng was focused on searching for traces of cultivators, but now he was a little discouraged because Ye Linglong said that the cultivators had disappeared from the earth.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's depressed look, Ye Linglong asked, "Are you looking for a divine warrior?"

"You said he disappeared, why are you looking for him?" Ji Wufeng said.

"I don't know whether I can find it or not, but maybe I have some clues about the divine warrior."

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