Tong Yan said with a smile: "The higher-ups also told me that we should bring Brother Zhang over with us."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. It seemed that Hong Feng didn't believe Ma Tianlin's words, it was just that there was some reason why he wouldn't let Ma Tianlin take action for the time being.

The car drove all the way to the suburbs and entered a huge manor that looked like a sanatorium. In the manor, there was a post every five steps and a sentry every ten steps. The guards were all armed with live ammunition and full of murderous intent. At first glance, they were elites in the military.

It can be seen from this that everyone who can enter the sanatorium is a big shot, and there is no room for mistakes.

After getting out of the car, Tong Yan led the two of them into an independent courtyard. In addition to four guards on full alert, there was a group of people standing outside.

One of the young men glanced at Ma Tianlin and said with a cold face: "Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Why did you bring this Taoist priest here again?"

Ma Tianlin suddenly became angry, rolled up his sleeves, and cursed: "Boy, who do you think is a Taoist priest? Do you believe that I beat you so much that your face blossoms?"

The young man said angrily: "Smelly Taoist priest, do you believe I will tear your mouth apart?" .??.??

Tong Yan immediately stepped forward and said, "Young Master Lei, this is an order from above, I'm just following orders!"

The young man sneered and said, "Is Mr. Hong an old fool? He even invited such a low-level charlatan."

Tong Yan's eyes were full of anger, but he didn't dare to explode.

Ma Tianlin's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he cursed: "Your uncle, don't drag me like you are worth 2,580,000 yuan. The Taoist priest wants you to look good when you leave this compound."

The young man said with a cold face: "I will remember your words, and I will make you regret having such a bad mouth."

Ji Wufeng pulled Tong Yan and asked in a low voice: "This kid is so cute, who is he?"

Anyone who directly dares to say that Hong Feng is old and confused is either a very powerful person, or he is just a stupid young man who dares to get angry but dare not speak out when he sees Tong Yan. It is obviously the former.

Tong Yan said with an ugly face: "His name is Lei Ming, he is the third young master of the Lei family."

Ji Wufeng didn't know the division of power in Huajing, but the Lei family must also be a behemoth, otherwise they wouldn't have the capital to be so arrogant.

The three of them walked towards the room, but Lei Ming immediately stopped them and said coldly: "What are you going to do?"

Tong Yan suppressed his anger and said, "We have to go in to see your husband."

Lei Ming said directly: "No need, I have invited the fairy from Shennong Valley to treat you. You can go back."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy invited the successor of Shennong Valley, but he must have relied on the Lei family's background. He didn't believe that Lei Ming, with his virtue, would invite people from Shennong Valley.

"It's okay. She looks at hers and I look at mine. I won't mind." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Although I am not very willing, since I have met him, I have to meet him and see what the connection between the world of cultivation and the Shennong Valley on the earth is.

Lei Ming said in a cold voice: "Sir, you have a distinguished status and cannot be approached by cats or dogs. Get out of here!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly got angry, squinting his eyes and said, "Are you sick? I'm going to treat others, what does it matter to you?"

He was here to save people, not to fight. He didn't want to conflict at first, but Lei Ming was so arrogant that he simply needed to be dealt with. It seemed that if he didn't deal with it, he wouldn't be honest.

Lei Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he said with disbelief: "You dare to scold me?"

In Huajing, the Lei family can definitely

With his unscrupulousness, Lei Ming always walks sideways wherever he goes. Even if he directly said that a big man like Hong Feng was stupid, no one would dare to fart. Now someone actually dared to scold him directly. He doubted whether he was Misheard?

Ji Wufeng said rudely: "You heard me right, it's you I'm scolding. If you're a bitch and want to hear it again, I'll grant your wish. Are you sick?"

Lei Ming became angry and said, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Of course I know who you are. You are a bitch. Otherwise, how could you be so bitchy?"

"Asshole, I want you to die, come on, arrest me!" Lei Ming was about to go crazy and yelled loudly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen guards rushed over, pointing their guns at Ji Wufeng angrily.

Tong Yan's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Lei, they are the doctors we invited. Don't mess around!"

Lei Ming roared: "Bullshit doctors, I want them to die. If you have the guts to let Hong Feng come to me to ask for someone!"


With an angry rebuke, the door to the room was pushed open, and Lu Tianyi and a white-haired old man in Tang suit came out.

Although the old man has gray hair, he has a rosy complexion and bright eyes. His actual age cannot be seen. Although he is wearing a cane, he has an aura of calmness and self-power.

Only those who have held great power for a long time can exude such power.

"Grandpa." Lei Ming was obviously a little scared when he saw the old man coming out.

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Hmph, you are so embarrassing, get out of here!"

"Grandpa, you..." Lei Ming did not expect that the white-haired old man would directly drive him away.

"Why don't you get out? Believe it or not, I will destroy you right now!" The white-haired old man raised the crutch in his hand and was about to hit you.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, I'll leave right away."

Lei Ming quickly dodged and turned around to leave, but before leaving, he did not forget to give Ji Wufeng a sinister look, with an expression on his face that he wanted to eat Ji Wufeng, as if he had some deep hatred.

Seeing Lei Ming leave, Lu Tianyi looked shocked and said: "Old Lei, the opportunity is rare, and you just missed it like this?"

The white-haired old man shook his head and sighed, and said with a disappointed face: "Opportunities are reserved for those who know how to seize them. It is not a good thing to give such an unworthy descendant too many opportunities, and it may even harm him."

Lu Tianyi looked at Ji Wufeng on the side, suddenly understood, smiled and stopped talking.

"Haha, you must be Ji Wufeng Ji, right? I'm Lei Zhensheng!"

The white-haired old man walked towards Ji Wufeng, stretched out his right hand in a very friendly manner, and let out a hearty laugh.

"This boy is Ji Wufeng, hello Mr. Lei." Ji Wufeng smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Lei Zhensheng said: "Ming'er, this little bastard, has lacked discipline since he was a child. He has been spoiled. He doesn't know how high the sky is. He bumped into Ji Xiaoyou. I hope Ji Xiaoyou won't be as knowledgeable as a child."

Ji Wufeng waved his hands quickly and said: "No, no, how could it be? Children are a little childish, just discipline them, I won't be the same as him."

Indeed, he would not be as knowledgeable as Lei Ming. Even if he really wanted to be knowledgeable, it would only be to teach a child a lesson. As for how to teach him, only God knows.

A few scoldings are a lesson, a few slaps are also a lesson, and breaking one's hands and feet is also a lesson. Tong Yan said with a smile: "The higher-ups also told me that we should bring Brother Zhang over with us."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. It seemed that Hong Feng didn't believe Ma Tianlin's words, it was just that there was some reason why he wouldn't let Ma Tianlin take action for the time being.

The car drove all the way to the suburbs and entered a huge manor that looked like a sanatorium. In the manor, there was a post every five steps and a sentry every ten steps. The guards were all armed with live ammunition and full of murderous intent. They looked like elites in the military.

It can be seen from this that everyone who can enter the sanatorium is a big shot, and there is no room for mistakes.

After getting out of the car, Tong Yan led the two of them into an independent courtyard. In addition to four guards on full alert, there was a group of people standing outside the door.

One of the young men glanced at Ma Tianlin and said with a cold face: "Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Why did you bring this Taoist priest here again?"

Ma Tianlin suddenly became angry, rolled up his sleeves, and cursed: "Boy, who do you think is a Taoist priest? Do you believe that I beat you so much that your face blossoms?"

The young man said angrily: "Smelly Taoist priest, do you believe that I will tear your mouth apart?"

Tong Yan immediately stepped forward and said, "Young Master Lei, this is an order from above, I'm just following orders!"

The young man sneered and said, "Is Mr. Hong an old fool? He even invited such a low-level charlatan."

Tong Yan's eyes were full of anger, but he didn't dare to explode.

Ma Tianlin's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he cursed: "Your uncle, don't drag me like you are worth 2,580,000 yuan. The Taoist priest wants you to look good when you leave this compound."

The young man said with a cold face: "I will remember your words, and I will make you regret having such a bad mouth."

Ji Wufeng pulled Tong Yan and asked in a low voice: "This kid is so cute, who is he?"

Anyone who directly dares to say that Hong Feng is old and confused is either a very powerful person, or he is just a stupid young man who dares to get angry but dare not speak out when he sees Tong Yan. It is obviously the former.

Tong Yan said with an ugly face: "His name is Lei Ming, he is the third young master of the Lei family."

Ji Wufeng didn't know the division of power in Huajing, but the Lei family must also be a behemoth, otherwise they wouldn't have the capital to be so arrogant.

The three of them walked towards the room, but Lei Ming immediately stopped them and said coldly: "What are you going to do?"

Tong Yan suppressed his anger and said, "We have to go in to see your husband."

Lei Ming said directly: "No need, I have invited the fairy from Shennong Valley to treat you. You can go back."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy invited the successor of Shennong Valley, but he must have relied on the Lei family's background. He didn't believe that Lei Ming, with his virtue, would invite people from Shennong Valley.

"It's okay. She looks at hers and I look at mine. I won't mind." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Although I am not very willing, since I have met him, I have to meet him and see what the connection between the world of cultivation and the Shennong Valley on the earth is.

Lei Ming said in a cold voice: "Sir, you have a distinguished status and cannot be approached by cats or dogs. Get out of here!"

Ji Wufeng suddenly got angry, squinting his eyes and said, "Are you sick? I'm going to treat others, what does it matter to you?"

He was here to save people, not to fight. He didn't want to conflict at first, but Lei Ming was so arrogant that he simply needed to be dealt with. It seemed that if he didn't deal with it, he wouldn't be honest.

Lei Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he said with disbelief: "You dare to scold me?"

In Huajing, the Lei family can definitely

With his unscrupulousness, Lei Ming always walks sideways wherever he goes. Even if he directly said that a big man like Hong Feng was stupid, no one would dare to fart. Now someone actually dared to scold him directly. He doubted whether he was Misheard?

Ji Wufeng said rudely: "You heard me right, it's you I'm scolding. If you're a bitch and want to hear it again, I'll grant your wish. Are you sick?"

Lei Ming became angry and said, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what will happen if you offend me?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "Of course I know who you are. You are a bitch. Otherwise, how could you be so bitchy?"

"Asshole, I want you to die, come on, arrest me!" Lei Ming was about to go crazy and yelled loudly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen guards rushed over, pointing their guns at Ji Wufeng angrily.

Tong Yan's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Master Lei, they are the doctors we invited. Don't mess around!"

Lei Ming roared: "Bullshit doctors, I want them to die. If you have the guts to let Hong Feng come to me for help!"


With an angry scolding, the door of the room was pushed open, and Lu Tianyi and a white-haired old man in Tang suit came out.

Although the old man has gray hair, he has a rosy complexion and bright eyes. His actual age cannot be seen. Although he is wearing a cane, he has an aura of calmness and self-power.

Only those who have held great power for a long time can exude such power.

"Grandpa." Lei Ming was obviously a little scared when he saw the old man coming out.

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "Hmph, you are so embarrassing, get out of here!"

"Grandpa, you..." Lei Ming did not expect that the white-haired old man would directly drive him away.

"Why don't you get out? Believe it or not, I will destroy you right now!" The white-haired old man raised the crutch in his hand and was about to hit you.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, I'll leave right away."

Lei Ming quickly dodged and turned around to leave, but before leaving, he did not forget to give Ji Wufeng a sinister look, with an expression on his face that he wanted to eat Ji Wufeng, as if he had some deep hatred.

Seeing Lei Ming leave, Lu Tianyi looked stunned and said: "Old Lei, this opportunity is rare, and you just missed it like this?"

The white-haired old man shook his head and sighed, and said with a disappointed face: "Opportunities are reserved for those who know how to seize them. It is not a good thing to give such an unworthy descendant too many opportunities, and it may even harm him."

Lu Tianyi looked at Ji Wufeng on the side, suddenly understood, smiled and stopped talking.

"Haha, you must be Ji Wufeng Ji, right? I'm Lei Zhensheng!"

The white-haired old man walked towards Ji Wufeng, stretched out his right hand in a very friendly manner, and let out a hearty laugh.

"This is Ji Wufeng, hello Mr. Lei." Ji Wufeng smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Lei Zhensheng said: "Ming'er, this little bastard, has lacked discipline since he was a child. He has been spoiled. He doesn't know how high the sky is. He bumped into Ji Xiaoyou. I hope Ji Xiaoyou won't be as knowledgeable as a child."

Ji Wufeng waved his hands quickly and said: "No, no, how could it be? Children are a little childish, just discipline them, I won't be the same as him."

Indeed, he would not be as knowledgeable as Lei Ming. Even if he really wanted to be knowledgeable, it would only be to teach a child a lesson. As for how to teach him, only God knows.

A few scoldings are a lesson, a few slaps are also a lesson, and breaking one's hands and feet is also a lesson.

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