Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 540 You are such a good person

Obviously, Ma Tianlin thought someone was coming to assassinate Ji Wufeng.

But Ji Wufeng patted the dust on his butt, then touched his bald head, and said with an unhappy expression: "You can't be too small, mess up my hair, and affect my beauty. "

A young girl came out of the darkness, rolled her eyes and said, "You don't have a single hair on your head, what a shitty hairstyle? You're still beautiful, bah..."

Ma Tianlin was dumbfounded and said, "Damn it, are you guys in the same group?"

"What do you think?" Ji Wufeng shrugged.

After all, he is a member of the Taoist sect. Looking at the people lying on the ground, he frowned and said: "Then it's not like he killed so many people, right?"

"Who said they were dead?"

Ye Linglong squinted her eyes and said with disdain: "Where is the Taoist genius? He doesn't even know whether a person is dead or alive."

Ma Tianlin immediately ran over to take a look and found that although those people were not breathing, their meridians and hearts were still beating. They were obviously still alive. These people were all pretending to be dead.

Ji Wufeng smiled and said to Ma Tianlin: "Okay, congratulations, we have killed so many people, I believe we will soon become a wanted criminal."

"Isn't this person dead?"

"She has the final say whether she lives or dies." Ji Wufeng pointed at Ye Linglong and said.

Ye Linglong nodded and said: "I can only fight for three days at most. After three days, I will make them appear alive and kicking. So, if you want to escape Huajing, try to escape within three days."

"Hell, what on earth are you doing?" Ma Tianlin jumped anxiously.

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face and said, "If you can't even think of this, I really wonder if you, a Taoist genius, got it through the back door with money?"

Ma Tianlin thought for a while and said, "I can think of what you want to do? But is it necessary to do this?"

r\u003e “Do you know your true identity, sir?” Ji Wufeng asked.

"I don't know, but he must be a big shot." Ma Tianlin shook his head.

Ye Linglong said: "You are wrong. Sir has no official position and is absolutely a commoner."

"It's impossible. Even our old ghost master respects you very much. He is not a warrior or a big shot. How could it be possible..."

"I don't know Mr.'s name, but I know his surname is Kong..."

"What? The surname is Kong? The family of a saint?" Ma Tianlin immediately widened his eyes.


An explosive news broke out in Beijing's powerful circles. Ji Wufeng came to see his husband, but returned without success. He also had a fight with Lei Ming, the young master of the Lei family, in the nursing home. After being taken away by the security team, he actually tried to escape in order to escape. Killed several security guards!

How brave. Where is Dongshan Sanatorium? The people living inside are all heavenly figures, but they dare to attack inside, and the person they beat is the young master of the Lei family. Are they not looking for death?

Not to mention, he even killed the security guards in order to escape. He was really audacious!

This was simply a huge crime. Suddenly, almost the entire Huajing was undercurrent, and many forces were trying their best to find traces of Ji Wufeng and Ma Tianlin.

The two of them were squatting on the side of the road. Ji Wufeng said: "Damn fat man, I'm hungry. Go and make some sesame cakes for me."

"If you don't go, I have no money." Ma Tianlin said.

"Damn it, you're such a great genius and you don't even have money to buy sesame cakes?"

"Master Tao, I am a member of the Tao sect, what are you doing?

Have you ever seen a Taoist priest carrying money? Ma Tianlin glared.


Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "You forget that people in your Taoist sect rely on alms, why don't you go make some sesame cakes for me?"

"Uncle Hua, don't say you have no money."

"I do have money, and I still have a lot in my bank card. How dare you use it?"

When Ma Tianlin heard this, he immediately fainted.

Suddenly, a convertible sports car rushed over at the intersection. Because of its speed, it was about to hit Ma Tianlin. Fortunately, Ma Tianlin was not an ordinary person and got out of the way in time.

Ma Tianlin got angry, jumped to his feet and cursed: "Damn it, do you want to hit someone to death?"


After the sudden braking, there was a harsh sound of tires scraping the ground, and a girl with a hot figure and coquettish clothes stepped out of the car. She said with a cold face: "Blocking dog, were you scolding me just now?"

He was speeding on the road and almost hit someone. He was still so arrogant. Ma Tianlin immediately became angry and glared: "Little girl, you are the one I'm scolding!"

The girl sneered and said: "What a brave bitch. You are the first person in Huajing who dares to scold me like this."

"What do you want?"

"Black Panther, bite him!" the girl shouted towards the car.

Suddenly, a huge black dog, about the size of a calf, jumped down from him, opened its fangs and bit Ma Tianlin.

For such a big dog, an ordinary person would probably be bitten to death on the spot. The girl's behavior is no different from murder.

Ma Tianlin was completely angry. Just when he was about to explode, Ji Wufeng shouted loudly from the side: "Damn fat man, our dinner is here, you

If you break it, I will kill you! "

When Ji Wufeng shouted, the anger on Ma Tianlin's face disappeared in an instant. Staring at the big black dog that rushed towards him, his saliva almost flowed out. He laughed loudly and said: "Baby, hurry up, come to Master Dao's arms..." "

After the extremely fierce big black dog jumped into Ma Tianlin's arms, he stretched out his hand to grab and twist it. His neck was broken, and then his head tilted and he collapsed on the ground, lifeless.

Then Ma Tianlin grinned at the stunned girl and said cheerfully: "Sister, thank you, you are such a good person."

Isn't that right? Both of them were so hungry that their hearts were close to their backs. The girl brought a big meal to them. Of course she was a good person.

But Ji Wufeng picked up the big black dog in his arms and ran away, howling: "Why are you still chirping? Find a place to skin him and make a fire!"

The two of them ran away with the big black dog in their arms. Only then did the girl react. She jumped to her feet and cursed: "You two bastards, how dare you beat my dog ​​to death. I want you to pay with your life!"

After saying that, the girl took out her phone and said fiercely: "Someone killed my dog. Bring me someone here immediately. I'm going to kill them!"

In an unfinished building, the two of them set up a fire and put the skinned big black dog on the iron frame until it was roasted golden and sizzling. Seeing Ji Wufeng start to laugh, Ma Tianlin immediately stopped him and glared. Said: "Damn it, this time we will add two to one and make five, one person will take half. If you dare to monopolize it again, I will never do this job again."

The last time Ji Wufeng almost swallowed a dog, Ma Tianlin still remembered it.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Just when Ji Wufeng was about to pounce on the dog meat, there was a sound of footsteps, and he saw the girl from before rushing in with a group of big and thick men with murderous intent.

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