Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 555: Am I as beautiful as me?

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you so confident?"

Yang Feiyun chuckled and said: "If it were before, I really wouldn't dare to take this risk, but at this moment I am so confident."


"Because of you." Yang Feiyun looked at Ji Wufeng and said with a sly smile. .??.??

"Oh no, are you plotting against me?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were as wide as those of a cow.

Yang Feiyun said with an aggrieved look: "Master, I am your disciple, why do you say that the calculation is so ugly? Could it be that if the disciple is in trouble, you will not help?"

Ji Wufeng said bitterly: "You are cruel, tell me, what is going on?"

Yang Feiyun's face straightened and he said, "Do you know what kind of business our Yang family is in?"

Ji Wufeng was stunned. To be honest, he really didn't know.

Lu Shuangshuang said, "I know that the Yang family's business is mainly mining."


Yang Feiyun said solemnly: "Although the Yang family's business is very extensive, it is mainly based on mining. It should be that just half a year ago, the Yang family mined a very rare metal in a stone mine. "

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "If I guessed correctly, this metal can be used to make weapons, right?"

Yang Feiyun nodded and said: "Yes, this metal can indeed be used to make weapons. If this metal can be mined in large quantities, the manufacturing of weapons can even go up a level. At least with it, we will be ahead of the world in terms of weapons and equipment. ten years."

Lu Shuangshuang's face immediately showed a look of shock. What is the concept of being ten years ahead of the world? It represents a substantial increase in military force, which is likely to change the world structure. The value of this is simply inestimable.

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "But it's a pity that this treasure is so valuable that your Yang family simply can't afford it, and your Yang family is reluctant to share it."

Lu Shuangshuang also nodded and said: "For such an important thing, you

We should contact the country as soon as possible, otherwise relying on the strength of the Yang family to protect us will only lead to disaster, just like today. "

Yang Feiyun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Yes, it is said that ordinary people are not guilty and pregnant women are guilty. It is a pity that no one in the entire Yang family except me and my grandfather agreed to hand it over."

Indeed, no one without foresight would take out such a valuable thing. If it were swallowed alone, what the Yang family would get would definitely not be as simple as being the richest man in the world. To say that they are rich enough to rival other countries would be to say that they are small. This temptation is too great. .

But it is a pity that there are too few people in the Yang family who have vision.

They have forgotten that as big a butt as they are, they have to sit on a stool as big as they are. With such a valuable treasure in their pockets, unless they don't expose it for the rest of their lives, they will definitely be coveted by others. As the enemy becomes more and more powerful, the Yang family Sooner or later, it will end in ashes, without even being able to take a chance.

At least, in Ji Wufeng's view, Qianye Ming and Mai Ruisi appeared at the Yang family twice for this thing. Even Gu Tianyang's previous visit to Yuzhou was most likely for this matter.

Just imagine, if the Yang family had no external force and any one of these three parties took action, the Yang family would face disaster.

"Now that the Yang family has the final say, what do you plan to do?"

Ji Wufeng believed that Yang Feiyun should have a plan, otherwise he would not be so confident.

Yang Feiyun chuckled and said: "I will deal with those clowns, and you will deal with the real ghosts and monsters."

"Damn it, this is your family's thing, what does it have to do with me?"

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, but Yang Feiyun's words clearly meant that he wanted to give up the job and leave the hard bones to him.

Yang Feiyun said quickly: "Master, don't be angry, I won't let you do it in vain, no matter what I say, there must be some

A great gift. "

Ji Wufeng said angrily: "Tell me, what benefits will you give me? Tell you, if the benefits are less, I won't do it."

"If I'm not wrong, the people from above are also here. It's up to you to decide how to talk about it then."


Lu Shuangshuang looked at Yang Feiyun in astonishment, and even Ji Wufeng had a look of surprise on his face.

Hearing what Yang Feiyun meant, he was already planning to hand over the things to his superiors, but left Ji Wufeng to negotiate the terms. ??

Giving such an important thing to the country, not to mention negotiations, even some rewards must be enough to make anyone jealous, but Yang Feiyun gave it to Ji Wufeng.

"Damn it, are you willing to give it up?" Ji Wufeng asked in disbelief.

"Why can't you give up?"

Yang Feiyun said: "Our Yang family cannot keep this thing. It is the best choice to hand it over to the state, but the Yang family will not give it in vain. There will be some benefits. But it is a pity that my Yang family is so gentle. Even if it is If you want benefits, I guess there won’t be much left after peeling off the layers, but you are different. What bastard dares to twist his mind about what the higher-ups promised you?”

Ji Wufeng took a deep look at Yang Feiyun and cursed: "Your uncle always said that you have a simple mind and strong limbs. Now I feel that the person who said this is simply a top-notch person."

Five hundred million in cash was quickly raised and was pulled directly into Yang's house by a truck, escorted by a team of heavily armed security personnel.

Yang Feiyun got into the truck alone and was going to the meeting alone.

Tang Huanxin stepped forward and said: "Young Master Yang, you must come back safely. I will hold a celebration banquet for you at the famous family."


Yang Feiyun laughed heartily, showing his madness, and said, "Feiyun feels extremely honored to have Miss Huanxin hold a celebration banquet for a famous family."

Seeing Tang Huanxin step forward to see Yang Feiyun off, others also stepped forward one after another. Ji Wufeng touched his nose, this little girl

Er is really not a simple character.

Powerful opponents are not scary, opponents who are ignored by you are scary, and beautiful women are the most scary, because no matter whether she is your opponent or not, or whether she is ignored by you, you are subconsciously unwilling to be your enemy.

There is no doubt that Tang Huanxin is such a beauty.

After Yang Feiyun left, Tang Huanxin smiled and said to Ji Wufeng, "It will take some time for Young Master Yang to come back. How about we sit down and have a few drinks together and wait for Young Master Yang to come back together?"

drink wine?

What should I do if I'm drunk? What if you want me to take you to your room? What if I sent you to the room and you held me back and refused to let me go?

Just when Ji Wufeng was thinking about it, he heard Lu Shuangshuang say coldly: "No, I'm not feeling well. He wants to send me to the guest room to rest."

Ji Wufeng smiled awkwardly at Tang Huanxin and said, "Sorry, next time, drink next time, oh!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng covering his feet with a painful expression on his face, Tang Huanxin pursed his lips and said with a smile: "You are always welcome."

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them were walking to the guest room. Lu Shuangshuang suddenly asked for no reason: "Is she pretty?"

"Beautiful." Ji Wufeng nodded subconsciously.

"Am I as beautiful as me?"

"Yes, uh, no, absolutely not. Don't look at the fact that she used to be the most beautiful woman, but it is outdated now. I think the most beautiful woman in the future is you. What is the most beautiful woman? She is the most beautiful. Who can compare with her? What about you? Haha."

Ji Wufeng broke into a cold sweat. Damn it, I almost fell into your trap. Fortunately, I am smart.

"Humph, no one will believe what you say."

When the waiter opened the door to the guest room and Lu Shuangshuang entered, Ji Wufeng was about to walk in when the door slammed shut, hitting Ji Wufeng's nose.

Ji Wufeng suddenly burst into tears of pain, covering his nose and jumping up and down on the ground.

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