Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yang Feiyun glared and cursed angrily: "Fuck you, why are you here? I'm almost beaten to death, and you still want to watch a fucking show."

"Damn it, you actually dare to speak to Master like this. This is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, which is treason!"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "If you want to kill him, then kill him. I have already expelled this unscrupulous disciple from our school."

Yang Feiyun jumped up and shouted: "No, no, master, I know I was wrong, so please don't expel me from the master's door."

Ji Wufeng didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, and said to Yang Tianming with a smile: "I don't want to estrange the relationship with you, after all, we still have to cooperate. Besides, this is your family matter, and we don't interfere in your internal affairs. Why don't I take it for granted? I haven't seen it yet, so you guys will continue according to the script before we showed up. Do whatever you have to do, we can still laugh and play around, what do you think?"

There was complexity in Yang Tianming's eyes. He knew that Ji Wufeng was a fierce man. Even the Murong family was crippled, let alone the Yang family?

There are also the Liu family and the Ye family behind Ji Wufeng, and the Yang family naturally knows that Ji Wufeng is still a member of Long Feng.

He really didn't want to offend Ji Wufeng.

Meris, standing behind Yang Tianming, his eyes full of murderous intent, snorted coldly: "I must have seen everything, I can't stay!"

Yang Tianming frowned, his eyes gradually turned cold, and said, "Brother Ji, thank you very much for your kindness, but it seems that you have seen something you shouldn't have seen."

"I can pretend not to see it." Ji Wufeng touched his nose and said sheepishly.

"Ha ha."

Yang Tianming laughed and said: "Brother Ji is so funny. If you see it, you will see it. How can you pretend it never happened? In this world, the only ones who can keep secrets... are dead people."

Hearing Yang Tianming's straightforward words about killing the two of them, Lu Shuangshuang, who had been hiding behind Ji Wufeng, stood up and said coldly: "Yang Tianming, you will not end well!"

Yang Tianming looked at Lu Shuangshuang with eyes full of fascination and said, "But don't worry, Miss Lu, you won't die."

Ji Wufeng immediately became upset and shouted: "Why? I know she is a beautiful girl, but I am also a handsome guy. A beautiful girl doesn't need to die, and a handsome guy doesn't need to die either, right?"

Yang Tianming said to Ji Wufeng with murderous intent in his eyes: "Because I plan to dedicate Miss Lu to Prince Meris."

Everyone likes beauty, but in the eyes of many people, power is more important.

He knew that Mai Ruisi had invited Lu Shuangshuang to dance, and now he still expected Mai Ruisi to help him seize the Yang family, so he could only reluctantly give up.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Damn it, if you dedicate her to the prince, you can also dedicate me to the princess. I'm so handsome and have a great body. I think many princesses will like me very much, even if they raise me It’s okay to be a mistress.”

Meris suddenly sneered: "In this case, I will accept both of you."

Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped up and said with a scared look on his face: "Damn, what do you want to do? I like women, I only like to be taken care of by women, and I have no interest in men."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in men either. However, I am very interested in pulling out your tongue, peeling off your skin and replacing it with a dog's skin."

At the party before, Ji Wufeng had forced him to lose face. Even if he killed this bastard, Merius felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger.

Upon hearing such cruel methods, Lu Shuangshuang's expression suddenly changed.


Merius turned to look at Lu Shuangshuang again, and said with a smile: "But Miss Lu, don't worry, I won't do this to you, I will only make you want to die, and I will consider it after I have played with you to death." I will give you to my father. If you are the best, my father will definitely like you very much, and maybe he will give me the throne when he is happy."

"Asshole, you are shameless!"

Lu Shuangshuang's face turned red with anger. He actually wanted to send her back and forth as a gift, and it was between father and son. How could he not be ashamed and angry.

"Uh, are you angry?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked.

"Yes, I'm very angry. I want you to teach him a lesson for me!" Lu Shuangshuang glared at Meris.


After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and strode towards Meris, making everyone stunned.

Is there something wrong with this guy's mind? Now that we are in this situation, not only do we not feel scared, but we also look like we are going to fight with others.

Meris snorted coldly and said: "Break my legs, don't kill them."

His two followers immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng said: "I advise you to be more honest and let me slap you a few times so that Sister Shuangshuang can relieve her anger. Otherwise, your end will not be as simple as a beating." ”

"Idiot, you are still threatening me. Do you think I am scared? Catch me. I will do it myself." Meris said contemptuously.

After saying that, one of his followers stretched out his hand to grab Ji Wufeng, but before he could reach out, Ji Wufeng rushed over, opened his big hand, and twisted off the follower's head.

Just like the monsters he encountered before, even without his head, his body was still attacking Ji Wufeng.


Lu Shuangshuang was so frightened that he could still move without his head. This was something he had never seen before, and would scare anyone half to death.


Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, opened his hands and grabbed the attendant's shoulders, and pulled hard. The body that was still attacking frantically was torn in half by him and was thrown to the ground motionless.

"Hiss... you..." Meris suddenly took a breath of air, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

After saying that, he stepped forward, roughly tore the other follower into half, and then threw it to the ground.

Meris was completely frightened and screamed: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for you to kill them?"

Ji Wufeng sneered with disdain and said, "Did Qianye Ming tell you that these are immortal warriors and cannot be killed at all?"

"How did you know?" Merius' eyes widened.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly and said, "Poor idiot, he didn't even know he was sold by Qianye Ming."

Meris was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

But just as he was about to take a step, Ji Wufeng pinched his neck and was lifted directly off the ground. His two already short legs kicked around like rabbit legs.

"You... you can't kill me... I am the prince." Meris's face turned red from suppressing it, and his eyes were full of fear.

Ji Wufeng slapped his forehead fiercely and said: "Yes, I remembered it. I have killed so many people, but it seems that I have never killed a prince. I will try to kill one first and see how it feels. "

Everyone was stunned for a while. Try killing a prince to try your hand? Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yang Feiyun glared and cursed angrily: "Fuck you, why are you here? I'm almost beaten to death, and you still want to watch a fucking show."

"Damn it, you actually dare to speak to Master like this. This is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, which is treason!"

Ji Wufeng curled his lips and said, "If you want to kill him, then kill him. I have already expelled this unscrupulous disciple from our school."

Yang Feiyun jumped up and shouted: "No, no, master, I know I was wrong, so please don't expel me from the master's door."

Ji Wufeng didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, and said to Yang Tianming with a smile: "I don't want to estrange the relationship with you, after all, we still have to cooperate. Besides, this is your family matter, and we don't interfere in your internal affairs. Why don't I take it for granted? I haven't seen it yet, so you guys will continue according to the script before we showed up. Do whatever you have to do, we can still laugh and play around, what do you think?"

There was complexity in Yang Tianming's eyes. He knew that Ji Wufeng was a fierce man. Even the Murong family was crippled, let alone the Yang family?

There are also the Liu family and the Ye family behind Ji Wufeng, and the Yang family naturally knows that Ji Wufeng is still a member of Long Feng.

He really didn't want to offend Ji Wufeng.

Meris, standing behind Yang Tianming, his eyes full of murderous intent, snorted coldly: "I must have seen everything, I can't stay!"

Yang Tianming frowned, his eyes gradually turned cold, and said, "Brother Ji, thank you very much for your kindness, but it seems that you have seen something you shouldn't have seen."

"I can pretend not to see it." Ji Wufeng touched his nose and said sheepishly.

"Ha ha."

Yang Tianming laughed and said: "Brother Ji is so funny. If you see it, you will see it. How can you pretend it never happened? In this world, the only ones who can keep secrets... are dead people."

Hearing Yang Tianming's straightforward words about killing the two of them, Lu Shuangshuang, who had been hiding behind Ji Wufeng, stood up and said coldly: "Yang Tianming, you will not end well!"

Yang Tianming looked at Lu Shuangshuang with eyes full of fascination and said, "But don't worry, Miss Lu, you won't die."

Ji Wufeng immediately became upset and shouted: "Why? I know she is a beautiful girl, but I am also a handsome guy. A beautiful girl doesn't need to die, and a handsome guy doesn't need to die either, right?"

Yang Tianming said to Ji Wufeng with murderous intent in his eyes: "Because I plan to dedicate Miss Lu to Prince Meris."

Everyone likes beauty, but in the eyes of many people, power is more important.

He knew that Mai Ruisi had invited Lu Shuangshuang to dance, and now he still expected Mai Ruisi to help him seize the Yang family, so he could only reluctantly give up.

Ji Wufeng shouted: "Damn it, if you dedicate her to the prince, you can also dedicate me to the princess. I'm so handsome and have a great body. I think many princesses will like me very much, even if they raise me It’s okay to be a mistress.”

Meris suddenly sneered: "In this case, I will accept both of you."

Ji Wufeng suddenly jumped up and said with a scared look on his face: "Damn, what do you want to do? I like women, I only like to be taken care of by women, and I have no interest in men."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in men either. However, I am very interested in pulling out your tongue, peeling off your skin and replacing it with a dog's skin."

At the party before, Ji Wufeng had forced him to lose face. Even if he killed this bastard, Merius felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger.

Upon hearing such cruel methods, Lu Shuangshuang's expression suddenly changed.


Merius turned to look at Lu Shuangshuang again, and said with a smile: "But Miss Lu, don't worry, I won't do this to you, I will only make you want to die, and I will consider it after I have played with you to death." I will give you to my father. If you are the best, my father will definitely like you very much, and maybe he will give me the throne when he is happy."

"Asshole, you are shameless!"

Lu Shuangshuang's face turned red with anger. He actually wanted to send her back and forth as a gift, and it was between father and son. How could he not be ashamed and angry.

"Uh, are you angry?" Ji Wufeng suddenly asked.

"Yes, I'm very angry. I want you to teach him a lesson for me!" Lu Shuangshuang glared at Meris.


After Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and strode towards Meris, making everyone stunned.

Is there something wrong with this guy's mind? Now that we are in this situation, not only do we not feel scared, but we also look like we are going to fight with others.

Meris snorted coldly and said: "Break my legs, don't kill them."

His two followers immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng said: "I advise you to be more honest and let me slap you a few times so that Sister Shuangshuang can relieve her anger. Otherwise, your end will not be as simple as a beating." ”

"Idiot, you are still threatening me. Do you think I am scared? Catch me. I will do it myself." Meris said contemptuously.

After saying that, one of his followers stretched out his hand to grab Ji Wufeng, but before he could reach out, Ji Wufeng rushed over, opened his big hand, and twisted off the follower's head.

Just like the monsters he encountered before, even without his head, his body was still attacking Ji Wufeng.


Lu Shuangshuang was so frightened that he could still move without his head. This was something he had never seen before, and would scare anyone half to death.


Ji Wufeng snorted coldly, opened his hands and grabbed the attendant's shoulders, and pulled hard. The body that was still attacking frantically was torn in half by him and was thrown to the ground motionless.

"Hiss... you..." Meris suddenly took a breath of air, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

After saying that, he stepped forward, roughly tore the other follower into half, and then threw it to the ground.

Meris was completely frightened and screamed: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for you to kill them?"

Ji Wufeng sneered with disdain and said, "Did Qianye Ming tell you that these are immortal warriors and cannot be killed at all?"

"How did you know?" Merius' eyes widened.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly and said, "Poor idiot, he didn't even know he was sold by Qianye Ming."

Meris was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

But just as he was about to take a step, Ji Wufeng pinched his neck and was lifted directly off the ground. His two already short legs kicked around like rabbit legs.

"You... you can't kill me... I am the prince." Meris's face turned red from suppressing it, and his eyes were full of fear.

Ji Wufeng slapped his forehead fiercely and said: "Yes, I remembered it. I have killed so many people, but it seems that I have never killed a prince. I will try to kill one first and see how it feels. "

Everyone was stunned for a while. Try killing a prince to try your hand?

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