I'm afraid that those who like him at school would never have thought that the male god who is cold and unruly outside is actually a bit talkative in private, and most of the time what he says is really embarrassing.

Ruan Fengsi frowned, and said to him with a serious expression, "Don't say these things in front of Shushu, and don't say these things in front of me and Dad in the future, don't let us beat you."

Seeing his elder brother like this, Ruan Ling'an curled his lips.

I really don't know what's so good about that cheap sister.

Suddenly, I thought of the little guy bandaging his wound while muttering softly with tears in his eyes.

Well not for nothing.

Before going to the court, Ruan Ling'an was wondering, "Who is Dad going to sue? The one who needs him to do it himself is really lucky."

Ruan Fengsi "Shu Shu's blood relationship mother."

Ruan Ling'an, "Fuck you!"

This was really unexpected to him. He really wanted to know what happened. To be honest, before he came back, he really thought that his father had found a second love.

Although he didn't reject this matter as much as he did when he grew up, he still didn't want a woman to come to his family and he had to call her mom.

Even though he was as rebellious as he was, he never planned to call him that.

It's just that after returning home, he found that apart from his cheap sister, there was no trace of the hostess in the house. He was inexplicably relieved and at the same time curious.

But he didn't ask.

Who would have thought that the next day he would learn that his cheap sister's mother had been sued by his father in a military court.

Tsk tsk... interesting.

Ruan Fengsi didn't have time to explain too much to him, the hover car had already reached the gate of military law.

The Ruan family all got off the car. This court is about the marshal. Even if Ruan Xiao doesn't want to, he is destined to be watched by outsiders.

There were two defendants. Xiao Yuanyi was brought up wearing prisoner's clothes and shackled. She immediately saw Ruan Shu sitting in the first row, who was well-bred and well-dressed.

Moreover, Marshal Ruan and the eldest son of the Ruan family were sitting beside her, and they seemed to have a good attitude towards her.

Xiao Yuanyi's eyes lit up immediately, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, she struggled desperately to break free from the person who grabbed her and shouted at Ruan Shu.

"Ruan Shu, Shu Shu, I am my mother, please save me quickly, I beg the Marshal to save me!"

Her expression was a bit grim. She was pretty good-looking at first, but she suffered a lot of torture during that time in prison, and she was already haggard and thin.

Ruan Shu only looked at her, pursed her lips and did not speak.

Ruan Xiao and Ruan Fengsi held her little hand at the same time, did not speak but silently comforted her.

Ruan Ling'an folded his arms and crossed his legs, watching the woman coldly from begging his cheap sister for help at the beginning, and then seeing that she was indifferent and began to yell and insult her, with a slightly ruthless expression on her face.

The members of the Ruan family, even if they were only illegitimate daughters, would not allow an outsider to bully them.

Ruan Ling'an picked up the leveling stone next to her and threw it at Xiao Yuanyi's mouth with such force that it was hard to see clearly.

And the smashing was not so accurate, Xiao Yuanyi screamed that her nosebleed and her mouth was bleeding.

"Kang ku ku ku..."

"Plaintiff's family please do not disturb the courtroom."

Ruan Ling'an, who was warned, leaned on the back of the chair and replied casually, "Got it."

Ruan Shu secretly glanced at him unexpectedly, as if she didn't expect him to make a move.

In fact, if Ruan Ling'an hadn't acted so early, Ruan Xiao and Ruan Fengsi would have made the move too.

The two of them looked at Xiao Yuanyi with killing intent in their eyes.

In the Star Beast Empire, it's fine if you don't have children, and those who give birth to children and deliberately abandon them or deliberately abuse them will be severely punished.

Compared with other races in the universe, there are actually very few animal mouths in the Star Beast Kingdom.

And the birth rate of children with stronger blood is lower.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about Ruan Xiao himself, who has lived for four hundred years and has only three children in total.

This needs to be replaced by some able-bodied races with endless descendants.

And because children are too capable of tearing down homes, there are fewer and fewer families who want children. Now it is necessary for the state to strongly encourage and reward children.

So children are a bit skinny, but the country generally treats children with hospitality and preferential treatment, and those found to have maliciously abandoned children will be severely punished, and they will be condemned if they find out about it on the Internet.

Those on the Internet who say that their children are free to raise free-range, the minimum economic conditions and food and clothing will never treat them badly. Before they are minors, they still have a little affection, especially mothers. My own cubs can fight by themselves, but others can't, which is quite protective.

But Xiao Yuanyi's situation was very bad. Not only did she have the guts to steal the marshal's gene, she even abused her after the child was born.

When the judge read out the statements, everyone glanced at the young girl with a pale face.

Then I became more sympathetic and disgusted with Xiao Yuanyi.

Even Ruan Ling'an was stunned, and then looked at Ruan Shu with a complicated expression.

All the evidence is true, even if Xiao Yuanyi wants to refute it.

Moreover, the doctor Lu Ren who was arrested also confessed how Xiao Yuanyi deceived him, and confessed to what he had done.

He hated Xiao Yuanyi, it was all because of her greed and deceit that he became what he is today.

Therefore, when Lu Yiyi appeared, all his confessions basically determined Xiao Yuanyi's death, and there was no room for change.

Xiao Yuanyi still wanted to struggle, and grabbed Ruan Shu's life-saving straw.

But the law is ruthless, not to mention that Ruan Shu can't plead, it's useless to ask.

Xiao Yuanyi was finally sentenced to life imprisonment, and because the doctor was indeed cheated and implicated, but also escaped for so many years because he concealed it and did not report it, so he should not be sentenced to fifty years.

When Xiao Yuanyi was taken away, Ruan Shu pursed her mouth and exhaled slightly, her little face turned pale.

Both Ruan Xiao and Ruan Fengsi held her hand and sat quietly with her.

"Hey, you won't be soft on this kind of person?"

Ruan Ling'an sounded a little guilty, "I want to beat you up if I can soften my heart towards this kind of person, but I would have beaten you to the point where I wouldn't be able to get up, and I don't know who you are with your bullying character." To make that kind of bastard bully you like this..."

"Shut up!"

Ruan Xiao and Ruan Fengsi spoke in unison.

Ruan Ling'an pouted, "Isn't what I said the truth?"

Ruan Shu: "I have no sympathy, no soft-heartedness."

She grabbed the hands of her father and elder brother and said, "She scolded you."

This incident made Ruan Shu feel the most uncomfortable. Xiao Yuanyi scolded herself for nothing, but she also scolded her father and brother without any choice, and publicly said that her mental strength F would bring shame to the Ruan family.

Ruan Shu is also really worried. In this era where the spiritually powerful are respected, she is afraid that she will hold her father back and be ridiculed by others because of her existence.

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