Most of the things like mutant plants are as stingy as their dragons. Even if the fruits on their bodies are ripe and rotten, as long as they don't want others, they can't easily get them from them.

Therefore, it is even more unlikely to carelessly drop such a good-looking mutated fruit on the ground.

So... Are these things dropped by the mutated plant on purpose?

But how is it possible.

Ruan Shu moved her small nose and muttered, "It smells so good."

The fruits of many mutated plants can be eaten directly, and are rich in nutritional value, and some can even be used as medicine.

The main ingredient of the potion that can barely suppress the loss of mental power is the fruit of one of the mutated plants.

There are also some other medicines, the main sources of which are mutated plants.

Therefore, mutated plants are very important to them, but wild mutated plants are too cruel, but they are more valuable, and thus a profession - mercenaries has been derived.

These people gathered together for various reasons will take on special tasks, go to the wild to find the mutated plants that the employer needs, and hunt exotic beasts.

"Let's eat."

Regardless of why these fruits fell here, after making sure that the blackberries were all right, Aylmer handed them to her.

Ruan Shu followed Aylmer like a blackberry tail.

Perhaps because of the willingness to be frightened just now, Ruan Shu has become dependent on him at this moment.

The black berries are delicious, and they are plump, juicy and seed-free. One bite is super satisfying

Looking at the little guy following him, the corners of Aylmer's mouth raised, and he quickly sliced ​​up the captured prey and started roasting it.

Then he took out some seasonings from the ring space.

Although Ruan Shu sat beside him obediently, she also stared at his hands several times, always surprised when she saw something he created out of thin air.

But she didn't say anything, and she didn't ask.

Instead, Aylmer directly took off a ring inlaid with black gemstones from her finger and stuffed it into her hand.

"The space of the ring is full of pearls and gems that I installed. Play with it yourself. By the way, you need to use mental power to sweep in to get things."

Ruan Shu held the ring and looked at him a little helplessly, this, this looks super expensive at first glance, why did he give it to himself.

"Play as you like, you can take away the things you like in it. I can't give you this ring space. I'll go back and find out if there are any new ones for you."

Ruan Shu was so frightened that she quickly waved her hands for her head, "No, I don't want it."

Holding the ring, Ruan Shu looked at him with some puzzlement, and then timidly asked the question she really wanted to ask.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

It's not that she doesn't know good from bad, it's really, it's just like a dream.

She lacks love, and if others treat her better, she wants to pay back with all her strength.

For her father and brother, because of the bond of blood relationship, she easily accepted their kindness, and then told herself that she should also be very good to her father and brother.

But Almer...

Ruan Shu pursed her lips. He is His Majesty. With such a high status, he is so kind to the insignificant her. Ruan Shu feels that it is unreal.

So I'm super confused.

Because of the entanglement, Ruan Shu's delicate face was a little wrinkled.

But the wrinkled brows and the appearance of her nose don't affect her cuteness at all.

Aylmer's palm fell on the little guy's head and pressed it.

"You just think that I want to raise a mascot, and it's not a loss for such a soft mascot to raise me."

Ruan Shu's face turned red immediately, and she turned her head a little angrily, "I, I'm not the mascot!"

With a smile on his face, Aylmer talked to her while controlling the fire and diligently grilling the meat.

"I told you, I was unlucky."

Ruan Shu nodded eagerly at the smelling barbecued meat.

"I was in the hospital the day I first met you, do you know how I was hospitalized?"

Ruan Shu shook her head honestly.

" was unlucky when I went out, the suspension vehicle exploded, but I am thick and thick, and nothing happened, but I still have things to do, I was delayed to go to the starport and take the starship to the XX planet, but I was flying There was something wrong with the starship on the way, and it stopped nearby, and as soon as it stopped, I encountered the notorious ghost star thief, fought with them, and finally I won, and I was fine."

There was still a hint of complacency in his tone.

Ruan Shu "..."

So this is your unlucky or the star thief's unlucky.

Aylmer brought out a fine china plate studded with sparkling diamonds.

Ruan Shu: Very well, this is Aylmer, she is really not surprised at all.

Ruan Shu stared at the grilled meat that was burnt yellow and smeared with blackberry juice, but this did not prevent her from pricking up her ears and continuing to listen to Almer.

Aylmer took the plate and fork, and if he didn't eat himself, he would feed some greedy cat first.

"It's a pity that I was unlucky when I came back. I encountered a few asteroids that were out of orbit and smashed towards our starship. I had no choice but to remove those asteroids myself. One was accidentally hit by an asteroid. .”

Ruan Shu's mouth was stuffed with meat, and her expression of round eyes was even more shocking.


He got smashed by an asteroid? !

Aylmer couldn't help pinching her chubby little face, it's nice to have such a little mascot.

It's a pity that it belongs to someone else.

Aylmer was in a bad mood when he thought of this.

"So, are you well now?"

Those are asteroids, maybe they are insignificant compared to a planet, but they are asteroids that can destroy a starship!

"It's okay, I suffered some internal injuries, it will be fine in three days." His tone was light.

Ruan Shu swallowed, and the whole villain was a little stunned.

Got some internal injuries?

Three, three days would be fine?

How strong is this person's body!

The Dragon Clan is so terrifying!

"Are you still eating?"

Ruan Shu lowered her head, it turned out that she ate everything on the plate without realizing it.

Ruan Shu blushed again, feeling ashamed.

The prey that Almer worked so hard to catch was also the meat he roasted, but in the end it all went into his stomach.

"I, I won't eat." Ruan Shu clasped her fingers and said.

Aylmer laughed out loud, Ruan Shu's face flushed, and she hurriedly wanted to help.

"Sit and eat yours, I'm going to control the fire."

Ruan Shu could only hold the fruit by the side, obediently being a pretty useless mascot.

Although he was eating the meat he roasted later, he would feed her some from time to time.

The final result was that Ruan Shu was a little overwhelmed, quietly pressed her belly, and looked outside eagerly.

I don't know when the rain will stop.

Aylmer suddenly said, "Little mascot, do you know why it rains?"

Ruan Shu shook her head subconsciously, and waited for a few seconds to realize what he called her.

Ruan Shu retorted, "I, I'm not a mascot."

The voice is soft and not fierce at all, who would be afraid of it.

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