Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 140: Save the Cat

Ruan Shu didn't want to be so ashamed, after all, a cat couldn't beat a butterfly.

And she was caught by a butterfly (T ^ T)

But...but between losing her life and losing face, she should choose to lose face.

"Meow meow..." Maomao waved her innocent little paw tearfully.

'Save the cat! '

Aylmer, who was discussing state affairs with the minister, looked back. He was silent for two seconds and twitched his mouth. He moved his feet, but he was in front of Ruan Shu in an instant.

The butterfly was frightened, dropped what it was holding, and flapped its wings to run.

But before it could fly away, it was slapped and flew out.

Feeling the weightlessness, Ruan Shu was so frightened that her hairs stood on end, and a whole small dandelion ball fell down.

But there was no pain, and Maomao was caught by a familiar hand.

Ruan Shu rolled herself into a ball, and after a while, she let go of her paws holding her face, and looked at Aylmer with her big blue eyes.

Then her little head was poked by Aylmer.


Ruan Shu "..."

Ruan Shu stepped on her tail with her paw in a little embarrassment.

What a shame.

Ruan Shu didn't know that not only was she ashamed, but she was even more ashamed.

Just when she slowly and reluctantly suppressed the embarrassment in her heart and wanted to talk to Aylmer, a strange voice came.

"Ahem... Your Majesty."

With this sound, Aylmer finally put down the cat in his hand and looked up to the front. He was in a video conference before.

On the opposite side sat several ministers.

Maomao raised her head in shock, and also saw the projection screen in front of her.

For a while, he stared at the person opposite him.

Cat Ruan Shu: ...

she died.

Ruan Shusheng turned her head unlovely, then plunged her head into Aylmer's arms and rolled herself into a ball, not planning to see anyone anymore.

woo woo woo...

She was caught by a butterfly before, and she must have been seen too. Mao Mao really wants to disappear.

Aylmer covered her lips and let out a chuckle, Ruan Shu gathered herself tighter, only showing Aylmer a round, furry little back.


There was a slight smile in the young man's golden eyes, and he fiddled with Ruan Shu's cat ears with his fingers.

The person on the other side also reacted, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart and continuing to discuss national affairs.

It's just that the sight can't help but look into His Majesty's arms.

That little fluffy ball that could be picked up by a butterfly is pretending to be dead at the moment, and it hasn't moved since balling itself.

Until the meeting was almost over, there was a faint snoring sound from His Majesty's side.

Aylmer also paused, pawing at the fluffy dumpling in his arms.

With this tugging, the fluffy milk balls fell apart, and the puppet cat opened its paws, turned over and slept soundly in his arms, as if the embarrassing cat before had long since become a thing of the past .

Almer "..."

I don't know whether to say she is heartless or fat.

I took a look at Maomao's body shape, the better one was the one in front.

The ministers on the opposite side of the video couldn't help but take a look at it, and then take another look.

What kind of little thing is this? They have never seen it before.

Not only the Star Beast Empire, but the entire universe does not have such a small fluffy dumpling.

After all... She can still be picked up by a butterfly, how light it is.

"Let's stop here for today's parliament."

After the meeting, Almer cut the video, got up and left the garden with the cat in his arms.


Ruan Shu didn't know how long she had been asleep, and when she opened her eyes, she felt like she didn't know what night it was.

In a daze, he opened his little paw, and touched something hard and cold.

There was a bit of bewilderment in her eyes, and she hooked and stepped on her paws.

What kind of scales are this black and hard? A little familiar.


The hair behind her was blown up, Ruan Shu turned her head, a pair of big golden eyes opened, the vertical pupil looked a little scary, but I have to say, the pattern inside the eyes is really beautiful, and the outer layer is very clean like Glass-like protective layer.

At this moment, his small figure was reflected in those golden eyes, just like looking in a mirror.

Ruan Shu: "Meow?"

Aylmer gently rubbed his nose against a certain cat, and the limp kitten who had just woken up was knocked down.

Waving his little claws, he tried to turn over, but was quickly lifted up by the dragon's tail.

Ruan Shu woke up, it's Aylmer~

She leaned close to the dragon and rubbed him affectionately.

The black dragon got up, circled around the little cat twice, and then lowered its head in front of the cat.

"Come up."

Ruan Shu immediately became energetic, and the nimble cat "climbed mountains and mountains" and jumped on the head of the black dragon.

Shaking her tail, she turned into a human cub lying on the dragon's head.

"Aylmer, can I touch your horn?"


Heilong's tone was indulgent, Ruan Shu raised her eyebrows and smiled crookedly.

Her soft white hand lightly touched the black dragon's horn.

It's hard and slightly cool, but it's not that kind of cold touch, how can I say it, it's very comfortable and cool.

It would be nice to be next to him on a very hot day.

"Grab it."

The black dragon raised its head and suddenly spread its huge wings.

Ruan Shu quickly grabbed Aylmer's dragon horn, a gust of wind hit her, she closed her eyes, and her snow-white hair fluttered.

When they opened their eyes again, they were already in the sky.

Aylmer opened the energy protection cover again, and without the wind blowing, she lay on Aylmer's head carefully.

"Where are we now?"

It felt like it took only a moment to fly so high that the scenery below became smaller.

Aylmer "I don't know, I took you to fly around."

Ruan Shu grabbed his dragon's horn and looked down secretly, originally to see the scenery, but suddenly felt like something was catching up.

Um? Are you catching up?

And the thing that was catching up was making noise.

Just... the familiar sound of a police car.

"Please pay attention to the star beasts in front. You have reached the no-fly zone and are about to be arrested. Please cooperate with the star beasts in front of us to land."

Almer "..."

Ruan Shu "..."

Is it okay for the emperor of the empire to be arrested?

A certain emperor felt a little guilty and wanted to speed up and fly away.

"Please pay attention to the star beasts in front, we have already taken your photo, if you resist arrest, you will be notified by the whole network."

That's not ashamed to go abroad.

Which eyes are so bad, is the animal shape of his majesty so inconspicuous? With such gorgeous black scales and such a vigorous dragon, don't you know how to turn a blind eye when law enforcement?

The police car behind was still chasing, Ruan Shu patted Aylmer on the head, "We, shall we go down?"

Otherwise, is it illegal?

Aylmer: "...All right."

Just said it very reluctantly.

He didn't want his illegal photos to be spread all over the Internet, or else his emperor's face would be lost?


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