Seeing Father Ruan with a cat scarf, my grandfather and brother were envious.

But now is not the time for internal strife, now is the time for unanimity.

Ruan He couldn't help feeling depressed when he thought about what happened on the live broadcast, "Your Majesty, do you know that Shushu is now on the hot searches with you, how can you bring Shushu up on such an important occasion?"

Hearing that she was on the hot search, she sat up in shock when her father's neck was limp into a cat scarf dying of illness, and the cat looked at Aylmer with wide round eyes in shock, why is she on the hot search again? ?

So is the cat still being photographed?

Ruan Shu couldn't help but raise her paws to cover her face. Today is the live broadcast of the entire Star Beast Empire, so she was watched by many people. Mao Mao had clearly observed it, and she only came out when there were not so many cameras. .

Ruan Shu felt so ashamed when she thought about being surrounded by so many people in the pocket of His Majesty's clothes, her claws curled up.

Woooooo... The face of the cat was lost.

Can, can you remove the trending search?

However, her father's next words shattered her fantasy.

"The hot searches that appeared today can't be undone."

Ruan Shu "..."

Maomao, just lie down, as long as, as long as she doesn't look at the trending searches, can it be treated as if nothing happened?

Ruan Shu Maomao bit her little paw with a tangled expression.

Aylmer sighed, "I didn't expect such an accident to happen."

His tone was sincere, "But now everything has happened, and we really need to find a way to solve it, so... why don't we make it public?"

The three members of the Ruan family immediately looked at Aylmer with knife-like eyes.

What do you mean? Don't want to suppress it and make it public?

Aylmer analyzed with them well-founded, "There are too many people watching the live broadcast today, and it is impossible to hide. The more they hide, the more they want to explore. The longer it takes, it's better to open it openly, I will explain her identity clearly at that time, and when everyone is interested, no one will pay attention to her anymore, and..."

He looked at Grandpa Ruan, "Old Marshal Ruan has such a lovely granddaughter, don't you want to show her off to the whole world?"

Ruan He, who wanted to show off his good granddaughter to the world, had to admit that he was really moved by this proposal.

He is no longer satisfied with just showing off his good granddaughter in the circle of friends.

Ruan Xiao paused for a moment when he touched his daughter Maomao's head. In fact... he also wanted to show off a little bit, but he had never done such a thing before, so he kept holding back in his heart not to collapse.

Aylmer: "And Marshal can't hide Shushu all the time, right? It's time to give her an officially recognized identity, maybe you don't know, although many people in the circle know that Marshal has a daughter, but many people's attitude towards her But it’s not that good.”

Speaking of this, Aylmer's face was sullen, and the coldness in his golden eyes flashed away, as if it were an illusion.

"They don't know how good you are to Shushu, so they will inevitably criticize you in private."

When he came here today, he heard some people talking about Shushu, and they said some bad things. They just felt that Shushu was not favored in Ruan's family and had no one to support him.

He dealt with the few people who happened to hear it, but what about those who didn't know behind the scenes?

Although Aylmer didn't say what those people were criticizing, he knew from his expression that it must be some unpleasant words.

So Ruan Xiao's and the others' expressions turned ugly, Ruan Fengsi, who was so hot-tempered, even asked who it was, he was going to smash those people's stinking mouths, if he couldn't speak, then stop talking.

Aylmer "has been dealt with by me, but it's just something I just happened to hear."

As for what those people said, Almer will not say, he doesn't want Shushu to hear those malicious words.

Ruan Fengsi was full of hostility, "Don't let me know who is talking behind my back!"

Ruan Shu meowed twice worriedly, she's fine, brother don't be angry.

Maomao tried to comfort everyone, but she only had one, and her claws were too busy to be comforted.

Then Maomao was hugged by his father and pinched his paws, "Okay, let's make it public."

Shu Shu looked at the people around in a daze, did they just negotiate and settle it? What about cats?

"Shu Shu, let everyone know that you are Dad's daughter, okay?" Ruan Xiao's usual cold voice sounded a little gentle at this time, and she looked at Mao Mao in those ice blue eyes. Very doting.

Ruan Shu pressed her paw on the back of her father's hand and meowed childishly.

Of course Mao Mao agreed, to let everyone know that Shu Shu is her father's daughter, Mao Mao raised four paws and added a tail to agree!

Of course, this matter should not be rushed. After all, today is the Beast God Festival, and it is not a suitable day for publicity.

After the military parade is over, the entire Star Beast Empire is carnival. Until night, beautiful fireworks of various shapes occupy the sky. Countless people sing and dance around the statues of beast gods and gods everywhere. They began to dance gracefully with their hands open and closed, and sang the national anthem loudly.

"The endless abyss welcomes the light,

The endless abyss gave birth to the beast god.

star beast,

Always forge ahead.


Forever burning will to fight.

battle battle battle...

never back down hero


Under the lights and sparks, they sang heartily, and their songs resounded all over the world and the entire planet.

Although Ruan Shu didn't participate, she lay on her father's shoulder and stared at the crowd below with piercing eyes.

There are soldiers in military uniforms, and ordinary people in civilian clothes. The sculpture of the Beast God is a huge sword, not any kind of star beast, because in the legend, no one knows what the Beast God looks like, only His weapon is a sword capable of piercing the void and the universe.

Therefore, during the military parade, even though everyone has used hot weapons and cold weapons have basically been eliminated, they still use swords.

Because this is the symbol of the beast god.

As a member of the royal family, of course Aylmer also has his own saber.

Standing in the presidential room on the ninth floor, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can have a panoramic view of everything below, even their singing.

Ruan Shu's tail swayed unconsciously following the impassioned singing, a pair of fluffy ears stood up but she was full of energy, her little head was shaking rhythmically, and she almost sang along with Meow Meow.

Ruan Xiao turned his head slightly to look at it. It was another day when his daughter was so cute. He, a steel tough guy honed in the army, softened his heart.

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