Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 244 Mutated Snow Rabbit

After the edelweiss turned into sea urchins, they quickly gathered in the face of natural enemies. Small whirlwinds gathered together and gradually turned into powerful hurricanes.

But the rabbit obviously also knew the skills of the edelweiss, and started digging holes in the ground before the tornado formed.

It's fast and a natural puncher.

Drilled in before the cyclone approached and successfully avoided the damage caused by the hurricane.

The edelweiss continued to fry.

After the hurricane passed, the snow rabbit came out of the hole and continued to catch edelweiss balls.

Ruan Shu looked anxiously, but she couldn't help with the five scumbags.

When her brain was racing, she thought of the narrow mountain wall when they came in.

"Meow meow meow!"

'Everyone, come over here! '

Ruan Shu was afraid that they would not understand her meowing, so she opened her mouth cruelly to grab an edelweiss ball. She thought she would be pricked, but the edelweiss ball softened in her mouth.

Ruan Shu didn't care too much at the moment, she turned around and ran towards the narrow mountain wall with the pompom in her mouth.

The edelweiss ball in the back followed behind Ruan Shu, but the little whirlwind didn't stop.

The rabbit had to dig holes from time to time, and apparently he didn't dare to go head-to-head with the edelweiss and the others.

Ruan Shu didn't expect those edelweiss to listen to her so much, after it took the lead, they actually followed one after another.

After entering the narrow mountain wall, the speed at which they gather the wind is obviously much faster and much greater, and Ruan Shu is also constantly feeding energy to the edelweiss balls.

This made Edelweiss and the others more energetic, and the whirlwinds blew towards the rabbit as if they had no energy.

This time, the snow rabbit hiding in the hole couldn't get out, basically the hurricane arrived just after a head emerged.

Even when it ran into the gap between the mountain walls, it was blown out.

The wind that the edelweiss used to attack was not gentle at all, and there were sharp blades in the hurricane. The snow rabbit was carelessly caught and at the same time suffered the pain of thousands of cuts.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably not have a piece of good meat on its body, but when it fell on that snow rabbit, there was a wound, but it was not fatal.

But once it hurts, the snow rabbit didn't dare to act rashly.

It made a sharp cry towards the cracks in the mountain wall.

Ruan Shu took the edelweiss balls and ran desperately towards the exit while letting the wind blow.

Snow Rabbit obviously didn't want to give up this big meal, so he dug a hole to catch up.

The speed is slow, but it is very effective.

After eating a few more edelweiss balls, they finally came to the narrowest place.

Ruan Shu's cat can pass by physically, and the edelweiss balls can also pass by easily, but the snow rabbit can't.

The rock below was too hard for the snow rabbit to dig.

It came out directly and wanted to squeeze out through the slit, but the brains of strange beasts were generally not very intelligent, and the lower the level, the less intelligent they were.

It obviously underestimated the size of its own body, and then... got stuck.

The snow rabbit was stuck in the crack, neither advancing nor retreating, only struggling desperately and screaming.

Ruan Shu glanced back and didn't run away.

"Meow meow meow!"

'Hit it! '

Qiuqiu exploded the hair, and at the same time sent out small whirlwinds gathered and blown into the cracks.

Seeing the murderous hurricane that was close at hand, Snow Rabbit became anxious and kicked her legs desperately to retreat.

But the retreat was unsuccessful and it was rolled up.

The wind this time was much stronger than the previous ones. Snow Rabbit directly experienced the refreshing feeling of spinning and flying into the sky, and it was really painful when the knife in the wind cut her body.

Ruan Shu raised her head, and could hear the miserable scream of the snow rabbit.

deserve it!

In this wave, nearly 200 edelweiss balls were eaten directly, and Ruan Shu felt distressed watching it.

You know, now Ruan Shu is already ambitious to regard these edelweiss as her own private property!

Just feeling distressed for a while, Ruan Shu's body was suddenly caught in the air.


It was supposed to blow its fur, but when a familiar voice came, Mao Mao curled up its paws and tail guilty.

"You can run quite well."

That's right, it was Aylmer who spoke.

Ruan Shu felt that the voice was more or less angry.

Seeing her being caught, the edelweiss balls exploded again, and the little whirlwinds gathered again.


'don't want! '

Under Ruan Shu's stop, the hurricane that hadn't yet formed finally dissipated.

Aylmer raised his eyebrows when he saw this: "That's right, I can make these edelweiss obedient."

Ruan Fengsi came over and hugged the kitten: "Don't scare her, Shushu is timid."

Almer: "..."

I don't know who said to teach her a good lesson before.

"What happened just now, did you meet a strange beast?"

When they came over, the battle had just ended, and the snow rabbit had been swept up into the sky and could not be seen clearly.

"Are you hurt?"

They checked Ruan Shu's body over and over again, and they were relieved after confirming that she was not injured.

But this time things are also dangerous.

It was rare for Ruan Qingran to say to her seriously: "Next time, don't act on your own!"

Ruan Xinglan: "Such a small one is not enough to stuff the teeth of those strange beasts."

Ruan Shu: ...

Don't say it, don't say it, the child knows it's wrong.

However, this time the harvest is really great.

With Ruan Shu around, these edelweiss are very easy to catch.

They didn't even need to scratch, the edelweiss neatly jumped into the container under Maomao's command.

A box with space folding technology, and ice and snow inside.

Everyone was speechless when they saw the cooperation of those edelweiss, but they were a little proud in their hearts.

Although their sister's strength is not good, she can build a good relationship with mutant plants.

Look, this is a thousand edelweiss, so I asked who else could catch it easier than them, even if the Li family came.

Although I don't know how many edelweiss the Li family raised, the amount of edelweiss produced by these thousand edelweiss balls a month is enough to provide them with the inhibitors needed to make several legions.

Most importantly, from now on, they are no longer restricted by the Li family!

Aylmer was the one who was most shocked among the few people.

Although he has known Ruan Shu for so long, he really doesn't know that she has such abilities.

It can make the mutated plants follow her willingly. If the little vine and the mutated mushroom were accidental or accidental, then there are so many mutated edelweiss, a fool can see that she is wrong.

Aylmer just didn't think much about it before, but now.

"Innate bloodline?"

He immediately thought of this layer.

The three Ruan brothers glanced at him, then nodded.

They didn't intend to hide Shushu's ability, and Aylmer already knew that Shushu could cultivate mutant plants.

"Yes, we can find more aggressive mutant plants for her. There is a mutant piranha in my palace, do you want it?"

That mutated piranha was raised by his mother, and he has long disliked him, and every time he secretly wants to eat him.

When he was young, the mutated piranha had eaten him several times, if it wasn't for his thick-skinned dragon, he would be gone!

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