Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 271 Talent Ability About to be Promoted

Ruan Qingran gave her a high-level nutritional supplement.

She was finally not so hungry.

After a series of examinations, she still found nothing wrong with her body and was in a healthy state.

There is no problem with her mental power, her two mental power balls are still very active.

Ruan Qingran propped her chin and frowned for a moment.

"Shu Shu, have you ever been in this hungry or tired state before?"

Ruan Shu thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, I have a headache and fatigue when I use too much mental power. After using up the natural energy, I will be hungrier than usual, and I also feel a little tired and dizzy."

Ruan Qingran was slightly relieved upon hearing this.

"I probably know why."

Under the eyes of the two pairs, Ruan Qingran said: "Shushu's talent may be about to be promoted, I remember that every time my brother's talent is promoted, there will be a period of time when the body is very cold, and even the body is frosted.

The performance of different gifted and ability users is different when they advance, but there has never been a situation where... I am very hungry and want to eat. Shushu's performance should also require more energy intake. Ordinary food It's useless to her, it needs nutrients or exotic animal meat. "

Ruan Shu was stunned, this, talent and ability will also be promoted?

As if seeing the doubt in her eyes, Ruan Qingran answered with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Innate ability is different from mental power. Spiritual power is innate. If you don't advance, you can only practice the ability to control it and transform it. Mental power is strong to a certain level. It can be released to form its own spiritual weapon."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a faint blue scalpel floated above his palm. The scalpel glowed coldly, and it looked like it could easily cut through the skin.

"However, to condense spiritual power into a weapon, generally you must be a strong mental power of at least B level and above, and you must control your own mental power to be proficient before you can release your mental power and condense it into a weapon. This is what the teacher will tell you when you are in junior high school. .”

After Ruan Qingran finished speaking, the scalpel condensed by the mental power in his palm scattered away.

"However, innate ability can be improved with continuous accumulation and practice. It is probably because Shushu often uses it, so now your innate ability has a sign of advancement."

Ruan Shu looked at him with bright eyes.

Ruan Qingran smiled.

"Then let me talk to you about the level division of talent ability. There are nine levels in total, but each level is divided into early, middle and late stages. Shushu, your current situation is the late stage of the first level. , when it is about to be promoted to the second level."

Ruan Shu nodded knowingly, as long as she is not sick.

She said to her brother with crooked eyebrows, "That's a good thing."

As the level increases, she can grow more mutant plants.

Ruan Fengsi rubbed her little head: "It's indeed a good thing, let's go back and order high-level nutritional supplements for you."

Ruan Shu nodded obediently.

After saying goodbye to her cousin and returning home, Ruan Shu told her grandfather about her situation.

It's a pity that my father hasn't come back yet, but Ruan Shu still told him by sending a message.

Knowing that her performance like this is a normal performance required for her talent to advance, the family prepared several boxes of high-level nutritional supplements for her. These are easy to carry, and Ruan Shu always takes them out to eat when she goes to school.

And there are all kinds of flavors, and the fruit flavors are the most.

Looking at the ten large boxes and hundreds of nutritional supplements, Ruan Shu's mouth opened wide.

Well... a lot!

Grandpa Ruan looked around with his hands behind his back and nodded in satisfaction, seeing the shocked look on the child's face, he said.

"Is this enough for you to eat, if not enough we have more!"

It can be said to be very proud.

Ruan Shu shook her head quickly: "No, it's a lot, can I finish it?"

A high-level nutritional supplement costs several thousand stars.

Ruan Shu supported her small chin and muttered softly: "It's a waste if you can't finish it."

Grandpa Ruan shook his head: "Don't be afraid, give your father what you can't eat, there are so many people in his barracks, it's not enough, and we didn't buy these with money, they were all from the Li family, oh no, they were sent by the Lin family of."

Ruan Shu looked puzzled: "The Lin family?"

Grandpa Ruan nodded: "Yes, it originally belonged to the Li family. You know about the Li family, right? But the Li family was arrested, and the control of the Shenlu clan fell into the hands of the Bailu clan. The original surname of the Bailu clan It's Lin, now the Lin family is our affiliated family, and they don't need money to send these things over."

Ruan Shu: ...

I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of things.

The verdict of the Li family was actually the day before yesterday.

It's not that Marshal Bros didn't want to deal with it to keep the Li family. However, all kinds of evidence on the Internet are too complete, and he even caused public outrage for stealing other people's pharmaceutical research results and the medicine that can increase the pollution value of people and cause mental breakdown.

Under such circumstances, if he still wanted to take advantage of the Li family, the final result would definitely be to get himself into trouble.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as his biggest purse was stolen.

Because the Li family has many pharmacists, they basically control all kinds of nutrients and medicines in the Star Beast Empire, so the companies under the group are spread all over the planets.

Nutrients are the biggest source of income, and now, these are all under the control of Bailu's lineage, and the first thing Bailu did after he came to power was to bring his entire family and company to join the Ruan family.

Moreover, those who were framed by the Li family for stealing the results were innocent and received a large amount of compensation, which won the favor of many people.

In addition, the White Deer lineage was originally a victim. With the support of the Ruan family, the current head of the family, Lin Xue, took drastic measures to eliminate those side moths who were not convinced and wanted to cause trouble in the family. Finally, the family business barely stabilized. .

The matter was a foregone conclusion, and Bross watched the money bag fly to Ruan's house, no matter how angry he was, it was useless.

"Ruan Family, Ruan Xiao!"

At this moment, in the home of Marshal Bros of the First Legion, the marshal's anger still hasn't disappeared, and it's even getting hotter and hotter.

He entered a secret room with a gloomy expression.

"I want Ruan Xiao and the Third Legion to disappear, just like the eldest son of the Ruan family back then."

His hoarse and sinister voice sounded in the secret room.

A projection screen appeared in front of him, opposite a man in black wearing a mask.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

The voice of the masked man is distorted, more like a robot with no emotion.

"Marshal Ruan and the Third Army Corps are very strong. There is currently no large-scale battle that can make the entire Third Army Corps disappear."

"Then create the conditions! When will the next queen of the Zerg be born."

"Five years later."

"Okay, then I will wait another five years. During this period, I will find a way to increase Ruan Xiao's pollution value. At that time, I don't believe that he can come back completely."

The last word floated in the secret room like an echo, giving people a cold and uncomfortable feeling.

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