Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 291 Military Meeting

Rong Su was stared at by them.

He himself felt that he was miserable, but the feeling of being surrounded by people watching him so miserable was really too bad.

Rong Fu was cursing in his heart, that guy Ling definitely had a grudge against him!

The doctors began to discuss it.

"The progress of the video is pulled forward, the part where he was fed something."

"Found it, zoom in and see what it is."

Everyone played it repeatedly, and finally suspected that it was one of the items to appease Rongsu's spiritual power.

"It looks like some kind of fruit."

Rong Fu is expressionless, he has never eaten such an unpalatable fruit, it is more appropriate to describe this thing as poison!

"It looks like a small orange or something, but the expression on Young Master Rong's face tastes bitter."

They all looked at Young Master Rong on the hospital bed in unison.

Rong sued: "...Yes!"

Please don't let him recall that taste again! Where about water? He wants to drink water!

This night, many people are checking the identity of the big lion.

It seems that the lion is not quite right, because the scales on his body are obvious, and there are horns on the top of his head. It should be a lion star beast with a special bloodline.

The story of the little kumquat is currently only spread in a small area of ​​the military, but someone still recognized it when they found the video.

So when Ruan Xiao went to the military headquarters the next day, he was notified to call a meeting.

He had expected it, so he wasn't surprised.

During the meeting, His Majesty the Empire, the elders of the House of Elders and the marshals were all present.

As soon as Ruan Xiao arrived, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Everyone is exploring, wondering and wondering, and one of them has a line of sight with some hidden malice.

When Ruan Xiao looked over, the malicious eyes disappeared, as if everything was his illusion.

But Ruan Xiao trusted his intuition.

"Marshal Ruan, you must have known what happened in the Kavia Club. That lion star beast is your young master, right? Did he feed the out-of-control star beast a small kumquat?"

During the meeting, an elder couldn't wait to ask.

Ruan Xiao nodded in agreement.

The people at the conference table started discussing even more excitedly.

"The little kumquat can soothe the out-of-control mental power caused by the polluting potion!"

Because the potion contains high-purity pollutants and can directly destroy the spiritual sea and spiritual power, everyone took that potion as a polluting potion.

And it is precisely because the pollution concentration is too high and the effect is too fast, so the inhibitors are useless to it.

This thing is too harmful to the entire universe. The Li family has become the sinners of the entire universe, and when they are sentenced, they are all severely punished.

However, the specific information about the drug being suppressed was not announced, otherwise it would cause panic in the entire empire.

The research institute is also researching antidote, but the previous small kumquats are almost used up, and their research direction is still inhibitors, so there has been no progress.

But what happened in the Kavia Club yesterday brought hope to everyone, and everything turned around.

The potion made by the little kumquat can not only treat ordinary out-of-control mental power, but also treat out-of-control mental power caused by polluting potions!

This is good news for all.

"Great, we have been worrying about those polluting chemicals flowing out, so we can feel much more at ease when we have the kumquat."

"You have such a good idea. The number of small kumquats is too small. Marshal Ruan, may I ask if it is true that small kumquats cannot be reproduced in large numbers?"

"Besides, the contaminating potion's attack speed is too fast. Not everyone has the luck of that star beast to be fed the little kumquat in a short period of time."

"It's too wasteful, that little kumquat can make several mental power relief potions."

"Fortunately, the risk of contaminating the extraction of potions is also very high. Even if someone knows the formula of this thing, it will not be easy to make it."

"This thing must be destroyed as soon as possible!"

Ruan Xiao: "The little kumquats have matured again."

As soon as he spoke, the entire conference room fell silent, and everyone looked at him eagerly.

"Mutated kumquat trees can be reproduced and cultivated in large numbers, but it is very difficult. Currently, 2,300 small kumquats have been harvested and sent to the research institute."

His words were like a bomb, and everyone at the scene was stunned.

"Two... more than two thousand!"

"It can reproduce in large numbers!"

They wondered if there was something wrong with their ears, no, why suddenly there were more than 2,000 ears, didn't they have less than 100 pitiful ears before?

Bross stood up abruptly, staring at Ruan Xiao with heavy eyes.

"The mutated kumquat tree was not obtained by your Ruan family from outside. Someone in your Ruan family can cultivate a mutated kumquat tree!"

In an instant, the entire meeting room fell silent.

Ruan Xiao's cold eyes met Bross's, and calmly moved away after a while.



"What did you say!!!"

All eyes were on him eagerly.

"Marshal Ruan, there is someone in your family who can breed mutated kumquats!"

Aylmer: "Everyone, don't get excited. Marshal Ruan won't say anything if you scare him."

He tapped his fingers on the table: "It's a good thing, isn't it?"

Seeing that he was not surprised at all, Bross knew that their Majesty should have known it a long time ago.

His eyes turned red immediately, no wonder, no wonder His Majesty would help the Ruan family so abnormally, he must have accepted the benefits of the Ruan family long ago.

The greedy look in his eyes flashed past.

He went through all the Ruan family members in his mind, but he couldn't think of anyone with such ability.

Or someone else, just attached to the Ruan family, he was the first to think of those White Deer Star Beasts who have taken refuge in the Ruan family now.

Facing everyone's eager desire for knowledge, Ruan Xiao said calmly.

"I won't say who the person who cultivated the mutated kumquat tree is, but in the future, the mutated kumquats of the Ruan family will be sold to the research institute."

Aylmer also said: "Psychic guidance medicine will be distributed to the military department, and the contract needs to be signed with the royal family and the research institute."

The marshals who were present were relieved to hear that those relief agents were going to be distributed to the military headquarters.

Aylmer and Ruan Xiao also successfully diverted their attention away.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty, besides the military department, our Elder's House, the major governments also need to divert potions, so you can't be biased."

Others also began to fight for it. After all, there were too few things and too many people. Everyone wanted to get more.

But now the output of small kumquats is definitely not open to the outside world.

It's cruel, but it's also reality.

Soldiers protect the empire with their lives, and deserve these privileges accordingly.

This is also the reason why so many people in the entire empire are willing to join the army, because the empire gives them enough sense of security and respect.

In the following meeting, everyone was fighting for more relief potions. Everyone started to sell miserable performances, and some even almost started fighting on the spot.

Except for Ruan Xiao and Aylmer, these two are completely watching the show now.

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