Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 325 New Identity

Looking at her face covered by her hair, Ruan Shu also breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, at the very least, the appearance of having no white hair is eye-catching at first glance, and changing her hairstyle is similar to changing her head. She is still a child, and the appearance of children in this period has not grown, and many children look about the same at first glance. .

When Shen Ran came back from the outside, he almost didn't recognize Ruan Shu when he saw Ruan Shu's appearance.

But it was only the first glance, and soon he realized that it was just a change of hairstyle and hair color. Is the change so big?

She still looks very obedient and delicate, and she has a soft and waxy temperament on her body. This kind of temperament is also in her body. Shen Ran has never seen it on other star beasts.

"We're going to send those mechanical parts to Ge Lao's shop, will you come with us?"

Ruan Shu nodded, she must go outside to have a look, she can't sit still, she must find a way to contact her father.

First set a small goal and buy yourself a new terminal.

But how is she going to make money without revealing her natural abilities?

Ruan Shu changed into the clothes Shen Yun wore when she was a child, plain overalls and short sleeves.

The weather on this planet is a bit hot right now

She has put on Shen Yun's smallest outfit, but it still looks a bit big on her body.

The trouser legs have to be rolled up, and the suspenders are loose and will fall off from time to time.

Fortunately, there is an elastic waistband, otherwise her pants would have fallen off.

She wrapped the dodder around the bangle of light, turning the bangle of light into a normal looking piece of hairy jewelry.

Following the Shen brothers and sisters, they climbed the stairs out of the basement, and it turned out to be a small house outside.

This room was used by the two brothers and sisters of the Shen family as a disguise. The room is not big but it is tidy and has a sense of life.

"From today onwards, you are our younger sister, and your status is the child of our mother's relatives, but because your parents encountered an accident in the forest, so the neighbors you know can only send you to us to remember? ?”

Ruan Shu nodded.

Shen Ran is very satisfied with her well-behaved, such an obedient child is really rare, much more worry-free than her own sister.

The two siblings took Ruan Shu, a tiny one, to the town.

It is really small if you say it is a small town, but in fact it is almost like a village.

Also because the place is very poor, few people come here, so the staff is very fixed, and everyone knows each other. Ruan Shu's strange face is more attractive.

"Shen Ran, Chen Yun, you are going to find Mr. Ge again, who is this little girl?"

A woman came to greet her two brothers and sisters.

Shen Ran and Shen Yun introduced her generously.

"Aunt Hong, this is our cousin Shen Shu, who is a relative of my mother's side, but her parents went to the forest some time ago to make a living and never came back."

This kind of thing often happens in Garbage Star, so that Aunt Hong didn't doubt it, and only looked at the little girl with pity.

Another poor man.

Ruan Shu held Sister Shen Yun's hand nervously, glanced at Aunt Hong and quickly lowered her head.

In Aunt Hong's eyes, the child must have been shocked by the news of his parents' absence, so he was so timid.

She sighed slightly: "Are you two planning to raise her?"

Both of them are still children, so is it okay to raise a child now?

Shen Ran: "She only has us two relatives."

Aunt Hong didn't say much, after all, this is a child, and she looks quite well-behaved.

She took two eggs from her basket and handed them to them.

"This is an egg laid by our own chickens. It's just a wish. Take it back and eat it."

Shen Ran: "We have something to eat."

Aunt Hong forced them: "Even if you don't eat your little cousin, you still have to eat. She is growing up at this age and needs to supplement nutrition. It's not enough to just eat the subsidized nutrients received from the government. That's it." It can only fill the stomach and have no nutrition."

Shen Ran could only take the two eggs.

Ruan Shu looked at Aunt Hong anxiously, and said thank you softly.

"Oh, why does this kid look so good-looking? You're welcome. If you need anything in the future, you can come to Aunt Hong. I'm sure I can help you."

Seeing Ruan Shu's small appearance, Aunt Hong liked her so much, she took out a candy from her pocket and handed it to her before leaving.

Shen Yun joked: "Shu Shu really eats all men, women and children."

Ruan Shu's face was slightly flushed, and her emotions were more or less elevated.

Along the way, everyone they met would greet the Shen brothers and sisters with a warm and friendly attitude.

The two brothers and sisters were also very enthusiastic, Shen Yun was sweeter, and uncles, aunts, grandparents shouted vigorously.

She and Ruan Shu said: "Our two brothers and sisters lost their parents when they were very young. They died in a defense battle during a Zerg invasion. Because of our young age, the people in this town also died because of our father Mom died protecting the town, they are very good to both of us, and they will help us from time to time."

When her parents sacrificed, Shen Yun was still young and didn't remember anything. Although she was curious about what kind of person her parents were and what they looked like, she didn't feel sad when she mentioned this matter.

However, it is true that because of the benefits they have gained, her brother and her can grow up so well, so she has respect for those two people.

"So the two brothers and sisters in this whole town know each other. If you stay here for a long time, you will know each other."

Ruan Shu nodded. Although she misses her family very much, she can't complain about herself. She still has to work hard to survive first.

Her memory is very good, and it can even be said that after the mental power is upgraded from F to E, her memory is even better on the original basis.

In her previous life, her memory was pretty good. Although she couldn't say that she never forgot, she could remember things clearly after reading them two or three times.

Texts and books with too many words can be remembered after reading them twice.

After her mental power rose from F to E, she almost never forgot it. Now she doesn’t know if it’s because her mental power is stronger than before. When she even concentrates her mental power to think about something, what she saw before They can all be remembered clearly.

So she remembered the faces and names of those people she met just now.

Although it feels a bit tasteless, this should help her get along a little better here, right?

The three of them came to a deserted store, which looked a bit dilapidated at first glance, and there were some old robots and other things piled up outside.

Shen Ran went ahead to knock on the door.

I knocked on the door twice at the beginning, but no one answered, it seemed that there was no one in the house.

But the third time, the door opened.

An old man with a bad temper came out, cursing.

"How many times have I told you, brat, don't bother me when I'm taking a nap, everything I tell you is a fart, right?"

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