Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 351 Shu Shu Wants to Donate Money

Ruan Ling'an was even more direct to Zu'an: "Fuck, they haven't finished yet, %#@\u0026amp;amp;amp;..."

Even if it's just a video, they can't stand it. They wish they could let the starship shuttle directly to the unknown star. How is Shushu? What about Your Majesty and Ruan Xiao!

Just as he was in a hurry, he suddenly saw the inconspicuous thin silver-white thread smashing the arms of the rebels who wanted to grab Shushu into pieces.

Then the dodder appeared, and Ruan Shu's hair became as white as it should have been, and her eyes turned blue.

This sudden scene made Ruan Ling'an's swear words stuck in his throat.

Not to mention after that, Cuscuta protects Ruan Shu and kills all directions, which makes people's scalp tingle and blood boil.

Ruan Xinglan stroked his chin and said with great interest, "That's Cuscuta. When did Shushu have such a powerful mutant plant?"

Seeing that Ruan Shu was safe, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I was proud again, worthy of being their sister/granddaughter.

After that, Ruan Xiao and His Majesty appeared...

In this video, the Ruan family's attention is all on Ruan Shu, while others are different.

As the number of videos played increased, countless people from the Star Beast Empire saw their Majesty and Marshal appear on a small unknown planet, and they even broadcast it live!

[When the dodder killed people, I felt my scalp numb and envious. The dodder is really powerful, so who is that little girl who can be protected by the dodder? Is this still a mutant plant I know? 】

[Didn't it mean that mutated plants attack all creatures that approach them indiscriminately? The one in the video is fake? 】

[Why do these mutated plants have two faces? When I went on missions, I would be attacked every time I encountered them. When will they protect people! 】

【Your Majesty! ! ! His Majesty also appeared in the video. 】

[Not only His Majesty, but also Marshal Ruan, this is not the central channel, how did this video pass the review and be sent out! 】

【Lifetime series, that is the marshal's daughter, oh, that's no problem. 】

[It can be seen that His Majesty and the Marshal really dote on her, and I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that His Majesty's resentful eyes really want to replace the Marshal. He wants to be the father of the Marshal's daughter! 】

[When I turned into a star beast and ran over, I cried so pitifully, my heart ached when I saw it. 】

[This video is a live edited video from an unknown star editing hair. Can you believe it, that means that His Majesty and Marshal went to an unknown star to broadcast live! 】

[Fuck, none of our main stars are so honored, what kind of unknown star is this? I'm envious of my real name. 】

【Your Majesty, come to our main star for a live broadcast! 】


The star network is very lively, and many netizens even know that His Majesty and Marshal are still on that unnamed planet, and many people are eager to go to that unnamed planet.

Of course, some people really took action. They were all fanatical fans of His Majesty and Marshal Ruan. That was the unknown planet that His Majesty, Marshal Ruan and his daughter had broadcast live!

After hearing the news, the heads of many other unknown planets burst into tears with envy.

How could that planet be so lucky!

When the Ruan family's starship landed on Wuming Star, Ruan Shu was watching the live broadcast of the two Shen family brothers and sisters.

Although they were delayed for some time, the two brothers and sisters were very stable and gradually surpassed many students.

Some students were eliminated, and some students abandoned the race. Although the two of them were embarrassed, they were moving towards the finish line little by little.

Ruan Shu left a dodder flower for each of them before leaving. I don't know if it was for this reason, but they didn't encounter any aggressive mutant plants along the way.

The seven-day competition time passed by in a flash, and finally, as the first person reached the finish line, others also reached the finish line one after another.

Walking through the jungle, they were all in a state of embarrassment. The scores of the Shen brothers and sisters were in the middle fifty, neither top nor bottom, but they passed.

Seeing this, Ruan Shu finally exhaled and relaxed.

She got off the sofa with a cup of milk tea and ran to find her father.

Two soldiers from the Third Legion acted as her temporary bodyguards, and of course they followed her when she got up.

Ruan Shu was not used to being followed at first, but she also understood that her father was doing it for her own safety, so she didn't reject it, and just tried her best to adapt.

Now that a few days have passed, she has barely adapted to being followed.

Ruan Xiao is having a video conference. The domain of City D has been updated, and now he can finally communicate with the outside world.

Knowing that he was in a meeting, Ruan Shu didn't go in to disturb him, and just sat and waited on the lounge chair in the corridor outside.

She wanted to make videos for the other brothers and grandpa, but she had to wait for her father to come out and add their numbers again.

Holding the milk tea and sucking it in small sips, Ruan Shu lowered her head and fiddled with her terminal.

This terminal is a high-end terminal that Dad and the others bought for themselves, and her account for saving money has also returned.

Looking at the string of countless zeros in the account, Ruan Shu made a decision.

When Ruan Xiao came out of the meeting, the little girl who looked like a glutinous rice dumpling immediately leaned over.


She grabbed her father's hand and pressed it against her soft little face.

"How did you get here?"

Ruan Shu's voice was soft and sweet: "I'm here to find you."

Her little one held her father's finger and followed him step by step.

"Father, Shushu has a lot of star coins, which can't be spent in this lifetime, can you donate them?"

She looked up at her father eagerly with her small face: "Many people here can only live on the government's nutritional supplements, but the nutritional supplements are extremely unpalatable, and they can't supplement the body's nutrition."

"There is also a school. There are few books in the library of Clay School, the laboratory is small, and there are no experimental materials. Many of those equipments have been eliminated..."

Ruan Shu counted out all the questions she knew with her fingers.

"The network here also needs to be upgraded. How much does it cost Dad to upgrade the network, donate a laboratory to the school, and how much does it cost to change nutritional supplements?"

She has to calculate whether her money is enough, if not, she will continue to work hard to earn money.

She is a little rich woman now, with billions in her account, and the little kumquats are extremely valuable.

"Upgrading the network of a region, such as City D, would cost about 30 million star coins, but it would cost at least 300 million star coins for the entire planet."


Ruan Shu has predicted that her small wallet will start to shrink.

Seeing the wrinkled appearance of her delicate little face, Ruan Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"But it doesn't need to be so troublesome, you only need to upgrade a few major cities, and let the government here handle the rest."

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