Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 372 You are still a road idiot

That little appearance of apologizing and admitting his mistake obediently gave Shen Ru a rare look, I really wish I could hug him up and kiss him hard.

"You don't need to apologize, dear boy, it's because Ao Rui didn't take care of him."

Seeing that Ruan Shu was curious, she roughly said the matter.

Ao Rui is her friend, a dragon who came out of the same batch of eggs, but that guy is very playful, he often goes out to flirt with women but is not responsible, and the main target is a scum.

But every time he dumped those women, he used her as a shield, and some grumpy and unconvinced women would make trouble for her.

She occasionally goes out of Long Island a few times, and she will be chased and killed for no reason, and her reputation will be seriously harmed!

But that guy doesn't remember to eat or beat. She has beaten him countless times, and he will still find something for her after he goes out.

Of course it's not just her, the only five female dragons left on Dragon Island, even the Western female dragons have been harmed by him all over the place.

After finishing speaking, Shen Ru said: "Just say whether he should fight or not."

Ruan Shu nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

Speaking of this matter, Shen Rushi became angry. She originally wanted to press the dog to solve the trouble before going to Ruan Shu, but now she couldn't wait to go to Shushu.

The fluffy, pink and tender little cub looks very rua!

"Shushu is waiting, Aunt Shen will go to the main star to find you soon."

Ruan Shu said yes, "Then I'll wait for Aunt Shen."

The two talked for a while before the video ended. Ruan Shu was wearing a beautiful little dress and went to the door to wait for her father and brother like a fairy.

When Mr. Ruan saw his beautiful granddaughter, he smiled so hard that his teeth could not be seen. He hugged her and asked the housekeeper to take some group photos, and then posted them in the group to show off.

This pink and jade-carved little milk dumpling is her granddaughter, his!

Grandpa Ruan once again gained a wave of envy and jealousy.

The well-behaved cat Ruan Shu sat at the door, practicing embroidery while waiting for her father and elder brother, just like a soft puppy dog ​​waiting for its owner to come home.

Seeing the person coming back, Ruan Shu trotted over with her little skirt in her hand, and called her brother and dad in a cute and crisp way.

Every day, such a well-behaved Shushu waits for her to go home, who doesn't want to get off work early, who doesn't look forward to going home!

The Ruan family is becoming more and more lively now. As the head of the family, Ruan Xiao actually wants to kick out all his sons.

Naihe Shushu also likes her brothers very much.

After returning home from get off work, Shushu will help them sort out their mental strength, and all the fatigue of the day will be swept away by her care.

Before going to bed, Ruan Xiao would take time to teach Ruan Shu some homework in the study.

He was holding Ruan Shu's textbook, and the little girl sat beside him obediently and listened carefully.

The key is that Ruan Shu not only has a photographic memory but also is very smart, of course she is a bit biased.

In terms of liberal arts, she can understand all kinds of languages, but her ability to understand science is a bit poor.

But it doesn't matter, the family is all good at science, no matter how stupid the students are, they can teach them to be smart, and Ruan Shu is not stupid, but she is slower in science than in liberal arts.

After studying, it was almost time to go to bed, so Ruan Xiao took her to soak her feet.

"Good night, Dad."

Hugging her father's neck and rubbing it affectionately, Ruan Shu said goodnight to her father, then went back to her bedroom, and went to bed obediently in a nightdress.

Because of her good sleep habits, Ruan Shu basically goes to bed before ten o'clock, so she wakes up quite early in the morning.

When she got up early, she ran with her father and brothers in the morning. She ran slowly, but she persisted.

After coming back, she was sweating profusely. After breakfast, she sent her father and brothers off, and Ruan Shu went to her room to practice again.

Now she has been able to practice the first form of that set of gymnastics smoothly.

Aunt Shen said that this is the most suitable exercise for her at present. It does not require much strength, but it can make the body light and run fast.

This is what Ruan Shu wants, she can't fight but she has to run.

Moreover, she felt that Aunt Longdao and the others could be regarded as reclusive experts, or the kind who were not born.

After practicing seriously three times, Ruan Shu was out of breath, and her soft hair was wet with sweat.

But the spirit is very good, and I feel refreshed after taking a bath.

Ruan Shu dried her hair, and when she went downstairs, she found that Almer was already waiting for her downstairs.


Ruan Shu greeted the people downstairs.

Now Mr. Ruan turned a blind eye to Aylmer's existence. Anyway, after getting acquainted with him, he only treated him as a close junior.

"Aylmer said you wanted to see the palace library?"

Grandpa Ruan called his good granddaughter over to rub her hair.

Ruan Shu nodded: "I like reading books. Aylmer said that the library in the palace is huge."

Grandpa Ruan said cheerfully, "It's good if you like reading, then go, don't come back too late."

"Okay, grandpa, remember to go out more often, don't stay at home all the time."

"Okay, okay, grandpa knows, he must go out more often."

Enjoying the care of his good granddaughter, the wrinkles on the old man's face burst into laughter.

But he was still a very handsome old man.

Leaving with Aylmer, they took the suspension car to the palace.

The palace is very large, and there are soldiers on guard and patrolling everywhere, all of them belong to the Knights of Almer.

These are his bodyguards.

Their suspension car drove in unimpeded. This is Aylmer's car, and he will only use it when he travels by himself, and no one will stop him.

The imperial palace is a magnificent and majestic castle, covering a very large area, surrounded by forests and mountains, all of which belong to the imperial palace.

Ruan Shu pulled the car window with two small hands and looked out. The first impression of the entire palace was that it was solemn and magnificent. He also saw many ministers and elders walking in the outer city of the palace.

Ruan Shu was afraid of being seen, but she was really curious about the palace, she shrunk her neck and only revealed half of her furry head, which happened to reveal her round and lively eyes outside.

Almer couldn't help laughing.

"If you want to see it, just look at it openly. Even if they see you, they will be surprised at most. You are the daughter of Marshal Ruan. You are brought to the palace to play. As long as I agree, no one will say anything. Besides, I personally brought."

Ruan Shu retorted: "I'm not afraid."

She poked her little finger: "There are too many people outside."

They were all strangers. Although she was no longer afraid, she was still easily shy, and she didn't like the eyes of those people staring at her, which made her nervous.

Aylmer rubbed her little head.

"I know you're not afraid anymore, do you want to go to the garden?"

"Are there a lot of flowers? Didn't you feed them to death?"

The corner of Aylmer's mouth twitched, you remember clearly that I raised those roses in the manor to death.

"That's all you remember?"

"No, no."

Ruan Shu glanced at him quietly and said honestly, "You're still crazy."

Almer: ...

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