Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 417 Changes in Mental Power Upgrade

He Feng's face was also pressed against the transparent window and looked over: "Where, where, let me see."

He really cares about the little girl from the Ruan family, but unfortunately, when he proposed to exchange his son with Ruan Xiao, he was severely beaten.

He was not allowed to enter his house from now on.

"Find a planet to land on first."

After the battle in the universe was over, they landed on a nearby planet, which was also the planet where Ruan Xiao and the elite team of the Ninth Legion of the Third Legion disappeared.

As soon as she landed, Ruan Shu slid off Aunt Shen's head and was caught by her grandfather.

"My dear granddaughter, why are you here? It's very dangerous here, how could you come here!"

Ruan Shu hugged her grandfather's neck and felt aggrieved: "I miss Dad, I want to come to him."

Seeing her like this, who is willing to say anything.

The old man and Ruan Fengsi hurriedly comforted him.

Ruan Fengsi: "It's already here, so let's take it with us."

A few dragons poured the mental power channeling potion fiercely, and the mental power that was almost out of control barely stabilized.

Lan Chenfeng: "This thing is really useful, Shen Xiuzhu, can you see if you can make this thing into a pill?"

Shen Xiuzhu also stared thoughtfully at the potion of mental power guidance.

It is definitely possible, but he has to think about how to match them to maximize the efficacy of the medicine.

"But we can no longer use mental power later."

I haven't used my mental strength so much in so many years, and now my forehead hurts once I use it.

Ugh...the damn pollutant.

Mr. Ruan and He Feng also began to let the injured people settle down.

No matter how strong the body of the star beast is, it will die if it is not treated in time.

Ruan Shu looked at those bleeding people or star beasts, and held her grandfather's hand and looked at him eagerly.

"Grandpa, can I help?"

Mr. Ruan knew what she was talking about. He glanced at the soldiers, but he still didn't immediately veto her.

They are all good sons who protect the empire, and if Shu Shu is not allowed to help, she will feel guilty for the rest of her life.

In the end, the old man said: "I'll let them gather those with minor injuries together, and you can help treat those wounds."

Ruan Shu's natural ability to heal trauma can be exposed, but the ability to heal with mental power.

He struggled, if the ability to heal with spiritual power was exposed now, it would be impossible for so many people to hide it.

"Grandpa, my mental power level has been upgraded, and my mental power has also changed."

Mr. Ruan looked at her.

Ruan Shu spread out her palm, and a cat that was similar in shape to her star beast but shrunk to a large proportion appeared in Ruan Shu's palm.

After the little cat appeared, its movements and demeanor were exactly the same as that of a pet cat.

"This, this is the imitation of the illusion of my mental power."

Ruan Shu's small and delicate facial features were wrinkled: "Obviously, what you have transformed from your spiritual power are all kinds of powerful weapons, why is mine a cat?"

Still a smaller version of her.

Not to mention that the old man didn't understand, Ruan Shu herself didn't understand it very much.

Her mental power ball, after upgrading to D-level, synthesized into a cat.

This is how it looks no matter whether it is in the spiritual sea or in the mimetic state where the mental power is released.

It really does what is called 'consistency between the outside and the inside'. Apart from acting like a baby, no other functions have been discovered so far.

But now she wants to try to see if a cat with spiritual power can heal illnesses.

Her mental power cats and cats can be hidden from people to find out.

The grandfather and grandson got together to discuss for a while, and finally the old man decided to let Ruan Shu try.

Those who can't be suppressed after taking the mental power relief potion will become fallen beasts if they are not treated in time.

The psycho-mimetic cat and the owner have the same mind, and soon disappeared invisibly, and the old man couldn't find it.

Only Ruan Shu could see that the very beautiful and coquettish kittens flew to those star beasts whose mental strength was about to collapse, and circled around them, furious and angry, and finally one of them looked more serious , the star beast that had approached madness and began to attack the people around it stretched out its claws between the brows and waved.

Wisps of black mist-like things floated out along the star beast's eyebrows, and gathered into a black spherical object at the kitten's paw.

Ruan Shu looked at her heart in her throat.

It was the first time that she let the upgraded psycho-mimetic cat to heal others, and it was still so far away.

After the strands of black air that no one else could see gathered into a small ball, the frenzied star beast gradually regained its senses, and finally its body collapsed and fell down.

The star beasts around who were about to suppress him were all stunned, what happened?

Ruan Shu: Don't pull them all out, otherwise it will become a supernatural event after checking their spiritual pollution value.

The little cat who had the same heart as Ruan Shu stopped drawing, then opened his mouth under Ruan Shu's shocked gaze, and gnawed the black ball little by little.

Ruan Shu: ...

I couldn't see Ruan Shu's mental mimicry, but the old man who had been paying attention to his granddaughter immediately noticed something wrong with her.

"What's wrong?"

Ruan Shu asked Mao Mao to come back, and described the scene she had just seen to her grandfather in a very low voice.

Mr. Ruan: ...

Half of his body stepped into the coffin, and it was the first time he heard such a strange thing.

Sigh... It seems that there are quite a lot of strange things that happened to my good granddaughter.

After the psycho-mimetic cat came back, Ruan Shu and the old man checked in the corner where no one was paying attention.

The little cat rolled in her palm, licked its paws and washed its face. It didn't mind at all if its belly was looked at, and it had a very good temper.

However, the cat transformed by this mental power is not a physical body, just like a soul body.

So Ruan Shu didn't know if it ate or not.

But can you feel that the current condition of the kitten is not bad?

Then go ahead.

Ruan Shu's spirit-transformed Mao Mao went out for a walk for three hours before returning.

It drooped its head and looked very tired, and Ruan Shu also felt very tired, leaning on her grandpa with drooping eyelids, she wanted to sleep.

"Old Ruan, the star beast over there that was about to collapse suddenly fainted for some reason."

The situation was so sudden that someone rushed to report immediately.

Even though Ruan Shu was tired, she buried her little head in her grandfather's arms with a guilty conscience and dared not look at it.

The old man coughed and looked like I didn't know anything. With a serious expression, he asked people to go to the military doctor.

"Send some military doctors to see how they are doing now."

Shushu's upgraded mental power came at a really timely time!

With such a long distance, who would doubt a mental power F?

It's her hard work.

The old man gave Ruan Shu a high-level spirit recovery potion.

Ruan Shu didn't want it: "I have this."

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