Rebirth Interstellar Meow Meow

Chapter 428 The Power of Life

Healing mental power takes a certain amount of time.

In order to clean up the pollutants in the spiritual sea for more people later, Ruan Shu only controlled the pollution value of Marshal Xiong's spiritual sea to a range where the mental power would not collapse at any time.

Then I went to clean up the spiritual sea for others.

"Marshal Xiong, how are you feeling?"

As soon as Ruan Shu walked away, the others immediately came up and looked at him eagerly and asked.

Xiong Dabao felt it, and then burst out laughing unexpectedly.

Ruan Shu, who was holding the ball, was so frightened by the laughter that she almost couldn't stand still.

"I feel better than ever!"

Xiong Dabao's eyes were burning, and the way he looked at Ruan Shu was very loving, just like looking at his own daughter.

"Come and help me check the spiritual pollution value."

He also wanted to see what his spiritual pollution value was now.

Two military doctors were waiting for his words, but they didn't have professional testing equipment on them, so they could only make a rough guess through a simple examination.

The final result: "Roughly between 70% and 75%."

"It's already a pretty safe range."

"Marshal Xiong, it's fine for you to use the Earth Crack a few more times."

"And those mutated plant pots have the effect of purifying the pollution value. As long as we stay within the purification range of those mutated plants, we won't be polluted so badly."

"Hahaha... I originally thought that this time I would explain it here."

But laughing and laughing, some people's eyes suddenly turned red.

"If only Ah Shan and the others persisted."

"It's all due to the damn air in this damn place, and those monsters. If they didn't fight those monsters desperately, they would still be able to persevere."

Thinking of those comrades who had become Fallen Beasts, the originally excited and happy atmosphere fell silent.

Here, Ruan Shu has cleared the pollution value in the spiritual sea for five people.

After taking a spirit recovery potion, Ruan Shu saw that most of them had wounds on their bodies, so she simply tried to see if her natural ability to heal trauma had become stronger.

"Uncle, can you come closer?"

My innate ability can not only treat trauma, but also like mutated plants.

Ruan Shu asked her grandfather to lead people to move all the mutated plants over.

Although she didn't know what she was going to do, the injured people approached.

The current Ruan Shu is not only the Ruan family, but also the Xiaotuan pet of Longdao, the savior and Xiaotuan pet of everyone here.

She does what she tells her to do!

After those people with more traumas came over, Ruan Shu took a deep breath and activated her natural skills.

Her innate skills are still in the second stage. In the first stage, she can only feed energy to some plants alone. In the second stage, she becomes that array.

But she has very little time to use the large array.

Ruan Shu had a feeling that if she practiced a few more times, her natural skills would be upgraded.

Whether it is mental power or innate skills, in fact, they all accumulate experience through continuous practice and use.

As Ruan Shu closed her eyes to relax her mind, she seemed to appear under a starry sky full of stars just like the time when her talent was just upgraded.

The stars directly above were regularly outlined by countless lines, forming the pattern she was familiar with.

At the same time, a huge formation gradually formed under Ruan Shu's feet.

The moment the formation map appeared, everyone's eyes widened in shock, except for the Ruan family who had already known about it.

Kong Xiu even stood up straight in an instant, with a pair of phoenix eyes staring at the formation under her feet.

Of course that pattern looked familiar to him, it was the one that Ruan Shu drew for him before.

But he never expected that this pattern... could directly communicate with the power of the stars!

And it was built by such a little girl with only her own strength!

Who is she!

The vigorous life force in that formation is almost overflowing under the irrigation of the power of the stars!

In less than a minute, everyone's wounds, large and small, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Rushi happened to see this scene when they came back.

Also stunned.

Not too shocked, though.

After all, Shen Xiuzhu, the elixir that quickly heals wounds, can also be refined, but the effect may not be as strong as Ruan Shu's ability.

What really shocked them was the vigorous breath of life in that formation.

Ruan Shu's innate ability is so special, it has never been seen since ancient times.

Communicating stars form an array, the power of life.

It is not among the five elements, nor is it any kind of element. It is as detached and natural as the special abilities of time and space, and even more special than those.

But obviously, Ruan Shu's ability is not offensive at all, it can be said to be the strongest support.

But it is precisely because of this that she needs protection even more.

Ruan Shu persisted for a few minutes, the formation dissipated, and her face turned slightly pale.

But her eyes are bright.

I can use my ability to help everyone and help my father is the happiest!

Moreover, because of her ability, some grass grew on this barren land.

Very emerald green and tender color, it is particularly conspicuous in this gray world.

For those mutated potted plants, the purification range of three pots has been expanded.

Everything is changing for the better, just because of a natural ability she used once.

Just now I'm hungry again.

Applause suddenly sounded in the ears, and Ruan Shu looked over and found that it was Kong Xiu.

And with him taking the lead, everyone around started applauding.

Although Ruan Shu was a little embarrassed, she couldn't help feeling a little proud in her heart.

She is also a little bit powerful.

The little guy saw his father waving, and immediately ran over with his little feet upside down.

And everyone started talking.

"What kind of talent is this, I have never seen it before."

"I do know that there is a healing talent, but it seems to be different from the Marshal's daughter."

"There are many people with light abilities in the Yu clan, and they can also heal wounds."

It turns out that Ruan Shu's innate ability is only to heal wounds, which is not special. The Yuzu specialize in the ability users whose innate ability is light, but at the same time their light ability is also lethal, and Ruan Shu's full support has no lethality. Sex is different.

So it's not special for her ability to be exposed.

Especially those mutated plants that she can grow.

But I couldn't hide it.

What the family members don't want her to expose the most is that she can heal mental power and reduce the pollution value of mental power.

The bad news is that she was exposed, but the good news is that everyone here is the confidant of Ruan Xiao and Xiong Dabao, and the secret is exposed within a controllable range.

"Eat something first."

Knowing that she consumes a lot of energy every time she uses her talent, Ruan Xiao took out a nutrient and handed it to her.

I went out with them on my friend’s birthday, and I don’t usually drink much at home. This time, she drank some beer on her birthday and got a little dizzy. Only the chapter saved in the morning will be published first. I will wake up after I sleep. Continue to live, try to make up the update at 12 o'clock.

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