While eating breakfast, the three elder brothers' eyes softened when they saw her.

After all, such a beautiful cat.

"Come here and let me see."

Ruan Qingran took the beautiful cat over, pinched its ears and paws.

To be honest, no one can hold such a soft cat without touching its little head or pinching its little paws.

Ruan Shu is also well-behaved, and her little paws with pink pads are pinched for her brother casually.

"No problem, but..."

Ruan Qingran touched Mao Mao's forehead and narrowed his eyes.

"Shu Shu, do you have any strange feeling on your forehead?"


Yes, a little itchy.

Ruan Shu rubbed her head against her brother's hand, letting him tickle her.

"What happened to her forehead?"

Ruan Ling'an, who had been watching it for a long time, put his fingers up to touch it without hesitation, and then blinked.

"Is it my illusion? Why do you feel that there are two small bags with a little bump?"

The cat's fur is too long, if you don't touch it carefully with your hands, there are only a little bumps in those two places, and the imperceptible small bags can't be found at all.

Ruan Xiao also went over to touch it, and then fell silent, which is really true.

"have a look."

Several big men surrounded the little guy and pulled the cat hair off her forehead, revealing the soft flesh with a little light pink inside.

However, the cat's fur is too thick, and you can't see anything if you pull it apart, so it's better to touch it directly.

After they let go, Ruan Shu shook her head and looked at them innocently and blankly with her big blue eyes.

What happened to its head?

Ruan Ling'an saw her innocent and silly expression with wide eyes, and asked hesitantly.

"Shouldn't this be knocked out?"

Ruan Shu shook her head, she was sure she hadn't been hit.

Ruan Qingran: "Isn't it because I want to grow horns?"

Shushu's situation is different from them.

They had a little bit of obvious horns on their foreheads since they were born, but Ruan Shu looked completely like a cat before, and she never looked like she wanted to grow horns.

but now……

One more tail has grown out, and it seems that it is not incomprehensible to grow another pair of horns.

"It should be, wait a few days to see if it can grow out."

As for Shushu's possibility of growing horns, the Ruan family accepted it very well.

After all, their family has grown horns.

Ruan Shu also touched her little head, and immediately threw herself into the delicious food feast.

"By the way, when we went to the Alien Beast Forest, Kong Xiu went to the restricted area."

Ruan Shu meowed to show that she knew.


She suddenly thought of a question, after they came out, did they tell Kong Xiu?

Ruan Shu looked at her father meowing anxiously.

Ruan Xiao was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, "Shu Shu, it's okay if you can't tell, you can use your personal terminal."

My own father can't understand so many cat language and cat language.

Ruan Shu also realized that she hadn't become a cat to communicate with her father for so long, she forgot that there was a terminal to communicate with.

【Father, did you tell Kong Xiu the news that we came out? 】

Ruan Xiao didn't change his face: "No."

He didn't add Kong Xiu's contact information at all.

Ruan Shu: ...

Is it because she is having too much fun? He didn't expect to contact Kong Xiu after he came out and tell him the news about the phoenix egg.

But she asked Grandpa Devil Vine to tell him. Now that Kong Xiu has gone in, he should tell him, right?

At the same time, the ancient battlefield in the restricted area.

After finally coming back, the Devil Vine did take Kong Xiu with him and wrote on the ground for him to read.


Kong Xiu felt dizzy when he looked at the ancient characters that he couldn't recognize at all.

"What, Senior Devil Vine, I don't understand a word of what you wrote."

Devil Vine: ...

This is indeed a problem that it did not expect.

Shushu did what the little guy told him to do, but it doesn't matter if this guy is illiterate.

"You wrote this, is there something important you want to tell me?"

Devil Vine glanced at Kong Xiu. This guy was a peacock. Although the phoenix egg had something to do with him, it didn't seem to have much to do with it.

So the devil vine shook his head decisively.

Kong Xiu said cheerfully, "Then it's fine, it's not a big deal anyway."

Kong Xiu was in a good mood at the moment and didn't care too much, so that after he knew what the devil vine was going to tell him, he could only wish to travel to this time to give himself a slap.

Ruan Shu only struggled for a moment, and quickly put the matter behind her.

Maomao concentrated on cooking.

Then he flicked his two tails, and was about to go back with two little friends beside him, when he was picked up by a slender hand.

Ruan Shu: "???"

He looked at his second cousin with puzzled eyes.

"Why are you running? I don't want to know why I can't change into a human form?"

There was a smile in his clear voice, and the young man who usually looked cold and ascetic smiled like Bai Yueguang at this moment.

Anyway, the good-for-nothing Mao Mao was dizzy from his laughter, and then just nodded in a daze.


When she was taken away from the restaurant, she realized that her little friend hadn't followed.

Ruan Qingran followed her anxious gaze and found the two mutated plants.

But the ginseng doll was too timid, and became invisible again in an instant.

"That ginseng doll is quite interesting."

Ruan Shu: "Meow?"

what's interesting

Ruan Qingran: "I mean, use the water soaked in it."

The young man picked up the pink mushroom, put it on his shoulder and continued talking.

"In the water you gave me, there is a very active element that can hang the dying beasts alive, and will soon be alive and kicking, similar to your life force."

Ruan Shu, this is very similar to the medicinal properties of ginseng, isn't it just hanging your life.

This one has become fine, if it can't hang its life, then how can it be regarded as a ginseng doll.

Ruan Qingran said: "It's just that the water it soaked in is like this, then..."

Ruan Shu suddenly trembled, she pressed her claws on her brother's hand, and looked at him seriously with her furry little expression.

Brother, you must not have dangerous thoughts!

Although Maomao didn't speak, what he wanted to say was expressed in his eyes.

Ruan Qingran couldn't help laughing, pinching her soft cat's paw pads.

"I know little guy, your little thing, I will discuss everything with you."

That's about the same.

Ruan Shu yelled softly several times like a baby, and even took the initiative to rub her brother's chin.

Maomao has an indescribable peculiar fragrance, which is not strong but makes people feel very comfortable.

Ruan Qingran was obviously in a good mood hugging the little guy, the corners of his eyes were raised and he laughed, his eyes were even more doting.

It’s three o’clock, the last one with illustrations needs to be reviewed after nine o’clock, so it’s scheduled to be released after nine o’clock, today’s illustration is a beautiful cat, but... the cat with two tails really can’t get it out (T ^ T )

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