At this time, Ruan Shu, who was lying in her father's arms and being carefully held, was covered in peach pink, and her snow-white fur seemed to be dyed with color.

Although it is really beautiful, it is also really uncomfortable.

She already has two very obvious little bags on her head.

During this time, thanks to the little ginseng doll who often gave Ruan Shu a drink of ginseng water soaked in her body, or wiped her body, she didn't feel very, very uncomfortable.

Walking into the valley, the people inside have worked together to build some houses, and now they are diligently helping those weapons derust.

While Ruan Xiao and the others were away, two more people found a suitable spiritual weapon, and one of them was Ruan Fengsi.

Ruan Fengsi was in an open place, holding an epee in his hand and swiping it vigorously.

Standing upright, the epee was almost as tall and as wide as others.

He was shirtless, the muscle lines of the arm holding the epee were very obvious, and there were beads of sweat on his wheat-colored skin.

"Young Master, the Marshal and the others are back."

Ruan Fengsi raised his epee and smashed a boulder, and heard the voice of the messenger along with the booming sound.

Panting heavily, he retracted the epee and put it back into the sword case, then swung it on his back.

The sword case was quite big, and it was quite spectacular to see him carrying a rectangular thing longer than himself from a distance.

"Back? Where's my sister?"

He doesn't care about his own father, he only cares about his sister.

I can't wait to introduce my 'wife' to Ruan Shu. Although his wife is a bit thicker, she is very domineering and majestic!

"Go back and have a look, Miss seems to have an accident..."

The person who came to talk to Ruan Fengsi hadn't finished his sentence when he felt a gust of wind passing by him, and then the person he was talking to disappeared.

That person: ...

As expected of you, you do everything in a hurry.

How could Ruan Fengsi have the patience to listen to him, he only heard that something happened to Shushu!

Hurrying back quickly, Ruan Shu was placed in the room Shen Rushi had prepared for her in the row of newly built houses in the valley.

The little one was lying on the bed with a pink glow, its eyes closed in discomfort, and it made pitiful meowing sounds from time to time.

Shen Xiuzhu was examining her, while Ruan Qingran took the little ginseng doll to soak in water.

"Let's feed some elixir and eat it. This horn should grow out in the past two days. Symptoms like Shushu can't be eliminated and can only be relieved temporarily."

It was similar to what Ruan Qingran saw.

Shen Xiuzhu fed her some pills. Although Ruan Shu was still hot, she didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Ruan Shu supported her head and gently rubbed against her father's hand, telling him not to worry.

"What happened to Shushu?"

Ruan Fengsi walked in hurriedly, almost bumping into someone with a big sword box on his back.

It was my brother who hit me.

Ruan Lingan backed away slightly, his face darkened.

"What are you carrying on your back, can you put it outside!"

Ruan Fengsi didn't see him, he just looked worriedly at the cat on the bed, and then he was dumbfounded.

"Why... why are there two tails? Shushu has changed her color?"

Ruan Xinglan just rolled her eyes and walked over.

"Shu Shu has a fever!"

Ruan Fengsi: "Then treat her!"

Shen Xiuzhu patiently explained to Ruan Fengsi clearly.

Knowing that Shushu has long horns, this situation cannot be cured but can only be relieved, so he shut up.

After all, he is a big bastard who doesn't know anything about medical treatment, but seeing Shushu like this makes him feel uncomfortable even as an older brother.

I just wish that Shushu's discomfort could be transferred to him.

Actually other people think so too.

Ruan Shu opened her eyes when she heard her brother's voice, meowed weakly, and gently arched her head at the hand he extended.

"Leave only a few people to take care of them. Everyone else should go out first, and don't crowd around here."

Of course those who stayed were the Ruan family.

Several mutated plants also surrounded her worriedly.

Ruan Xiao thought for a while, and put the egg not far from Ruan Shu.


Ruan Shu looked at the egg and let out a soft cry.

Ruan Xiao's hand paused, but he still held the egg and put it beside her.

Ruan Shu was hot all over, and the eggshell was cold, so it was quite comfortable to lie on it.

After taking the elixir, Ruan Shu fell asleep lying on the egg.

Before falling asleep, she thought, hoping that her horns would grow out soon, the fever was too uncomfortable, her head hurt, and she felt something was burrowing out.

Oh, it's her horns poking out.

Why does she have horns like a cat? QAQ

After sleeping like this for two days, Ruan Shu could already clearly see two raised dots on the bald spot on Ruan Shu's head.

There is a little light flesh pink in the white, which looks cute.

After getting out from that little dot, Ruan Shu gradually felt less uncomfortable.

But the little corners that come out are still soft, not hard at all, and very sensitive, a little touch can make the cat's hair explode from fright.

Ruan Shu looked at herself in the mirror for a long time.

The bald place is a bit ugly, and the horns that just popped out are a bit cute.

I don't know if her hair can come back after the horns grow out?

Who is worse than her, she has already faced the worry of baldness at a young age.

Cat sighs.jpg

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