After not having to study so many courses every day, Ruan Shu spent more time on the botanical garden base and those spiritual weapons.

Helping to maintain some spirit weapons every day is also exercising in disguise. After all, the weight of those spirit weapons is not light.

After a period of time, her strength, speed and body flexibility have improved a lot.

One after another, someone found a suitable spiritual weapon.

This also gives hope to more people.

Ruan Shu temporarily put down the study of formations, but practiced drawing and drawing some simple runes with Linglong pen.

Although the ability of the Linglong Pen is special, it also has many limitations.

When I first started to practice, I needed to draw on special paper, and I had to use specially refined ink for the ink, and I had to use mental strength to draw together.

Linglong Pen's inheritance memory has those methods of making paper and ink, but the problem is that she doesn't have the kind of plant that makes paper.

Likewise, neither did the mutated plants that make that ink.

So if you want to make the paintings you make active, you have to talk about it after you go out.

What Ruan Shu can do now is to practice drawing.

She doesn't draw much, but she hasn't drawn with a brush before, so she has to practice her hands before going out.

You only need to practice hands without adding mental power, so it's very easy.

After the first batch of mutated kumquat trees were fully harvested, Ruan Shu's birthday was approaching.

So they left this planet with a large number of mutated kumquats, other mutated plants that can purify pollutants in the air, and more than two dozen orchid grasses.

After Ruan Shu's innate ability was upgraded, the total number of mutated kumquats planted this time was about ten thousand, not to mention that there were quite a few other mutated plants.

Although it is still too small for the huge number of races in the entire universe, this batch of small kumquats can make quite a lot of spiritual power dredging potions.

After leaving through the teleportation of the formation, everyone outside took a deep breath.

Although there are a lot of mutated green plants that can purify the air pollution because it is in the restricted area, the weather and air inside are really bad, and it is very gray and depressing.

Now that they finally came out, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside, their moods improved accordingly.


Seeing them coming out, the soldiers guarding the formation base rushed out to greet them.

"Give us a place to eat and take a bath first."

They encountered a lot of monsters along the way, and it was inevitable that they would be a little dusty while fighting.


Ruan Shu also took Xiao Fenghuang to take a bath together, and then lay comfortably on the bed.

On the clean and soft bed, lying against her head were Little Phoenix, Ginseng Doll and Pink Girl, with a beautiful writing brush in hand, all of them looked delicate and lovely.

There are not many small and cute mutated plants in the entire interstellar world, but there are quite a few of them gathered around Ruan Shu at once.

They all look like Ruan Shu, they are very invulnerable and easy to bully.

Ruan Shu yawned and fell asleep, and the quilt was covered by ginseng dolls.

Little Phoenix fell asleep while lying on her neck.

And it doesn't look like a bird when it sleeps. Instead, it's lying on its back with its belly spread out, with two fluffy little wings resting on its belly.

The size of the star beasts grows according to the wind, and the little phoenix is ​​no exception. Now it has grown from a chicken to the size of a basketball.

But the body is still furry.

Lying next to Ruan Shu's neck, even if she turned over, she didn't worry that it would be crushed.

After waking up, Ruan Shu was hungry.

The little phoenix was also hungry, holding the little ginseng doll and pecking at its leaves, scaring the little guy so much that he burst into tears and cried.

Ruan Shu: ...

He could only pull away the little Phoenix who was still eating in his dreams.


It's food too!

The ginseng doll climbed onto Ruan Shu's head in a grievance.


Little Phoenix was even angrier, that position was clearly his!

So the angry little guy fluttered his wings that hadn't even grown feathers yet, relying on the little wings that were about to spark, fluttered up and flew to Ruan Shu's head, drove the ginseng doll away and sat down on his buttocks.

Ruan Shu only felt that a big weight was suddenly pressed on her head, and she fell down shortly after she sat up.

Ruan Shu with her face buried in the quilt: ...

Little Phoenix who rolled to the side: ...

"Little Phoenix, you are very heavy now, my head can't bear it!"


Little Phoenix felt aggrieved, it clearly could stay on it well before, and it was clearly fine before.

Ruan Shu's face was wrinkled: "But you were so small before, but now you are so big!"

She used her hands to draw the gap between the past and the present.

Then he was also wronged: "I can't even hold you in my head."

Xiao Fenghuang looked at Ruan Shu's small head, and then lowered his head to look at his own figure, which could only see a chubby belly but no feet.

Well, it can only take a few more glances unwillingly.

Ruan Shu touched Xiao Fenghuang's round and plump body, which was extremely pleasant to the touch, and said in a soft voice.

"But the little phoenix will be able to carry Shushu's star beast form and run around for a long time."

Under Ruan Shu's unremitting correction, Xiao Fenghuang finally changed his mind and did not think that Ruan Shu was a mother, but now a sister.

But Xiaofeng still runs happily behind Ruan Shu's butt every day.

Hanging the Linglong pen on her waist, Ruan Shu took the little phoenix and the ginseng doll to find her father.

Compared to Ruan Shu, the others got up very early. At this time, they were all busy moving the goods to the warship, ready to leave for the main star.

Ruan Shu didn't pass, although she was a little stronger than before, but that was only relative to her former self.

If you have the strength to go to help now, you will be making trouble.

And everyone is in order, so she won't bother her.

He only took out a small embroidered pier and sat not far away, resting his chin on his hands and looking.

The appearance of the interstellar people is not bad, and these soldiers have undergone long-term physical training, and their energy and physical strength look different from those outside.

When acting in an orderly manner, the crisp and neat movements are also very pleasing to the eye.

Ruan Shu couldn't help but glanced at her figure, wondering if she could grow so tall in the future.

And it doesn't matter if she is short, there are two short ones with the little ones with her.

Not counting the little Phoenix.

It shouldn't take long for the little phoenix to grow quite big.

Resting her cheeks and thinking wildly, she didn't even notice that someone came over, and then knocked on her forehead.

Ruan Shu looked up.

"elder brother?"

Ruan Ling'an immediately hugged him up: "Why are you in a daze, it's time to go."

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