Aylmer asked them to sit down, and now it was just a simple meeting, and it was also for the cooperation and allies of the Star Beast Empire to meet Ruan Shu briefly.

However, it is not easy for the little phoenixes to come in during this meeting, and they are all handed over to the guarding knights outside to take care of them temporarily.

As the only child in the entire alliance meeting, Ruan Shu sat upright the whole time, with her little back straight and straight, her legs closed and her hands on her knees.

Everyone can see that she is nervous, but Ruan Shu is so cute.

Originally, I thought about not looking at it so that she wouldn't be so nervous, but I couldn't help looking at it again and again.

Rao is narcissistic like the feather clan, proud like the sea monster who thinks that the cubs in their clan are the prettiest and cutest. They have to admit that Ruan Shu is really cute.

So cute that they all want to hug them.

Ruan Xiao sternly talked about the number of small kumquats and those mutated plants brought this time, and then briefly introduced the functions of those mutated green plants besides the small kumquats.

Now, everyone's attention is really attracted.

In addition to the mutated kumquat, although many people present knew that there were other mutated plants, they only learned one-sided information.

After all, those mutated green plants did not flow out at all, and only the research institute knew about most of them.

The research institute is under the jurisdiction of the empire, and it is not easy for them to inquire about the news.

Now I finally know that several of the mutated green plants can purify the pollutants in the air and reduce the air pollution value!

There are so many good things about love.

The most important thing is that these good things are cultivated by Ruan Shu.

So of course, everyone's eyes fell on her again.

Ruan Shu who just relaxed for a while: ...

In an instant, he straightened his back again.

Can, can you stop looking at her QAQ

The meeting didn't last long, and Ruan Shu didn't say a word during the whole process. Chunchun was just a background board, but it was also a very conspicuous background board.

After the end, Ruan Shu didn't know what everyone said, and went in a daze the whole time.

Walking outside, a fluffy ball suddenly jumped on top of her.

Ruan Shu subconsciously caught it, and her pretty face wrinkled.

Although the size of the little phoenix is ​​as big as a basketball, its weight is not only that of a basketball, it is dead heavy.

Ruan Shu's arms holding it sank.

She took a deep breath.

I really wanted to tell Xiao Fenghuang that you should lose weight, but when I looked up, I saw a slightly embarrassed man standing straight opposite.

Wearing the uniform of the knight order, there were a few red marks on his supposedly handsome face. Although the skin was not broken, it was really quite conspicuous.

The hair and clothes are also... messy.

Ruan Shu: ...

Needless to say, Ruan Shu guessed who did it almost instantly.

The knight's gaze met hers.

Ruan Shu looked away guiltily, and then looked at the little Phoenix she was holding. At this moment, she really wanted to lose Little Phoenix.

The head hurts, the lethality of the bear boy is really not small.

But the little guy is still acting like a baby in her arms.

Ruan Shu could only apologize to the knight with a flushed face.


The knight touched his face, then said sullenly, "It's okay."

Ruan Shu quickly took out a potion from the space and handed it to him.

"This is an apology gift."

Then flushed and hugged little Phoenix, urging his father to leave quickly.

Walking behind, everyone's eyes fell on the potion in the knight's hand.

That color, that look...

"Psychic power relief potion!"

God knows how popular spiritual power channeling potions are now, they are divided up almost as soon as they come out, and the potions that are divided are all used wisely, otherwise they will be wasted.

Now how many people in the army are rushing to do missions to accumulate military merit points, all in exchange for spiritual power channeling potions.

But now, Ruan Shu casually took out one and gave it to a knight.

Just because his face was scratched by that little cub.

For a while, everyone looked at the knight with envy and envy, especially those from other races and countries.

It is even more difficult for them to obtain the spiritual power channeling potion than the people of the Star Beast Empire, even if it is one, everyone is rushing to get it.


Quickly pretend not to see everyone's eyes and hide.

This is a potion for spiritual guidance. It's not that he doesn't wink, he wants it too!

I was also very excited, I didn't expect that I just helped to take care of a cub, and I got a mental power channeling potion!

Although all the people present want it, they are all people of status, so they won't be able to snatch something from a knight.

So I could only watch the knight leave.

And after he left, the rest of the Knights also knew about it, and everyone was envious.

Although it is not difficult for the members of the Knights to get access to spiritual potions, they still need military points to obtain them.

There are quite a lot of military points in a single spiritual power channeling potion, even if all the spiritual power channeling potions on the knight commander's body add up to no more than three.

So how can people not be envious.

"You kid is really lucky!"

"If I knew it earlier, I would have gone to help take care of that little boy."

"The marshal's daughter is really generous. She just took out a mental power channeling potion just to help take care of the cub."

"Isn't this the marshal's big heart? He casually put the mental power channeling potion on his daughter."

"But the marshal's family should have a lot of potions, the third army is really happy."

Ruan Shu didn't know what happened later, she carried Xiao Fenghuang home.

Ruan Shu was a little excited to finally go home after so long.

It feels like I have been away for a long time.

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