Hearing that, although Ruan Shu felt a little regretful, she was not disappointed.

Those two things sounded like they were hard to come by, and it would be strange if they were really so easy to get.

'It's okay, I have another way. '

Ruan Shu is at a loss? With a sound.

‘When I devour flesh and blood, I also have the ability to absorb their memories. '

Ruan Shu opened her mouth wide to absorb memory? !

This is too bad!

‘But those memories also hindered me, so I suppressed them, otherwise I would go crazy. '

And those memories are useless to it, this is not some inheritance memory that only preserves the key things, those memories are mixed together in a mess, even if it is a devil vine, its consciousness is too confused and it will go crazy.

"Wait for me to look for it."

The devil vine suppressed those memories and never read them again. After all, those memories are basically star beasts, Zerg or dark races and so on.

It is a plant, and those memories are completely useless to it, and there are too many and too complicated memories, so it is very troublesome to search for them now.

The devil vine searched for an hour.

Ruan Shu looked at it worriedly.

Nothing will happen, right?

‘There are indeed no soul-fixing stones and soul-replenishing water in the places I know, but many of the star beasts that fell were things with space storage, and those things were scattered after they fell.

I used to only focus on collecting spirit artifacts, but I didn't pay much attention to those space storages. You can look for them, maybe there will be something you want in those space storages.

Those space storage devices became ownerless after the owner fell. If they can be picked up, anyone's spiritual power can open them. '

The things in the space of those big guys must be good things, but for the Devil Vine at that time, the things in their space were not as good as their flesh and blood, so they didn't pay much attention to them.

Now that such a long time has passed, it has forgotten about this matter, and it just remembered it after a little searching.

Ruan Shu's eyes lit up: "Where can I find it?"

Even if it's not for the soul-fixing stone and soul-replenishing water, it's worth it just for those space storage devices.

"The place where they fell may be under this cliff, or outside, but it will be a bit troublesome to find."

Ruan Shu immediately said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble, I have more time!"

Then I took Little Phoenix excitedly to search with Senior Devil Vine.

Space storage devices are generally made into jewelry, which may be rings, bracelets, etc...

Those things are too small, and the root system of the devil vine is deep in the ground, so it is very troublesome to check them one by one.

However, it is much easier to find than Ruan Shu.

By the time Ruan Shu and Xiao Fenghuang were looking for and digging dirt under the abyss-like cliff, Devil Vine had already collected a lot of jewelry that they found temporarily and put them in front of her.

"Wow...Grandpa Devil Vine, you are amazing, you found so many things so quickly!"

She spread her hands, and there were two dirty little rings in her palms.

"This is what Xiao Fenghuang and I found."

'It seems that your luck is also quite good. '

The cliff is too big, if you want to find such a small ring in such a big place, if you are unlucky, you may not be able to find it for several years.

It only took one day for Ruan Shu and Xiao Fenghuang to find them. This luck can really be considered very good.

Including the ones found by Senior Devil Vine, there are more than a dozen pieces in total.

But it is not certain whether there can be a space storage device inside.

So Ruan Shu checked them one by one.

‘Use your mental strength to investigate and you will know. '

Ruan Shu nodded, picked them up one by one and checked them mentally.

The first one is something like a bracelet, which seems to be used by a woman. There is a small bell hanging on a red string made of unknown material.

After so many years, the red rope is dirty but not rotten, and neither is the bell.

After Ruan Shu used her mental strength to investigate, she felt a sense of mystery.

"Grandpa Devil Vine, this does not seem to be a space storage device, but it is not an ordinary thing either."

Although she didn't know what it was, that was how it felt to her.

That was a very strange intuition.

The devil vine hummed: "It should be some kind of protective magic weapon, put it away first, and take it back for others to see." '

Ruan Shu said hello obediently, and carefully cleaned off the dirt on the jewelry before putting it into a clean box.

Others continue to pick up and check.

Most of them are ordinary accessories, but because of the special materials used, they have not been damaged too much in ten thousand years.

After checking that there were only the last three items left, Ruan Shu didn't have much hope for the space storage device.

The devil vine was afraid that Ruan Shu would be disappointed, and comforted her: 'Even if you don't find it now, you will definitely find it in the future. '

The child frowned: "Well, I know."

There was no complaint or bad emotion in her smile.

Although there are regrets, they don't pay too much attention to gains and losses.

The devil vine discovered this, and was even more satisfied with the little guy.

It's rare to have a clear mind at such an age.

The last three things left were a jade bracelet and the two rings picked up by Ruan Shu's little Phoenix.

Ruan Shu casually took the ring that Xiao Fenghuang had picked up, it looked pretty, and there was a sparkling red gemstone on it.

That guy likes shiny and beautiful things, so he got it here.

Ruan Shu used her mental power to investigate, but it was just an ordinary beautiful ring, but the gemstone seemed to be polished with power stones, and its quality even surpassed top-grade power stones.

Ruan Shu also wiped it clean and put it in the box.

Then she picked up the ring she had picked up.

Originally, she had no hope, but she was stunned by this investigation.

The devil vine noticed her strange expression and asked what was going on.

Ruan Shu blinked her eyes, then her eyes lit up, and she held the ring in her hand and smiled happily.

"Grandpa Devil Vine, this, this is a space ring!"

And the space inside is not small, at least a thousand square meters.

There are many things in it.

"Take out what's inside and take a look."

Ruan Shu responded and quickly took out the contents of the space storage.

Gradually, it piled up like a hill in front of her, and Ruan Shu also found five colorless energy crystals.

Now she already knew how precious the colorless energy crystal was, so her breathing was stagnant after seeing it, and her little heart was beating violently.

It turns out... It turns out that picking up things can really make you rich!

'Not bad, there are quite a lot of things here, Shushu, you are so lucky, I am envious. '

Ruan Shu laughed a little silly when she heard this.

"Coincidence, coincidence."

It's just that those few colorless energy crystals can surprise her, and she doesn't expect to find something that can improve her spiritual power in it.

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