After Ruan Shu's mental power was upgraded, she tested her mental power level again, C+.

It's almost a B.

Seeing this result, Ruan Shu couldn't help being excited.

Her mental power level was F before, after such a long time, she is almost at B now.

But her time is nothing to the people in the star world.

Although Ruan Shu's mental strength can be upgraded, she can actually feel that it is getting more and more difficult as she goes further.

For example, when she went from D-level to C-level, she obviously felt that her mental strength was already full, but she just couldn't make it up.

But I didn't expect to doze off and give me a pillow. I just got hungry with Grandpa Devil Vine, and found a way to improve my spiritual power from the space ring I picked up.

This is not a pie from the sky, this is the super baby that the sky directly hits her!

After her mental power has risen to C+, she can clearly feel the changes in her spiritual world, her eyes can see farther, and even her mimic cat seems to have some attack capabilities, but the attack is a little easier , Scratching or something seems to be the most basic skill of a cat.

This is all thanks to the "Soul Sutra".

Not to mention her ability to heal mental pollution, which has been directly increased by ten times. She can heal several people in a short period of time at the same time, and the persistence time is also longer.

"Don't tell anyone about this book just yet."

A book that can improve the level of spiritual power will definitely drive countless people crazy.

They wanted to make the Star Beast Empire more powerful, but everything had to be done while ensuring the interests of the empire and ensuring that there would be no social chaos.

Things are good things, but if countless powerful people are really mass-produced and uncontrolled, then the empire will be in chaos.

Therefore, this book should be controlled in the hands of one's own people. In the hands of the emperor, those who can obtain the qualification for cultivation must also be confidantes who are absolutely loyal to the empire and will not betray them.

Ruan Xiao handed the book to Aylmer: "If possible, let's see if we can research a low-profile version of "Soul Sutra."

Aylmer nodded: "I will let people study it."

The low-profile version of the Soul Sutra is used in major military departments, even the outstanding students of the First Military Academy. Of course, it is best to share the training versions of the military department and the school.

If you want to check the training, you must exchange it with the corresponding military points or school points, and the folks don't think about it.

Good things, of course, must be provided first to those fighters who defend their homes and the country, they are the powerful forces loyal to the empire.

Aylmer: "The matter of "Soul Sutra" will be discussed carefully at the meeting tonight."

Ruan Shu is probably the first child to practice this "Soul Sutra", and she has personally proved the benefits of this thing.

After everyone celebrated Ruan Shu, they started to get busy again.

Ruan Shu also started refining the potion that can melt the colorless energy crystal for the first time.

She already had experience in compounding potions and alchemy, and this time her mental power has been upgraded, she has more confidence in herself.

The refining of this potion is similar to that of alchemy, but there is no need to form an alchemy in the middle, you only need to take out the liquid medicine that has been refined into a liquid state.

Mental power will also be used during the period. After Ruan Shu is familiar with it, she can control the mental power more easily.

She is probably really talented in refining medicine, and she is the kind that God chases and feeds. She only tried Ruan Shu once and succeeded.

It was even smoother than when she was refining alchemy.

This is also the benefit of her mental power improvement.

"Grandpa Devil Vine, see if it is such a potion."

The adults in the family have all gone to the meeting, and now Ruan Shu is alone in the family, and of course Xiao Fenghuang is with them.

As soon as the potion was refined, Ruan Shu couldn't wait to share it with someone around her who could talk.

Devil Vine: 'I have too many memories, I can't find the relevant information for a while, you should try it first. '


Looking at the light green potion in her hand, Ruan Shu showed a smile on her face, and couldn't wait to take out the colorless energy crystal to try it.

Putting the colorless energy crystal in a large bathtub, in fact, she felt that using such a large bathtub was a bit exaggerated.

After all, the colorless energy crystal is so small.

The devil vine smiled and said: "Didn't I tell you before, this colorless energy crystal is formed by the continuous compression of many liquids. After it is melted with potions, it will of course increase." '

Ruan Shu said, she is obedient, so follow what Grandpa Devil Vine said.

With a disturbed mood, she put the plain colorless energy crystal into the porcelain containing the potion.

Around the bathtub, Ruan Shu, the little ginseng doll lying on her head, the pink girl on her shoulders, the little vines and dodder wrapped around her arms, and a little phoenix all watched the changes inside eagerly.

One minute passed, two minutes passed...

Nothing has changed.

Ruan Shu: ...


Did it fail?

Little Phoenix tilted his head and looked at Ruan Shu suspiciously.

Ruan Shu lowered her head slightly: "It must have failed."

She just said, how could it be successful once!

Just when he was about to encourage himself to take his time, there was a change in the container containing the colorless energy crystal and the potion.

The potion began to vibrate, and then Gululu was bubbling and hungry.

The sudden bubbling scared the timid ginseng doll to the point of falling, but fortunately, Ruan Shu caught it quickly.

Immediately afterwards, they saw smoke starting to rise inside, or white mist to be precise.

It swirls upwards, but it doesn't spread out.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the water level in the large bowl of porcelain rose to the point that the small container could no longer hold it, and water began to flow slowly into the bathtub.

It is a light green liquid, transparent without any impurities, and has a fragrance.

Ruan Shu couldn't describe the taste, seemed delicious.

Not only her, but Little Phoenix and Little Ginseng were also staring at the emerging liquid.


This guy, Little Phoenix, even wanted to jump in when he got excited.

Ruan Shu: "Stop!"

However, her strength was too weak, and her movements were not as fast as that of the little phoenix. She only grabbed one of its wings, and her whole body was brought up.

Fortunately, there was a devil vine, and when the little phoenix was about to touch the things in the bathtub, it rolled it up.

'Why panic, this little guy is too uncertain, it's not too late to go after the colorless energy is dissolved, it's still early! '

Ruan Shu nodded.

"You, face the wall, and I'll call you over after the dissolution is over."

Little Phoenix: ………


Began to act coquettishly and roll around like a dog.

Ruan Shu touched Xiao Fenghuang's stomach without hesitation, and then mercilessly let him continue to face the wall.

After all, she has raised Little Phoenix to such a big age, she now knows exactly what kind of temper this guy is.

It belongs to the kind of character who can shine brightly with some sunshine, and make room for dyeing with some dyes. In short, there is no need to be soft-hearted towards Little Phoenix, let alone be used to it!

"Hurry up, who am I for? If you knock it over in a hurry, I have to make another potion, so I have to wait for a while."

I went to the hospital to accompany my family through the discharge procedures, and I will add another chapter before 12 o'clock.

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