[The thing she is attacking seems to be some talisman paper. It is really amazing. I heard that what she awakened is the natural ability of wood, but the talisman paper can attack different elemental abilities, and everyone else in their class has it, so Take a bold guess, that thing called talisman paper should be available to anyone. 】

[I'm so heartbroken, if I go to the elementary school girl to buy it, do you think she can sell it to me? 】

Ruan Shu and her talisman just became popular on the forum, but the First Military Academy has a lot of geniuses, and there are many chief fans of several academies.

Rather than paying attention to Ruan Shu, who is still a ten-year-old kid, they are still more willing to pay attention to the chief and strong man they admire.

So the forum about Ruan Shu soon fell silent, and no one paid any attention after a long time.

So not many people know, because of their ability to pull hatred, and the ability of a few people to use talismans to blow up people everywhere, plus the teacher's equal treatment, Ruan Shu has written three self-criticisms in just one month. .

The whole class wrote it disheartened together.

"By the way, do you know? There will be a point competition next month, and all students in the school can participate. I don't know if anyone will break the record in this year's point competition."

Ruan Shu looked up at them blankly from writing the review.

"What is a point match?"

Tang Rou wowed exaggeratedly: "Shu Shu, you don't even know this."

Ruan Shu's expression was innocent, she really didn't know, she had never known the First Military Academy before.

Tang Rou explained in detail: "The points match is held on the virtual network, and it is a competition organized by the school to fight monsters and collect points. Points are very useful in the school. Many mecha potions and precious materials from the school's internal channels can be used. Purchase with points.

And to go to the library above the fifth floor of the school, you must have enough points to go. I heard that the books above the fifth floor of the library have special physical training skills, medicine formulas, and master handwriting. After graduation, you must have more than 10,000 points. just work. "

Ruan Shu nodded and understood, that is to say, those points are actually similar to the school's transaction currency.

Mingya added next to it: "In the points match, the virtual network environment will simulate the real world, and any feeling after entering is real, and the pain cannot be lowered, just like fighting in the real world.

There are mutated plants, alien beasts and even the virtual forms of Zerg in it, all of which are burned in based on real data. From level one to level nine, the corresponding combat power is from F to SSS level. The lower the level, the more points you get. few.

Level 1 monsters need to kill 100 points to get one point, Level 2 monsters need to kill 50 points, Level 3 monsters 10 points, Level 4 monsters 1 point, Level 5 monsters 1 point, Level 6 10 points, Level 7 20 points. Points, 50 points for the eighth grade, and 100 points for the ninth grade. "

Ruan Shu opened her mouth and widened her eyes.

"Is it that difficult?"

The nine-level one has SSS-level combat power, what kind of concept is that, it is probably about the same combat power as his father.

Come to think of it, his father's combat power coming to this school is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction, okay?

Therefore, the school students must not be able to kill the ninth-level monsters alone. They can only cooperate in groups, and each of them must be a group with relatively strong combat power.

It's only a hundred points.

"Otherwise, you think the school's resources are so easy to get."

Song Shi twirled the pen around his fingertips.

"If the points are really so good, and the school's resources are so easy to get, then there won't be many people working hard every day to earn points."

"Then besides the competition, can you still get points from other channels?"

Tang Yun nodded: "Of course."

Nan Chen'an: "The black market actually has a competition arena specially set up for students. They cooperate with the school to let those people in the black market be the test stones for the students. The students get points, and those who go to the black market to compete get star coins. Both parties are satisfied, and not only students from the First Military Academy will go, but students from other schools will also go.”

Speaking of the black market, Ruan Shu remembered the experience of being taken to the black market by her brother when she was a child. At that time, he was beaten terribly. I didn't expect that there was a ring specially set up for students!

"The school also has a sales area specially set up for students. Many students can bring what they need to sell there, and they are all traded with points."

"There is also field training once a year. This has a probability of death, which is not like that in the virtual network. Although the pain is real, people who die in it are still alive. If they die in actual combat training, they are really dead. So the points are relatively much higher, and some resources brought back from those places can be sold to the school if they can sell points, so although it is dangerous, there are many people going there every year."

Ruan Shu: I understand. There are many ways for schools to earn points, but they often want to earn high points, which is accompanied by high risks.

If you don't want to face high risks, you have to rely on your own skills.

For example, those who study medicine in the School of Pharmacy can exchange points for the medicine they make, but it is not easy to sell it.

There are quite a few people selling potions at the School of Pharmacy at the school, and if you want to sell them, the potions must be good enough.

Not to mention the pharmacy academy of the First Military Academy, there are a lot of pharmacies in the Venus next door, who wants to spend money or points to buy low-quality pharmacy?

Moreover, the pharmacy of Venus Star Academy can be traded with star coins on their side, and the points of the two schools are not interchangeable.

The only bad thing is that the students of Venus Star School also need points, so they prefer to exchange points with students of their own school than star coins, so many times the students of the First Military Academy are holding money and can’t exchange for medicine. Very effective medicine.

Of course, Ruan Shu is still a junior high school student, and it's still early before she needs points for college, so she doesn't worry about it.

Song Shi: "Let's go play too."

His eyes lit up: "The school's point competition is only open at this time of the year, and there are a lot of monsters. I want to try killing monsters even if I don't go for the points."

Tang Yun: "Don't be the one who kills the monster, the monster will kill you!"

"What does that matter, let's find out in advance, so we can earn points faster when we go to college."

"It's a pity, only those with a high school student ID can go to the black market, otherwise I would want to play in the ring on the black market."

Ruan Shu: ...

Fortunately, only high school graduates can go, otherwise you would have to take these students in your class to skip class and go to the black market!

Song Shi didn't give up and continued to fool around: "You really don't want to go and see it? Even if it's killing the lowest-level monsters to experience it, and the system will transfer us to the lowest-level monster area based on our student ID information of."

Tang Yun and Nan Chen'an were moved. After all, although they were only junior high school students, they also urgently wanted to become stronger.

"Then let's... try?"

Ruan Shu: This is not good.

Thinking so in her heart, when the points competition started, her body was still very honest and registered with a few classmates.

"See you in Novice Village!"

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