However, the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little tense.

Although the allies of the alliance went in to explore, after all, they represent different races and countries, and they still have to fight for what should be fought when they go in.

Who doesn't want their country to be stronger than other countries, even if it is a friendly army.

As soon as the live broadcast screen changed, it soon fell on the heads of several countries. Ruan Shu also saw Aylmer.

"It's His Majesty!!!"

Compared to Ruan Shu, other people are much more excited.

There are quite a few marshals of the empire, capable government officials and fans of His Majesty.

Especially Almer's.

As the dragon clan has always been the representative of the power of the strong, now the dragon clan lives in seclusion and rarely sees other dragons. As the emperor of a country, Aylmer is currently the only dragon clan that appears on the Internet from time to time.

Of course, it is mainly in videos related to national events.

Coupled with his own high strength, handsome appearance and good temperament to the outside world, in short, he is very popular, and the entire empire is almost full of his fans.

Therefore, Ruan Shu was not surprised by the admiration of several friends.

But she was not as excited as they were, after all, she could still see Aylmer and talk to him from time to time.

But seeing the excited admiration of her little friends, she was inexplicably a little proud. Aylmer was her best friend!

Besides Aylmer, Ruan Shu also saw kings of other races.

As the next heir of the Hai Clan, Yu Sheng is also in the army at the moment, because he also wants to go there to try his luck to see if he can find a spiritual weapon that suits him.

Not only the spirit weapon, but as the next heir of the Sea Clan, he had to see the burial place of his ancestors with his own eyes.

During the live broadcast, this is the first time several emperors have gathered together, which shows how much they attach importance to the burial place of the ancestors of the forbidden stars.

And the moment they appeared, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was like a rocket, but anyone with poor eyesight could not read the words clearly.

【Ahhh! ! ! Wang Wang Wang, the king of our Hai Clan is the most handsome! 】

[Nonsense, the king of our Yu family is not only the most handsome and the best temperament. 】

[Your Majesty YYDS of the Star Beast Empire, do not accept rebuttals, the Dragon Clan is the most domineering. 】

[Star Beast Empire, you don’t take us white giants seriously, do you? 】

Because of the kings of several races, there was a quarrel on the bullet screen, and everyone felt that their own king/His Majesty was the best.

Ruan Shu took a fixed look, and then couldn't help but secretly opened the terminal and sent a barrage.

Ruan Shu: [His Majesty the Star Beast Empire is the youngest, the prettiest, and has super combat power, no one can match it! 】

Of course, after sending it out, she silently added a sentence in her heart, except for her father.

She still has the attribute of protecting her weaknesses.

Compared with other kings, Aylmer is of course the best. Compared with his family members... each has its own advantages.

Of course, the kings didn't see those bullet screens. At this moment, they all simply said some words of encouragement to the outstanding fighters of their own country, and then ordered to set off.

Of course, the live broadcaster left with the soldiers. Standing in the teleportation formation, the people of several races felt the magic of the teleportation formation for the first time through the live broadcaster.

During the transmission, the live broadcast screen went dark for a while, and when the screen reappeared, they had already arrived at a completely strange planet.

Just like the description given to them by His Majesty the Star Beast Empire, it looks like a gray world without any vitality at first glance.

But in fact, danger is everywhere here, whether it's the air here, or the mutant monsters lurking in the dark.

And the danger starts from entering this world.

They are all elites selected through various competitions. When they came to a strange world, everyone immediately entered a state of alert.

[Fuck, what is the principle of the teleportation array? It feels similar to the space transition, but isn't the space transition only completed before the fixed wormhole is developed? 】

[I've heard of some, it seems to be some kind of formation, the peacock clan is very good at doing this, but I don't know the reason, anyway, it's outrageous and magical, it's just as outrageous as a spiritual weapon. 】

[Is this the forbidden planet? It looks a little scary, I can't see the color of the sky at all, it's so dark. 】

[I read the strategy on the Internet, the sky of the restricted area is so gray during the day, and there is no light at night. 】

[Those gray things are pollutants visible to the naked eye! ! ! 】

[Fuck, is the pollution of X so serious? If I go in, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay there for a day before I have to turn into a fallen beast. 】

[So, the forbidden planet is very dangerous, not only the unknown monsters that exist inside, but also the air inside, which is polluted if you take a breath in it. 】

[Fortunately, the decomposing potion has been produced now, and that special mutant plant is simply the lucky star of all races in the interstellar world. 】

[By the way, who bred those mutated plants? 】

[I don’t know, it seems to have been mentioned on the Internet a few years ago, but after that, it seems that in order to protect the safety of that person, all relevant entry information has been deleted. 】

【I want to see the burial grounds of those ancestors, but I don't know where they are. 】

[Forget about the ancestors, I seem to have seen something flash past them just now. 】

Not only the keen netizens noticed it, but also the fighters in the restricted area at the moment quickly noticed it.

They were divided into several groups back to back in an instant to form an all-round offensive and defensive state.

A few gunshots were fired in the next second, and under the fierce gunfire attack, something fell to the ground soon.

They stepped forward vigilantly, and after making sure that the thing was dead, they moved closer to observe.

Then Qiqi took a deep breath.

Without him, it's too ugly and too strange.

The body of the giant lizard is a bit like the head of a mouse, but it is much more hideous and ugly than a mouse.

The fighters of the Star Beast Empire are alright, they don't have that much facial control, and their tempers are relatively rough.

But the Yu Clan and the Sea Clan couldn't stand it anymore.

A member of the Yu tribe shook his body: "This thing looks too ugly."

"It seems to have been mutated by severe nuclear radiation, no... it should be much more serious than nuclear radiation."

The soldiers of the Star Beast Empire shrugged: "You have also seen the situation on this restricted planet. It is impossible for normal creatures to survive here. Every breath of the air that sees the sun is X pollutants. The appearance of the creatures here Does it make sense to be weird?"

The Hai people frowned: "In the future, our opponents won't be all weird things, everyone cheer up, these are different from the strange beasts and mutated plants we usually deal with, none of them are what we knew before biology."

Because they didn't understand, no one dared to relax.

At the same time, they also knew how important the decomposing agent in the mask and the storage bag and the mutated plant were to them. Everyone couldn't help but touch the storage bag that was well hidden by them to feel relieved.

[Fuck, that look almost made me jump up in fright. 】

[This looks a bit too sloppy, it looks more casual than those strange fish in the deep sea, it feels like a patchwork of several creatures. 】

[I used to say that some strange beasts were ugly, but now I have to apologize to them. Compared with these monsters, those casual looking strange beasts are quite pretty. 】

[The environment of the star in the restricted zone is too harsh, every breath of air is poisonous. 】

[So I'm curious, why is the substance X pollution in the restricted area star so serious? And so far the source of the X pollutant has not been found, so it can't be here, right? 】

[The previous idea is very good. I suggest that the country investigate it. My brother became a fallen beast because of this damn X pollutant. Although the relationship between our brothers is not very good, I don’t want it either. He becomes a fallen beast. 】

[You said that now that the spiritual power channeling medicine has been researched, will there be a medicine to reverse the fallen beasts in the future and make them normal? 】

[Hopefully, but it will be very difficult. If someone really researches it, I will definitely thank his family! 】

[Many Fallen Beasts are soldiers, doctors and other heroes. Although I don’t know them, I hope they get better. 】

Although the live broadcast was still going on, the topics discussed on the barrage were all about fallen beasts.

Ruan Shu took a few glances and said that she also hopes to reverse the situation of those fallen beasts, but can that kind of potion really be researched?

When divergent thinking, the teams of several countries took the map to separate themselves.

The blood on the living creature is heavy, so many of them gather together and the goal is too big, and it will attract more or even more powerful monsters.

Moreover, different countries have different racial tempers, which are prone to conflicts, so it is better to separate them.

After the separation, the audience of the Star Beast Empire will of course focus on the fighters of the Star Beast Empire.

They moved very fast, but after walking a certain distance, they encountered a few monsters smelling blood.

The same looks quite ugly, the most important thing is that they also look different, but each has its own ugliness.

With a weapon in hand, there is no problem dealing with those who are relatively low-level.

They all have maps in their hands. The map was drawn by Ruan Xiao and Aylmer when they went out to explore and draw when they were in the restricted area.

Several places are marked above as dangerous areas that must not be visited.

So they just need to avoid those places according to the map, and it depends on their luck whether they can find the spirit weapon.

After learning about the environmental characteristics of the restricted area star and seeing several batches of monsters with strange shapes, many people feel a little tired of the situation where they have been rushing around looking for nothing good.

So I looked around in each live broadcast room, and stayed when I saw exciting fights, and left to go to other live broadcast rooms when I was bored.

Almost two hours passed like this, and suddenly someone spoke excitedly on the barrage.

"Hurry up and find a baby in the XXX live broadcast room!"

Almost instantly, many people ran to the live broadcast room.

I lost my cat at home, and I spent most of the day looking for it outside. I still feel a little bad because I haven’t found it yet. That’s all for today. I will adjust my status quickly and try not to affect the update later.

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