Although the old people were belittling each other, it was not difficult to hear the familiarity in their voices, which was more like joking between old friends.

Ruan Shu and the other juniors just sat quietly and did not speak.

But she didn't stay here long, because her master and his friends had just woken up, and there were still many things to deal with.

On the day of the school holiday, Ruan Shu was called to the palace.

At this time, all the people who had woken up from their slumber had gathered in the conference room of the palace.

Of course...some people never wake up again.

Many of them knew each other, and when they found out about their old friends who were missing, they knew what was going on.

Dying in a deep sleep without having to worry about turning into a fallen beast is not a bad ending for them.

But living people will inevitably still feel uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, you woke up us old guys and summoned us here again. Something happened. Let's talk. As long as our old bones can still be useful to the empire, we can do anything."

Most of the people present had been soldiers.

Maybe they don't care much about other things, but there is one thing that is a common responsibility for everyone.

That is to protect the empire created by our ancestors.

Almo saluted everyone: "There is indeed an emergency to disturb your sleep. The Zerg Queen is born, and the empire may need your power."

"Zerg, those guys are really dead and not stiff."

Obviously, everyone present also deeply hates the Zerg.

They are all very old, and some have even experienced the disaster themselves when they were young.

Their parents and relatives also died in that disaster.

Therefore, the hatred for the Zerg is simply engraved in their bones. When they were young, they devoted themselves to hunting down the Zerg, Dark Tribe and other remnants of dark forces.

After finally living a stable life, I didn't expect that the queen of the Zerg tribe would be conceived again.

It is truly a centipede that is dead but not stiff.

"We need to go to the battlefield, right? No problem. We old bones will still come in handy to kill the Zerg!"

Half of their feet are in the coffin, but these old men still have that fearless spirit of death.

Even they feel that they have lived enough, and if they can exchange their old bones for the survival of more young people, they are willing to do so.

"You don't need to go to the battlefield."

After hearing Aylmer say that they didn't have to go to the battlefield, many people were not happy.

"What's the matter? Your Majesty, don't you look down on us old guys anymore? We can still afford the sword!"

"No..." Almer was a little dumbfounded at the moment. He didn't wake up these old seniors to let them die.

"You are too underestimated today's young people. You don't have to worry about us on the battlefield. I woke you up because the current situation requires you urgently. I want you to temporarily serve as teachers and instructors in major military academies and pass on your knowledge. Go down and teach more outstanding reserve troops."

Some old men who refused to admit defeat and wanted to go to the battlefield wanted to say something, but were interrupted by Mr. Ge.

"Okay, don't say that His Majesty looks down on you. Don't you know what's going on with your mental strength? Are you going to the battlefield? When the time comes, there will be problems with your mental strength and you will become a fallen beast. Those soldiers will not only have to kill the Zerg, but they will also have to worry about it. In your case, wouldn’t that be a disservice?”

After hearing his words, a group of old men who refused to admit defeat sat down in frustration.

Although it doesn't sound good, it's the truth.

Although their mental power has stabilized now, most of their mental sea has been polluted, and it's good enough to stay awake.

Those who are unlucky may turn into fallen beasts after just a few hits on the battlefield.

So let’s be honest.

Almo really wanted to capture his father at this moment, and he really didn't want to say hello to these old seniors.

He is extremely stubborn and has to suppress his violent temper.

"Don't worry about your mental strength. You might not have been able to do anything about it before, but it's different now."

Everyone present stared at him.

"What do you mean? Your Majesty, is it possible that you have now developed a way to remove pollutants?"

"Why don't I know that even though I have been asleep for so long, there are still children who come to see me every year? If I really researched such a big thing, there is no way they wouldn't tell me!"

Aylmer: "It hasn't been studied yet. You'll find out later."

Ruan Shu came to this conference room amid the doubts of a group of old people.

When he saw her, Mr. Ge, who was Ruan Shu's master, was happy.

Unlike other old guys who know nothing, he knows the special nature of his precious apprentice.

"Shu Shu, come here."

Aylmer, who was sitting at the front, waved to the little girl.

Seeing so many seniors present, Ruan Shu was extremely nervous, but she still walked over bravely under their gazes.

The old man sitting next to Elder Ge nudged him with his elbow.

"What's going on? Isn't that your apprentice? Why are you here today?"

Mr. Ge smiled broadly: "Why are you so anxious? We'll find out later. I'll definitely bring you a surprise."

Almer stood up, and when Ruan Shu came to his side, he put his hand on the girl's head and pressed it gently.

This is to appease her.

Ruan Shu was prone to nervousness when she was a child. Not only her family knew about it, but Aylmo also knew about it.

When Ruan Shu is around, he will often do this action when she gets nervous.

"Everyone, you are all veterans of the empire. I also believe that you are devoted to the empire, so what I am going to say next must be kept confidential."

Although I didn't know what he was going to say, seeing how serious he looked, all the elders present gave a military salute.

"Don't worry, your Majesty, we are not stupid, we all know what to say and what not to say!"

Almer then said: "The person next to me is the daughter of the current marshal of the Third Army. She is a descendant of Shi Qilin. Her awakening ability is somewhat special, the power of life. I don't know if it is for this reason that her mental power has also developed. Some kind of mutation can help you solve the problem of mental pollution."

After his words fell, even the old men who had experienced countless ups and downs and lived for such a long time seemed to be shocked and dumbfounded at this moment, and they couldn't believe their ears.

What did they just hear?

Can that little girl solve the problem of mental pollution? !

How can this be!

The problems that have troubled them for many years, the problems that so many outstanding pharmacists, medical scientists and researchers cannot solve, are now...

Their Majesty told them that all they needed was the little girl.

It was as if His Majesty had played a joke on them.

But Aylmer looked serious, and he wasn't kidding.

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