Thinking about Marshal Ruan wearing a military uniform with storage bags hanging everywhere on his body, I almost wanted to laugh.

Ruan Shu pulled her fingers and said with a guilty conscience.

"Yeah, it's not too much."

"don’t worry."

Almo rubbed her furry head with a gentle voice.

"Your father and third brother are both strong, and nothing will happen to them."

Ruan Shu lowered her head and let out a sigh.

But she knew in her heart that her father, third brother, and first cousin were powerful, but there were also strong people among the Zerg.

With great power comes great responsibility. If the two sides really fight, the one who will fight dad will definitely be the strong Zerg.

Although I am worried, it is definitely not possible to prevent my father and brothers from going to the battlefield.

That is their responsibility and their belief.

To be honest, if it were her, she would go to the battlefield without hesitation.

She may be scared, but she will not back down. Now she has a sense of belonging to this world and the Star Beast Empire, and does not want this country to be destroyed.

"Aylmer, please send me to find my father."

Since she was destined to leave, she wanted to take advantage of this time to see her father more. It would be better if she could help.

Dad must still be in the Third Legion now.

"Let's go, I'll take you there by car."

Almo patted her on the head and asked someone to drive to pick them up.

In the car, Ruan Shu eagerly began to draw talisman with an exquisite pen, and her hand never stopped.

Aylmer frowned: "After resting, I will draw again."

"It's okay, my mental strength is much better."

She didn't listen. After knowing that her father and third brother were leaving, she didn't want to waste every minute and every second.

A hand grabbed her wrist, and Ruan Shu turned to look over.

The young man knocked on her forehead.

"You will go to see your father later when you are exhausted. How can I explain to him?"

Ruan Shu remembered the time when she had exhausted her mental energy and slept for three whole months. At that time, her father had warned her not to overuse her mental energy.

She could only reluctantly put down the Linglong pen.

"But I feel like I'm fine now."

"Then do you think your dad can tell?"

Ruan Shu nodded nervously. Her father always paid close attention to her, and she could tell even if she was a little tired.

"Okay, you can start painting after your mental strength has recovered. And even if your father and brother go to the front line, can't you continue painting at home? Just send it to them then."

Ruan Shu nodded sheepishly: "Yes, I forgot when I was nervous. All the talismans I drew in my free time were given to my father and brother. Even if they use them, they should be able to last for a while."

Aylmer leaned on the car seat and crossed his arms: "Then why are you anxious? How many talismans do they have in their hands?"

Ruan Shu thought for two seconds: "There are probably more than 50,000."

"Cough cough cough..."

Aylmer was immediately shocked.

"More than 50,000 yuan. Are you drawing that thing every day when you have nothing to do? By the way, I asked an elder on Long Island. He said that drawing talisman is not difficult? Why do I see you drawing it so easily?"

Because Ruan Shu was learning this, he specifically asked Elder Long who had inherited memories in this area. Although that person had not learned how to draw talismans, he could know some knowledge about drawing talismans from his memory.

What Almer knew from what he said was that it was difficult to draw talismans. Many people might draw 9 out of ten talismans that would be useless.

But as for what he just saw Ruan Shu draw, every one was successful.

He almost wondered if there was something wrong with the elder's inherited memory.

Ruan Shu was puzzled by his question.

"Is it difficult? But I think it's very simple."

If the exquisite pen could talk, it would have to find some sense of presence at this time.

Come on, that's the owner it chose. She's a genius at drawing talismans, okay? Can those idiots compare with her genius master?

Ruan Shu only felt that the exquisite pen seemed to be active, and she stroked the fur.

After the suspension vehicle arrived at the military headquarters, it drove in directly.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Marshal Ruan, where are the others?"

"The Seventh Division of the Third Army was attacked by Zerg while patrolling in space. Now 3,800 people are injured. The Marshal has taken people to fly to the space station to investigate the situation."

Ruan Shu suddenly became nervous.

"Where are the wounded? Apart from the Third Army, are there other legions in trouble?"

"The Fourth and Seventh Legions also have wounded people of varying degrees. Among them... there are hundreds of them who lost control of their mental power and did not have time to drink the mental power channeling potion and turned into fallen beasts. They are now being imprisoned."

Almer's expression was a little ugly.

Ruan Shu took his hand and pulled it.

"Almer, take me to see the wounded."

"Okay, let's go."

The wounded are now being placed in the military hospital. This hospital not only contains wounded from the Third Army, but also from other armies.

Doctors in white coats were busy coming in and out.

Those with only external injuries were sent to the medical cabin, but more often those with broken bones, limbs and internal organs were injured. These wounded people needed to be treated with drugs after surgery.

Aylmer's arrival alarmed the director of the hospital.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Ruan Shu stood beside him, frowning at the wounded in the ward, and became even more worried about the situation on her father's side.

"Don't worry about me. Can the hospital be busy now?"

The dean nodded: "I'm still very busy now. I just hope there won't be any more problems on the space station."

Ruan Shu turned around and grabbed Almer's hand: "Almer, please take me to daddy quickly."

The hospital is now too busy, so she won't help here anymore. It would be best if she could help treat more people in time on the space station.


The young man bowed his head in response.

He still has some confidence in protecting Ruan Shu.

After locating Ruan Xiao's coordinates, Armer directly used his space skills to take Ruan Shu there.

Ruan Xiao, who was directing the battle, turned dark when he saw the two people who suddenly appeared.

"What are you doing here?"

Ruan Shu poked her little head out from behind Almo: "Dad, you don't have to worry about us, we are here to help. Where are all the injured dad?"

For safety, she released Cuscuta, Little Vine, Little Silver, and the others.

Ruan Xiao's face improved a lot when he saw the mutated plants and strange beasts around his daughter.

"On another warship, I asked the adjutant to take you there. Your Majesty, please take care of Shushu."

Aylmer nodded: "Marshal Ruan, just pretend that we have never been here."

Ruan Xiao: ...

Am I blind?

If the war situation hadn't been urgent, he wouldn't have handed his daughter over to His Majesty!

Ruan Shu and Aylmer were sent by the adjutant to the warship where the wounded were placed.

There are also many doctors busy here, but they are obviously too busy.

Ruan Shu's target is people with serious internal injuries and external injuries.

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