I hug my thighs because I want to, but the atmosphere in the First Military Academy is basically very good, or in other words, the atmosphere in the entire Star Beast Empire is generally good, and there are only a few people with evil intentions.

So they just want to hug Ruan Shu. As for coveting her things, they neither know nor dare to.

She can easily take out so many energy stones, and it’s not easy to know her identity and background with just your toes. How dare you dare to covet her?

But they really couldn't guess her identity.

"Hey, you are familiar with Ruan Shu, do you know who she is and how generous she is?"

When asked, Song Shi and others simply rolled their eyes: "I don't know, we are friends with her but we don't necessarily need to know her identity."

Ruan Shu's brother told them a long time ago that it was best not to reveal Ruan Shu's identity.

They didn't know why, but they were very obedient and didn't tell anyone else.

After the day's training, Ruan Shu and Tang Rou Mingya went to the dormitory.

The three of them were assigned together.

"Ruan Shu, how did you learn it? Why do you feel that what we learned is different from what you learned?"

They tried several times, but they always made mistakes when controlling the battleship, and the main player was in a hurry.

Ruan Shu: "I have memorized the positions of all the buttons. It's probably a cat's characteristic to have quick hands."

Cats can swing their claws more than a dozen times in one second if they are very fast.

Tang Rou\u0026amp;Mingya:…………

If you can’t learn, you can’t learn.

This relies on brains and talent. They don't have the brains or the talent.

Military training time is tiring, but also fulfilling.

During these three months of military training, Ruan Shu was not allowed to contact the outside world. Even if an instructor used the back door, Ruan Shu would only have one opportunity to contact the outside world once a month, and the contact time each time was very short, only ten minutes.

Finally...the three months of military training are over.

I cried like a ghost during training, but I was really reluctant to leave.

It is easiest to develop feelings in the process of training and enduring hardships together.

"You guys are not from our class."

After returning home from the military training, everyone sat on the military suspension train to interact with each other. Only then did the freshman class realize that Ruan Shu and the others were not from their class.

Song Shi nodded: "Otherwise? Do we look like normal college students?"

The expression of the classmate who asked the question suddenly became speechless.

"You do look abnormal."

"They are in the junior class."

A student who attended the First Military Academy in junior high and high school said: "The famous youth class, there are many people who were tortured by them in junior high and high school."

"How are you talking? Are we torturing them? They are obviously the ones who provoked us first, and they made us have to write self-criticisms several times a month."

College students who had been admitted to other schools were immediately interested.

"What's going on? Tell me more."

So several insiders told some of the big things they had caused at school.

For example, Yong Fu fought with other senior students, and ended up blowing up a teacher who had accidentally stopped him.

The whole class was given a pretty explosive hairstyle.

He incited several classes to fight and alerted the principal.

The dormitory building was almost demolished...

In short...it's a really exciting time in a school with a junior class.

Ruan Shu's ears turned red as she listened.


It turns out...it turns out that the whole school knows what they did.

In the Song Dynasty, they also... looked at the sky and the earth.

These are all out of necessity, and they don't want to.

"You guys are awesome!"

Many students gave them thumbs up.

Finally, the military training was over and they went home. The suspended train took them directly to school. After a motivational talk from the principal, they could finally go home.

Before Ruan Shu could change her clothes, her elder brother's message came through.

"Shu Shu, where are you?"

Ruan Shu: "It's in the school playground."

"Then just wait, I'll go in and find you."

"Oh well."

Ruan Shu agreed obediently, and then told Ruan Shu about the more iconic buildings nearby, and Ruan Fengsi said that he understood.

Walking from outside the school to the school, Ruan Fengsi was wearing a black vest and assault pants. He had a tall and oppressive figure and a particularly fierce appearance.

The doorman had to check his identity carefully several times before letting him in.

Because the identity check was delayed, Ruan Fengsi had a dark face when he entered.

Because of this, all the students who saw him around him took a detour.

"Who is this? He looks more fierce than our instructor."

"I felt like he was going to punch me at any moment."

Ruan Fengsi was born very tall, and with an average height of two meters per person, he was quite conspicuous.

So Ruan Shu, who was standing under the tree waiting for him, saw the person at a glance.

"elder brother!"

A small, soft and pretty girl ran over with a smile on her face.

Ruan Fengsi also laughed the moment he saw his sister. One second he was as fierce as a gangster, and the next second he laughed like a husky.

The tall young man picked up his sister and spun her around happily.

After stopping, Ruan Shu found that many people were looking at them.

Reacting belatedly, he blushed and quickly asked his elder brother to put him down.

She was no longer a child, and it was a bit embarrassing to be held in circles like this.

"What are you afraid of? You are my sister. Who dares to talk about you?"

As he spoke, he glanced around, so fiercely that all the people around him lowered their heads in unison and pretended not to be looking at them.

Ruan Shu took his hand and walked out.

"Let's go back quickly. Is the second brother at home? Where is the second cousin? And how is the situation with dad now..."

After not seeing each other for three months, Ruan Shu wanted to ask a lot of questions, so she kept chattering along the way.

But her voice was nice, soft and coquettish, and no matter how many questions she asked, it wouldn't make people annoying.

Ruan Fengsi, who seems to have a bad temper, only has so much patience when facing his sister.

He answered Ruan Shu's questions one by one.

When the brother and sister arrived home, lunch was already ready.

Ruan Shu, who had not been seen for three months during military training, received a warm welcome from the whole family.

Grandpa the housekeeper pulled her to look left and right, and then came to a conclusion with a distressed look on his face.

"Why have you lost weight again?"

Ruan Shu: ...It's okay, she ate quite a lot during military training.

"And a little tanned."

Ruan Shu immediately stretched out her hand to compare with her brothers' hands, and then said.

"It's not bad, it's just your psychology, brother."

She was the fairest in the entire company when she left, and she was also the fairest when she came back. Many people were envious of her.

She can't tan!

I went back to my hometown to harvest rice yesterday. I was very tired. I just finished a chapter now. I will take a break and do the normal update tomorrow.

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