Seeing those blood corals, Yu Huan rubbed his hands in excitement.

"This is so beautiful."

He had never seen the corals in the sea so beautiful before.

Ruan Shu: "You go and pick it yourself, I'll wait for you."

The two sea monsters didn't show any pretense and rushed over.

In order not to damage the blood coral, they pick it according to its maturity. The dark red part at the top of the blood coral is mature.

As long as it doesn't hurt their body, that is, the light pink part at the bottom, they won't feel pain if it is cut off at once.

After picking enough blood coral, the two brought Ruan Shu ashore.

"These are the rewards for purchasing blood coral this time."

Yu Huan took out two large boxes from the space.

After opening it, one of the boxes contained precious and rare deep-sea jewels. Those jewels were bought by many nobles at high prices no matter where they were, and they were very rare. Many of them were obtained from the strange ocean beasts ghost clams.

Ghost clams are rare and deeply hidden, so even if the sea monster wants to get them, it will take a lot of effort and time.

Another box contained shark quills and some energy stones.

Ruan Shu accepted it without any hesitation.

After returning home, Ruan Shu politely asked them to stay and have some food before leaving. However, the two of them had something urgent to do and left in a hurry.

Ruan Shu held her chin up: "Why are you so anxious?"

She counted on her fingers and realized that the eldest brother and the second brother had not come back for several days.

That night, both of them came back, but they also brought bad news to Ruan Shu.

"Second brother...are you leaving too?"

Ruan Shu pursed her lips and poked at the rice in the bowl, feeling very depressed.

"If my application is successful, I can leave with my second brother."

"then what do I do?"

Ruan Fengsi pinched the tip of her nose pretending to be relaxed.

"You want to leave your eldest brother alone on the main star."

Ruan Shu shook her head: "But I really miss my father and other brothers. I haven't seen them for seven years."

"You'll be back soon, Shushu, stay at home with your big brother."

Ruan Shu looked at Ruan Xinglan: "Second brother, what happened? Why did you have to go there too."

Ruan Xinglan smiled and said: "It's not like you don't know the situation over there. Dad and the others have told you, but there is a shortage of pharmacists and mecha masters over there. Your second brother and I happen to be proficient in both. Recruited.”

Ruan Shu snorted: "Dad and brother always report good news but not bad news. I can guess it, so they are not so stupid."

Ruan Xinglan smiled and rubbed her head and teased: "I know you are the smartest."

At the dinner table, Ruan Fengsi and Ruan Xinglan were changing the topic to make Ruan Shu feel better.

But... Ruan Xinglan left quickly.

He left on the third day, and Ruan Shu followed her elder brother to see him off.

Ruan Shu, who was already twenty-five years old, had red eyes again, but this time her tears did not fall. She had grown up and could not cry easily.

Ruan Fengsi sighed slightly and patted her shoulder.

"Let's go back."

In fact, Ruan Xinglan left this time because something happened.

There is indeed a shortage of pharmacists and mecha masters there, but the more important reason is that the same thing as three hundred years ago happened again.

During the battle with the Zerg, three armies suddenly disappeared one after another.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take this matter to heart. After all, in the battle with the Zerg, some teams were wiped out.

But when the missing army appeared for the second time, everyone realized something was wrong. Even if the team was wiped out, there would still be some clues and traces left.

But those two teams seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and no matter how hard they traced, their whereabouts could not be found.

And it’s not just the Star Beast Empire, other tribes also have similar situations.

The third time, this time a person escaped and fell into a coma after coming back. After three days and three nights of all-out rescue, the star beast came back to life and brought back important news.

The rebels, the lost army.

Now everyone knew that it was those bugs again who caused the disappearance of Marshal Ruan's eldest son three hundred years ago.

Even this third time, Ruan Ling'an disappeared.

But the family and even Almo had a tacit understanding not to tell Ruan Shu about these things, just because they were afraid that she would be worried.

After seeing her second brother off and returning home, Mr. Ruan Shu felt uneasy and couldn't sleep well despite tossing and turning at night.

The pink girls surrounded Ruan Shu, and because of the contract, they could clearly feel her anxiety.

"Tell me, did something really happen and my father and brother didn't tell me?"

Holding the pink girl and the ginseng doll in her arms, Ruan Shu simply got out of bed and walked to the balcony to look at the night outside.

Now the Ruan family has been beautifully taken care of. The roses climbing on the walls are blooming just right, and the colorful flowers are beautiful in every color.

This is also a mutated plant that can bloom for most of the year, and the floral fragrance also has a refreshing effect.

"I must find out."

Since they didn't tell her, she would go find out on her own.

However, she also knew that the housekeeper and her eldest brother would definitely be paying attention to her situation, so Ruan Shu could not check it by herself.

She sent the news to Song Shi and others the next day. Several friends of the Nine-tailed Cat were now also receiving training from the regular army in the legion.

After Ruan Shu entrusted the matter to them, she thought about it and contacted the Langya Mercenary Group.

This was a mercenary whom she met in a forest when she took on a mission in school. Ruan Shu would ask them first when buying anything she needed. After all, the prices they gave were fair and the goods were very good.

Wolf Fang Mercenary Group: "Don't worry, Miss Ruan. I promise to find out everything for you."

Ruan Shu: "Thank you very much. I'll spare your trouble."

Wolf Fang Mercenary Group: "No trouble, no trouble, we brothers are very happy to be able to help you!"

This is the first time that the savior has asked them for help, so it must be done!

It's not that Ruan Shu doesn't trust her friends. The main reason is that they are all undergoing training and are still in the military. Everyone knows their relationship with her. What if the things found out are others who can send them in? ?

This wait lasted several days.

Ruan Shu first got some news from her friends.

Something did happen on the Border Star. They had been at loggerheads with the Zerg, but the rebels suddenly came out to cause trouble again.

Ruan Shu gritted her teeth as she looked at the words "Rebel Army". Several of the accidents she had when she was a child were related to these guys, and her father was trapped in a restricted planet. If she hadn't had special abilities, her father and his soldiers would have turned into fallen beasts. .

Ruan Shu: Do you know what exactly happened?

Tang Rou: It seems that they have created a teleportation array again to teleport some soldiers to unknown places, but don't worry, Kong Xiao said that all his people went there.

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