But before, her heart just felt a little dull. After arriving here, Ruan Shu felt that her heart was beating fast, and the blood in her body seemed to be boiling. There was still a voice calling in her head, and she couldn't hear it clearly from far and near. .

But she still remembered the feeling in the dream, as if something was pulling her, telling her to go somewhere along that feeling.

Ruan Shu looked at Almer with tears in her eyes.

"Almer, there seems to be a voice in my head, something is calling me over."

Almo's expression was not good. He wanted to take Ruan Shu and leave this poor place immediately.

"Let's get out of here first."

He directly used his natural ability to take Ruan Shu away, but Ruan Shu grabbed his hand in the next second.

"No, Almo... I can feel that there is something very important here, and I must go."

At this moment, Ruan Shu's face was filled with tears. It was just that being uncomfortable would not make her cry so sadly. But for some reason, the tears flowed down unconsciously and were not under her control at all.

Ruan Shu stared at the depths of the cave: "Almer, let's go take a look."

But Aylmer didn't want her to take such a risk.

Ruan Shu: "Quickly, if we encounter danger, we will leave immediately."

In the end, he gave in.

Walking along the depths of the cave, they seemed to have passed through a strange and bizarre world.

Aylmer felt the breath of space power here, as if it was the energy contained in the sandstorm.

So, does the space energy in the sandstorm come from here?

If that's the case, they're probably no longer in the desert.

All the way Aylmer remained alert.

The two walked for who knows how long, and finally passed through the cave and came to a blank world.

Looking back, I found that the caves had disappeared.

It's completely white here, even under your feet, and it's silent.

But in front, there is a touch of green, which is the only color in this vast white world.

Ruan Shu stood motionless as if her feet were rooted, staring blankly at the green patch in front of her. Her heart and blood boiled as if they were not her own, and her whole body began to tremble with excitement.

But she didn't know why she was excited.

"Shu Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Aylmer looked at her worriedly, looking sharply at the towering tree not far away.

It's really big, even bigger than the tree that the devil's ivy makes when intertwined.

This tree seems to be a world.

And on the trees, there are many fruits of different colors and patterns hanging.

It didn't look like fruit, but more like eggs.

"Almo, I don't know what's wrong, my heart is beating so fast."

Not only was she excited, she cried again.

Tears fell down uncontrollably.

After Ruan Shu calmed down for a long time, she continued to take two steps forward.

As she got closer and closer to the big tree, her mental body, the mimic cat, ran out and looked at the towering tree with the same excitement.

Standing under the tree, Almer was wary, but Ruan Shu and Qiuqiu felt an unprecedented intimacy from the tree, as if... just like a mother.

In fact, Ruan Shu's mother didn't have a good impression here, but... Ruan Shu could actually feel the real warmth of her mother from a tree.

She raised her hand uncontrollably, wanting to touch the tree.

Caught by Aylmer.

"Don't move."

Ruan Shu looked at him eagerly.

"But, I really feel so connected."

'child. ’

Ruan Shu heard a gentle voice. It was hard to tell whether it was male or female. It seemed far away, yet very close at the same time.

'You finally came. ’

"Is it you? Is it you talking to me?"

Ruan Shu looked at the big tree and asked cautiously.

"it's me."

Ruan Shu: "Who are you? Do I know you?"

I have never seen it before, but it feels so familiar to me.

"We do have a connection. I was not in this form a long time ago. Maybe my other name is more familiar to you, Blue Star."

Blue Star!

When these two words came out, Ruan Shu felt as if her head had been split open.

Aylmer also looked at the tree in surprise.

Yes, he could hear that sound too.

"You said you are Blue Star, but why are you like this?"

"The Blue Star has been destroyed, but every living planet has its own star core energy. In fact, under normal circumstances, after the planet is destroyed, the star core energy will gradually dry up over time, but...the powerful will of those children The star core energy that nourished Blue Star, during that war, I was drawn into the cracks in space, and here, nourished by the wishes of those children, I grew into what I am today."

Ruan Shu asked: "Is the child you are talking about human?"

Blue Star: "Not only humans, but also animals, plants, and all living things. After death, they gathered their will and made me live again."

Lan Xing's tone was also a little dazed.

This was something it didn't even expect. After Blue Star withered, the star core energy could no longer sustain it, and it had already made plans to run out of energy.

In that war, Blue Star was also affected and was destroyed into pieces, leaving almost only the broken inner layer to protect the galaxy energy.

But at that time, it was involved in the turbulence of space and came here. While the consciousness of the star core energy was sleeping, there was a steady stream of will power belonging to the blue star creature nourishing it, making it like a seed. The general finally broke through and became what it is today.

Ruan Shu and Almo both listened to its story quietly.

"Then I was sent to my father by you?"

After it finished speaking, Ruan Shu finally asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

Almo looked at her. He didn't know that Ruan Shu came from Blue Star, and that she came from Blue Star a long time ago.


Lan Xing gave Ruan Shu a positive answer.

"I can predict my future in advance, but there is a glimmer of hope in despair, and that glimmer of hope is gathered on you, so I use energy to send you to the future."

But Blue Star itself didn't know what the final result of that glimmer of life would be. It just sent Ruan Shu away based on instinct. At that time, all it thought about was that even if it was destroyed, she would still be alive. Prove that Blue Star once existed.

That was its last struggle.

"What about Qiuqiu?"


Ruan Shu: "Is it because everyone else's star beast forms are different between me and Qiuqiu?"

Blue Star's voice was gentle: "Yes, to be precise, you are not a star beast, but a fusion of human and animal souls, because humans or Blue Star's animals alone cannot survive in the universe, but the fusion of the two can make Your souls are strong enough to adapt to the new cosmic world."

Ruan Shu murmured: "Then...then what am I doing?"

Blue Star: "I don't know either. Why don't you come up with a name yourself? You are the first new creature born after Blue Star entered the advanced cosmic civilization."

Ruan Shu:…………

You suddenly feel a little down to earth.

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