Aylmer: "Dodder goes to help Shu Shu."

Cuscuta couldn't wait to do it, and ran away without hesitation. Several mutant plants cooperated with each other, and Xiao Yin finally opened a path for Ruan Shu among a group of black-robed men.

In order to run to her brother quickly, Ruan Shu directly transformed into the star beast form.

The size of an adult Maine Coon cat, with its seven fluffy tails waving behind it, is a bit ostentatious, but it is really beautiful.

She jumped back and forth nimbly among the men in black robes. Her speed was very fast and her body was soft. With the help of her friends, the men in black robes didn't catch her at all.

"Quick, catch her!"

The voice of the leader of the black-robed man was somewhat urgent.

"She is Ruan Xiao's daughter!"

Ruan Xiao's daughter, the star beast who has planted many mutant spiritual plants with special effects and possesses powerful healing talents.

More men in black robes ran towards her, but Aylmo directly used his space ability to pass through the blockade of the men in black robes' killing array, blocking most of them by himself, and the rest was also blocked by Ruan Shu's mutant plants. .

And her own defense is very strong, even if several strong men come over, they can't catch her.

"What is that thing on her body? Break through her defense first."

"Not good, leader, that thing's defense is too strong."

At this time, Ruan Shu had already rushed to the edge of the altar, and a formation diagram appeared at her feet. Even if she hadn't reached the warriors yet, the formation diagram had already covered them.

Ruan Shu's natural ability has almost reached level eight. Her ability is not only to heal, but also to detoxify.

Ruan Qingran, Kong Xiu and the others clearly felt that their strength was gradually recovering.

The leader of the men in black robes suddenly turned dark. He finally caught these people, but another troublemaker came.

"Bring them to sacrifice first!"

Yes, the rebels did so many things and arrested so many people just to sacrifice them.

This is a huge sealing location, and it happens to be the place where the Shadow Clan was sealed thousands of years ago, and their purpose is to destroy the seal.

Breaking this seal requires a lot of mental power and blood energy. The purpose of capturing so many cosmic races is to extract their mental power and sacrifice them with blood, so that the Shadow Clan who come out will have a usable body as soon as the seal is broken.

The Shadow Clan can follow the shadow of any creature to control their body. The bodies of those who have been sacrificed will be used by the Shadow Clan in the end.

It was really used thoroughly.

The abacus plan was very good, but Almer and Ruan Shu appeared just when they caught the person.

One wreaks havoc, and the other heals those people.

Although the time was short, Ruan Shu's healing ability was powerful. When the men in black robes tried to catch them, they already had some strength to resist.

Those who had spiritual weapons immediately summoned them. Although those spiritual weapons were temporarily confiscated by the men in black robes, the contractual relationship between them was unbreakable.

While Ruan Shu was being chased and running around, she deployed her natural abilities to continuously treat everyone.

Following the roar of the black-robed leader, the scene became chaotic.

"If you yell at your mother, I will kill you!"

Kong Xiu grabbed a handful of the blasting talisman that Ruan Shu had given him before and smashed it.

The black-robed leader was unable to dodge and was blown up along with the two people around him.

This did little harm to them, but the black robes were blown apart, revealing their true appearance.



When they saw one of them clearly, Kong Xiu and Kong Xuan shouted out in unison, staring at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't hide anymore when he was exposed.

"It's you, you're not dead!"

Kong Yuan, Kong Xuan's uncle, was a member of the Peacock tribe who was older than them. No wonder they couldn't find out who the traitor from the Peacock tribe was, no matter how hard they searched.

"Haha... of course I'm not dead."

"No, you are not Kong Yuan!"

Kong Xuan looked ugly: "Who are you!"

In his impression, the uncle was very serious. He regarded the honor and disgrace of the Peacock clan as very important and would never betray the Peacock clan.

Kong Xiu looked at the altar and suddenly thought of something and blurted out: "You are the Shadow Clan, you control my Peacock Clan!"

'Kong Yuan' laughed sinisterly: "The boy from the Peacock tribe has a good mind, he thought of it so quickly."

Kong Xuan looked at his 'uncle' in astonishment: "How is it possible? Aren't all the Shadow Clan already sealed?"

Almo: "Even if they are sealed, there will always be fish that slip through the net. They are good at disguise and control. Once someone is controlled, their memories will be stolen. It is too easy for the Shadow Clan to pretend to be them and live a normal life."

This is why everyone is so afraid of ShadowClan.

Almo looked at the leader of the men in black robes with cold eyes: "Elder Ao Rong, no, I should call you the Shadow Clan. When did Elder Ao Rong come under your control?"

No, the leader of the rebel army is a dragon controlled by the Shadow Clan, or a five-clawed golden dragon, the king of the Dragon Clan.

He had been sleeping before and had not appeared for thousands of years. I didn't expect that seeing him again would be like this.

"Haha... If you want to blame it, it's because Ao Rong overestimated himself and actually wanted to hunt down all the Shadow Clan by himself. He almost succeeded, and wiped out the remaining Shadow Clan to less than a hundred. Count, but we are not vegetarians, so he died in our hands in the end!"

"Damn ShadowClan!"

Kong Xuan's expression was a little distorted.

"If you want to unlock the seal, just dream!"

They spared no effort and began to attack the man in black robe.

Ruan Shu also threw out a lot of talismans.

Almo fights the ShadowClan who controls Ao Rong.

Other warriors who had almost recovered also joined the battle.

Ao Rong: "So what if you stop these people, the sacrifices have already begun, and those sacrificers who were caught before are enough. You can't stop the Shadow Clan from reappearing. We should be the rulers of this world!"

Almer stabbed him with a gun: "The stinking sewer rat that doesn't even have a body and only steals other people's bodies is really shameful. You Shadow Clan will always only hide in other people's bodies. I will embarrass you for being such a shady thing." !”

Almer knows how to poke the Shadow Clan's sore spots. No matter how powerful they claim to be, there is one flaw that cannot be avoided.

They don't have their own bodies, so they can only survive by snatching other people's bodies and experience everything in the world.

"Shut up, shut up!"

'Ao Rong's expression was distorted: "Little dragon cub, you are too young to fight with your ancestors. I really thought that with the Dragon God Spear you would be the God of War, but you are still far from it!"

Aylmer: "Then let's try it!"

Kong Xuan: "Kong Xiu and Ruan Shu, let's stop them. You go and destroy the sacrificial formation."

Ruan Shu and Kong Xiu ran directly towards the altar without saying a word. Those who were being sacrificed were all in a cave. The altar outside was just the first level of the law-abiding platform when they offered sacrifices. Inside the cave is the real place of sacrifice.

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