After watching Su Hui's two necessary conditions, Su Ming was also convinced.

That is, Su Hui will be easier than himself in the needs of alienated plants.

Descriptions of Polygonum vulgaris have written that the plant changes the temperature of its surroundings and itself, preventing any creatures from approaching.

In this way, Su Hui at least doesn't need to compete with other creatures in the Polygonum vulgaris, he just needs to overcome the burning sensation when he devours plants.

I believe that with its body that has been strengthened again, this burning sensation will not be a problem.

As for the other Moon Night Grass, the rank is even lower than the ordinary eight-star, which means that its rarity is inferior to that of Exploding Flame Polygonum and Crackling Polygonum, and it is easier to obtain.

Looking at Su Hui's excited appearance, Su Ming could only sigh that he was a fool and a fool.

In any case, from now on, he, Su Hui, and even Su Yi will go out hunting with the wolves more often.

Not only to find all the alienated plants with the necessary conditions, but also Su Ming himself needs to defeat thirty opponents alone.

Although the conditions are not clearly written, Su Ming estimates that it must be consistent with him at least in terms of size, otherwise, Su Ming will not be able to complete the conditions by stepping on a few ants.

Speaking of the same amount of opponents, Su Ming thought of the red deer that he and the wolf brothers had jointly subdued a few days ago.

At that time, he was still in Huaxia Wolf and needed to cooperate with Brother Wolf to completely subdue him.

If it were the size of the current large wolf, it would be a piece of cake, and he could completely subdue the opponent with his own wolf.

Su Ming thought to himself that maybe the red deer would be a good opponent.

Thinking about it, he divided it into the opponent's category.

Looking at the recipes of Su Ming's wolf pack, only ibex and red deer can compete with them, both of which are the most common herbivores in the Snow Ridge Spruce Nature Reserve.

As for small animals such as rabbits, the wolves will hunt only as a last resort.

In less than a few days, there will be another hunting opportunity. Su Ming decided to take this opportunity to have a good meeting with the red deer group.

After making plans for the future, Su Ming also focused on the use of the panel.

Just now, it was in front of him, unconsciously unfolding Su Hui's basic information.

If you use it properly, you can even see the enemy's state clearly before the battle, giving it a better pre-battle advantage.

However, no matter how Su fiddled, he still couldn't call out the other party's information normally, and every time he saw his own panel.

This caused Su Ming to be at a loss for a while.


Suddenly, a shout came from beside him, pulling Su Ming out of his thoughts.

He turned to look, but it was the figure of his little sister Su Yi.

The little guy also successfully passed the second strengthening tonight, and his figure has become a lot more forced than before, and he has the figure of Su Hui a few days ago.

Although he has only followed Su Ming for two days, in Su Yi's heart, he admires this big brother Bai very much. It is he who has taught himself how to train bit by bit since he was a little wolf cub. Under the teachings, he successfully survived two reinforcements.

Su Yi could feel that her body was more than a little bit stronger than the previous days.

Therefore, in his heart, the image of Su Ming is even more magnificent than that of the leader of the wolf pack, the wolf father.

Just now, after Su Yi had survived another reinforcement, he happened to meet the eldest brother Bai and the second brother Hui, and the two wolves were happily interacting.

Especially when the elder brother Bai put his paws on the second elder brother Hui and stroked him, the other party seemed to enjoy it.

Su Yi suddenly felt incomparable envy in his heart, and he also wanted Big Brother Bai to touch his head.


When the second brother Hui left, he quietly came to the elder brother Bai, put his head in front of him, and waited for the next touch.

Su Ming was a little confused. After the little guy came to his side, he put his head under his paws.

Is this to hit it yourself?

No, definitely not.

Shaking his head, Su Ming quickly denied the guess just now.

What are you doing for yourself?

Looking at the other party's eager eyes, Su Ming suddenly thought of the scene where he just touched Su Hui's head.

He silently put his paw on Su Yi's head and asked.

Do you want me to stroke your head?


Unexpectedly, Su Yi really understood what Su Ming meant.

It responded excitedly: "Ow!"

Well, the little guy turned out to be looking for himself to act like a spoiled child.

For his little sister's little request, Su Ming naturally tried his best to satisfy her, and kept stroking her head until she lay down satisfied.

Shaking his sore right front paw, Su Ming looked at Su Yi amusingly. He didn't expect this smart little guy to like to touch his head.

At the same time, the technology panel reappeared in Su Ming's eyes. Like last time, he did not take the initiative to exhale.

【Name】: Su Yi

[Species]: Chinese wolf - juvenile (grey wolf subspecies)

【Order position】: Ordinary third order

[Strength]: 4/10

[Agility]: 5/10

[Ability]: None

Evolution Route: [Evolving to the Michigan Valley Wolf] 2/3

'Is that so, is that so? ’

Looking at the basic information about Su Yi above, Su Ming suddenly realized that he completely understood how to use the panel to view the other party's information.

First of all, the distance between the two needs to be no more than five meters.

Secondly, Su Ming's attention is required to focus on the other party's body for about 30 seconds.

Combining the above two conditions can successfully call out the information panel of the other party.

This is also the method that Su Ming just realized by mistake when he interacted with Su Yi.

After confirming the use of the panel, Su Ming focused his attention on Su Yi's data.

Sure enough, like Su Hui, Su Yi is also evolving in the direction of the Michigan Valley wolf.

It's no wonder, after all, among the three wolves, only Su Ming can meet the large number of sports needs of wolves in Kenai Peninsula during the period of wolf cubs.

As for the later appearances of Su Hui and Su Yi, both of them were inferior to Su Ming in terms of physical fitness, so naturally they could not support the needs of the Kenai Peninsula wolves.

Su Yi's rank at the moment is still at the ordinary third rank. According to Su Ming's expectation, when he evolves into the Michigan Valley Wolf after completing the three enhancements, his rank should be able to be promoted to a lower rank.

After confirming Su Yi's basic information, Su Ming turned his eyes away from it.

Immediately, the panel that was still displaying information disappeared.

Now that he understands the use of the panel, Su Ming now wants to check the other members of the wolf pack and their values.

He stood up and walked near the first target, the leader of the wolf pack—Father Wolf.

In a short while, the technology panel appeared again, and it completely dragged out the information of the wolf father.

【Name】: Wolf Father

[Species]: Chinese wolf - adult (grey wolf subspecies)

【Rank】: Ordinary fourth-order

【Strength】: 7.8/10

[Agility]: 7.5/10

[Ability]: None

[Alienation]: Silver Claw (60%), Giant Strength (70%)

The contents of Wolf Father's panel are basically similar to those of Su Ming, but they are different in one point.

That is in the last item, the two have different project teams, the wolf father's side is alienation, and Su Ming's side is the evolutionary route.

This also confirms Su Ming's previous conjecture. Once he exceeds his youth, he will not be able to evolve and transform in an all-round way, and he can only choose a certain position of his body for alienation.

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