Carefully placed Su Hui on the ground, Su Ming carefully confirmed the overall situation of the other party.

The complexion is normal, there is no problem.

There is still a little blood and shredded meat on the mouth, which should be left by the previous bite of the ibex.

The tongue is light red, neither whitish nor purple, indicating that no strong toxin has penetrated into the body.

After a complete inspection, Su Ming, who was a little worried, confirmed it again, and then he was relieved.

He suddenly hoped that the technology panel could show the status of the creature, which would also facilitate him to confirm the status of himself and his companions.

Right now, at least according to his own judgment, Su Hui is simply in a drowsiness, and there is no other abnormality.

Maybe in a few moments, it will wake up.

After checking Su Hui's situation, Su Ming also confirmed his own feelings.

The physical strength that was still declining just now has stopped and started to recover.

The tiredness that was still flooding in his mind has long since disappeared. All the functions of the body are proving that Su Ming's condition is improving, and the toxins in his body are also losing their effect.

Looking at the dissipating poisonous mist in the distance, Su Ming could feel that the strength of the other party was not as high as he expected.

As long as it leaves that area, the two negative effects on the body will gradually disappear until it is completely gone.

Think about it, after all, the opponent's rank is only in the ordinary fifth rank, and the racial potential is not too high, so the poison effect in his body must be quite limited.

Su Ming guessed that as the rank increases, the resistance to such toxins will be stronger, which is why he can last longer than Su Hui, because his own rank is at the sixth rank. And the values ​​in all aspects are much stronger than Su Hui.

After a long time, Su Hui, who was in a coma, woke up leisurely.

It stood up abruptly and was alert to the surrounding situation. It was only after seeing Big Brother Bai in front of him that Su Hui relaxed his vigilance a little.

Su Ming turned around and saw that the younger brother woke up, so he also went up to ask about his condition.

Su Hui ran forward and jumped with it, showing Su Ming that his body was fine. These movements were all learned from his training with Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded in peace, and then looked again at the area where the ibex was killed in the distance.

The poisonous fog at this moment has long since dissipated, and the forest has returned to its former appearance.

Now that the younger brother woke up, it was time to go in and get back the harvest of this trip.

Thinking like this, Su Ming took Su Hui back to the previous woods.

The body of the ibex was still in the position just now, and after the long horns on its head lost the green light, it looked much more ordinary.

The two wolves stepped over each other's corpses and continued to move forward, preparing to think about the problem of the ibexes after they had dealt with the moonlit grass in front of them.

All the way, the woods seemed unusually quiet, and even the bird calls disappeared completely. The poisonous mist not only drove away Su Ming and the others, but also drove away other small animals that were still in the woods.

Finally, they came to a large piece of moon night grass. Although they had been eaten by ibex before, they still had some leftovers.

Su Hui looked at the Moonlight Grass with excitement, he could feel the attraction of this alienated plant to him.

The body's intuition is telling it that it can get great benefits by eating these moon night grasses.

Su Hui turned to look at Su Ming with a request, as if asking him if he could let himself eat these plants.

Su Ming naturally knew the effect of Moonlight Grass on Su Hui. He agreed to the request of the other party, but warned it not to eat too much, and to leave some for the wolves.

Su Hui nodded and happily ate the Moon Night Grass.

Although wolves are carnivores, their acceptance of grass plants is not bad, especially when these moon night grasses are alienated plants.

There is a hint of sweetness in it.

Su Hui was very happy to eat, and it was a pity that he stopped his mouth movements until he remembered what Big Brother Bai had told him.

Although it is gluttonous, it also understands that good things should be shared with fellow Clan members.

Su Ming opened the panel and glanced at Su Hui's value. After confirming that the demand for ten moon night grasses had been met, he leaned over to eat moon night grass.

The smell of grass itself is not very heavy. The slag has a soil and sweet smell. It is a bit complicated. It is okay to eat it occasionally. If it is used as a staple food, Su Ming will probably vomit.

As Moon Night Grass was swallowed into his mouth and slid into his digestive tract, Su Ming could feel that his body began to heat up, as if there was an energy irritating all over the body, but it was not as intense as when it was strengthened.

It seems that the effect is relatively obvious, which has instantly supplemented his physical strength during recovery.

When the fifth pill was eaten, the fiery feeling gradually subsided, which meant that the growth of the night grass to Su Ming had come to an end.

Compared to Su Hui, this grass is very limited to him, and only five grasses have reached the upper limit.

Su Ming swallowed the Moonlight Grass in his mouth and looked up at the lawn in front of him.

Under the feeding of three animals, ibex, Su Hui, and Su Ming, this moonlit lawn is still stubbornly strong.

It's strange to say that the alienated plant that I waited for the wolf to find before was unexpectedly encountered here.

Could it be that these alienated plants will only grow in certain areas?

Su Ming thought about it, maybe it is possible, but it is not easy to infer at present, if the technology panel can display the approximate area of ​​alienated plants.

Right now, there is still another question before Su Ming and the other wolves, whether to call the hunting team over, or go back with these things.

Su Ming glanced at a large piece of moonlit grass and the corpse of the ibex behind him. It seemed that this was not the amount he could bring back with the wolf.

Even if a wolf is holding the corpse or a wolf is biting the moon night grass, there are so many moon night grasses in front of them that Su Ming or Su Hui's mouth can't hold them at all.

After some thought, Su Ming decided to let Su Hui go back to the meeting place. It was almost sunset. Most of the members should have returned to that area, while Su Ming was responsible for guarding the corpse of the ibex and the moon night grass behind. .

Although the poisonous gas just now dispelled some small animals, the corpse of the ibex and the blood scattered on the ground may attract some carnivorous creatures. Su Ming has a stronger combat power than Su Hui, so it is more suitable to stay here. .

Su Hui also understood what his brother meant, and hurriedly ran towards the hunting team without looking back.

It has to bring a large force as soon as possible to prevent Su Ming from being attacked by certain animals.

After Su Hui left, Su Ming also sat quietly on the lawn, watching the surrounding environment, and waiting for the arrival of the wolf father and the others.

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