Huaxia Kingdom, Xueling Spruce Collar.

Spring comes in January, the severe cold of winter has faded away, and the warm season is ushered in.

Among the rugged mountains, there are two vigorous figures. They walked forward quickly, as if they wanted to reach the majestic mountain in the center.

The leader was a middle-aged man with half-white hair. He tapped the rock, jumped up quickly, and walked up effortlessly.

Xu was a little bored, so he casually asked his companions beside him to pass the time on the road.

"First time performing this mission?"

Compared with the proficiency and ease of the middle-aged man, the latter is a bit clumsy. Although he has good physical fitness, he can barely catch up with his companion in front of him.

He raised his head slightly, under the disheveled bangs, revealing an immature face, only 28 years old, not yet a real adult.

"Yes, they have been encircling and suppressing D-level creatures in the city before."

When the middle-aged man heard the words, he showed an expression that really meant that, and he continued with a smile.

"Then you are blessed. Being able to meet the owner of this place with your own eyes is an opportunity that no one else will have in a lifetime."

"Senior, I don't know if the rumors are true. The owner here is the Venerable Thunder Wolf, who once assisted us humans in strangling [White Dragon] and [Magic Ape]."

The young man's face was flushed, his eyes were full of reverence, and he asked excitedly.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly and gave an affirmative answer.

"My God!! This is actually true. The legendary hidden Lord really lives here."

Seeing the young man's excited expression, the middle-aged man also smiled heartily, and couldn't help recalling the excited and awkward posture when he first met the wolf king.

After chatting for a while, the two gradually moved away, and they came to the mountain peak after a while.

The forest here is lush, the flowers and leaves are luxuriant, there are hares rushing out from time to time, and the birds are singing, which is like a scene of a paradise.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, the young man sighed in his heart, he was a little dazed for a while, and lost his vigilance.

At this moment, there was a sound in the woods, and strong oppression attacked both of them.

The young man staggered,

Almost fell down.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man had expected it a long time ago. He stepped behind his companion and supported him.

"Here they come."


The young man asked puzzledly.

"Yeah, wolves."

As soon as the words fell, several giant wolves emerged in front of the forest. They exuded ferocious potential energy, which was by no means comparable to the alienated creatures in the city.

The leader was a giant gray wolf, wrapped in black shadows, blending perfectly with the shade of the trees, as if it could disappear from sight at any time.

"Well, is it the shadow wolf's branch this time? That's right, last time it was the flame wolf's branch. According to the order, it is indeed the shadow wolf's turn."

Looking at the giant wolf in front of him, instead of being nervous, the middle-aged man muttered to himself.


The young man looked puzzled, not understanding what his companion was talking about.

Regardless of explaining to the other party, resisting the coercion above his head, the middle-aged man slowly walked towards the position of the giant wolf.

"All wolf clan allies, please don't get excited. We are here to inform His Excellency Lei Zun about the regular meeting under the order of Chief Xu."

The middle-aged man said with a smile, indicating the badge on his chest to show his identity.

Observing the expressions of the people in front of him and the style of the badge, the Shadow Wolf was silent for a moment, then let out a low growl.

Immediately, the pack of wolves stepped aside, revealing the path behind them.


He reminded his companion softly that the middle-aged man left first and went deep into the woods.

The young man also reacted, and followed the pace of his companions under the gaze of the pack of wolves.


It wasn't until he completely moved away from the giant wolves that he could no longer feel their gaze that the young man let out a foul breath.

"'s too scary, I can't believe it, the wolves are so powerful, there are nine C-levels on the periphery alone

Regardless of the strength of the giant wolf, senior, the leading shadow wolf seems to be about to break through to the B level, right? "

The middle-aged man was not surprised at all, he laughed and replied casually.

"Well, it should be almost the same. Compared with the last time I saw it, the momentum is much stronger. This is the edge of the wolf clan's territory, and it is quite normal to send heavy troops to guard it."

"C-level combat power, I have only seen it in joint operations. More than five people are enough to destroy a small city."

With an unbelievable tone, the young man said.

"That's why they are our allies."

Facing the surprise of his companions, the middle-aged man gave the most direct answer.

The young man paused for a long time, unable to pick up the words for a while, and finally nodded in agreement with the previous words.

The forest is quite wide, and there is no end in sight, only a long trail.

This place not only acts as a peripheral buffer zone, but also a place where wolves hunt.

Walking on the way, occasionally violent noises and ferocious coercion can be heard from the left and right.

The young man was like a frightened bird, looking at the woods on both sides from time to time, fearing that a giant wolf would rush out again.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man sighed helplessly and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, once we pass the perimeter, the wolves inside will not regard us as enemies."

It wasn't until he heard this that the young man relaxed completely and quickened his pace, just to get out of the woods as soon as possible.


About half an hour later, the two finally saw the exit and left the dense forest.

What caught the eye was a green lawn and a large settlement.

Yes, settlements.

Just like in the ancient times of human beings, the houses built with leaves and hay are scattered in front of them.

Looking far away, you can find that there are hundreds of gray wolves living here.

Dozens of little wolf cubs, laughing and playing, passed through the thatched huts, sometimes biting their companions, and sometimes running forward.

The female wolves either poked their heads from the thatched huts and scolded their pups not to play too much, or gathered in the center of the colony, lying on the warm grass, enjoying the warm sunshine.

The two inspection teams are distributed on the outskirts of the settlement, consisting of fifty powerful male wolves, used to guard against intruders and defend this huge group.

Noticing the two humans who broke into the territory, the patrol team did not show hostility and attacked, but ignored them and continued to move away from the patrol route.

This is due to the unique warning mechanism of the wolves. As long as the garrison team in front does not issue a warning wolf howl, it means that everything is normal.

At the same time, humans, as allies of the wolves, have been in frequent contact over the years, and they have become accustomed to it.

With his eyes wide open, the young man stared blankly at the settlement ahead, so shocked that he couldn't speak, it seems that it is not too much to say that this is a new type of civilization.

In the past, although there were occasional rumors of the wolf clan venerable, they never knew the clan behind it.

Unexpectedly, an intelligent race other than human beings appeared unknowingly.

"Shocked? I was also surprised when I came here for the first time. Your Excellency is indeed very resourceful and capable."

Standing beside the young man, the middle-aged man sighed and said, his words were full of admiration for the wolf king.

The young man kept nodding, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"Senior, this is the era of primitive civilization, right?"

"Yes, according to the current situation, the development of wolf civilization will be very fast. How fast depends on how quickly they absorb knowledge."

"I see."

Walking into the settlement, the young man responded thoughtfully.

After greeting the acquainted giant wolf, the middle-aged man continued.

"Otherwise, do you think, why did our two races form an alliance?"

Without even thinking about it, the young man blurted out immediately.

"I listen

It is said that Venerable Chen and Venerable Lei met one day, and they hit it off right away, thus building a bridge between the two races. "

"That's all to fool you younger generations. There was a battle between our two clans a few years ago."

" did this happen?"

"Why not, two races that are already unfamiliar, not to mention the antagonistic relationship between alien beasts and humans, if they don't take what they need, naturally they can't form an alliance. Humans need the power of wolves, and wolves need the power of humans. Knowledge, this is a win-win choice for our two races.”

"Hmm...that's true."

Looking at this new type of settlement, the young people feel the same way.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several rhythmic knocking sounds interrupted the conversation between the two, and at the same time attracted their attention.

As the two of them got deeper into the settlement, the buildings beside them also changed.

From the original grass house, it has been transformed into a stone house. Compared with the former, it has a more beautiful appearance and a solid structure.

As for the noise they heard, it came from a large stone house where a huge furnace was placed.

A tall shadow wolf stands in the center, manipulating several shadows, and transforming the ironware sequentially in a neat and orderly manner.

One is responsible for smelting, one is responsible for forging and shaping, and the last one is for quenching.

After the multi-threaded execution of the shadow wolf, a beast limb armor was initially formed, and only the tempering work was left to stabilize its rigidity.


The young man expressed his sincere admiration. He did not expect that the ability of strange beasts could be applied in production.

The middle-aged man crossed his arms and sighed a little.

"In just half a year, the craftsmanship of the Stone Age has been developed..."

The two didn't stay too long, just watched for a while, and then continued to walk forward.

The number of stone houses is far less than that of grass houses. After all, it takes a lot of material resources and time to complete.

At the same time, the status of the wolf clan living here is also more noble, and they are basically the descendants of the four lords of Lei, Yan, Ying, and Shuang.

The descendants of these four lines are born with the ability to control elements, and they are burly and powerful, and their strength far exceeds that of wolves of the same level.

After crossing the stone house beside them, the two finally came to the rear of the settlement, the final destination of this trip, the ancestral house of the wolf clan.

This is a huge house built on the mountain, using stones and wood to create a gorgeous appearance.

At the center of the top, hangs a huge head, which looks like a python in appearance, but has a pair of antlers, two long and thin beards, and a mouth full of sharp fangs.

This is exactly the strange beast that caused a bloodbath a few years ago, [White Dragon].

Putting it here not only symbolizes a kind of glory, but also declares the strength of the wolves.

"Is this the [White Dragon]? Even in death, it has such power. It's really powerful."

Looking at the corpse at the top, the young man couldn't help sighing.

He is a newly promoted power user, and he did not participate in the earlier encirclement and suppression operations. This is the first time he has seen [White Dragon].

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, as if recalling the battles of the past.

"The alien beasts that can be awarded the title each have top-notch combat power and unique characteristics. If there is no wolf clan to help, we may have to spend more lives to pile up this guy."

Across the dragon head above their heads, the two walked towards the depths of the ancestral house.

The center of the entire mountain is hollowed out to construct the interior space of the ancestral house.

Although it is built in the mountain, it does not appear dim, on the contrary, it is brighter overall.

Part of the ceiling at the top is hollowed out to open up natural light for interior lighting.

At the same time, the wolves also absorbed a lot of human knowledge and learned how to make torches and even oil lamps.

Inside the entire ancestral house, orange-red flames are hung everywhere, adding a touch of warmth to the atmosphere.

Under the leadership of the middle-aged man, the two passed through complicated passages and finally came to the legendary

In front of the wolf king.

A beam of bright light shone in from the top, penetrated through the stone layer, and reflected on the huge wolf body.

Under the general illumination, the wolf king's body became brighter and brighter. The lightning-like lines on both sides and the burly figure like a small building made him look like a god.

The two humans stood in front of him, like tiny ants, not worth mentioning.

Excitement, excitement, fear, various complex emotions emerged in the hearts of young people.

In the face of the most powerful creature on the blue star, no one can maintain enough calmness. The Academy of Sciences has evaluated that the strength of Thunder Wolf Venerable is very likely to be at the absolute peak in the S stage.

The young man's figure couldn't help shaking, even though he tried his best to restrain himself, he still did so.

Not only the young people, but the middle-aged people who were quite indifferent along the way are also like this at this moment, with excited expressions on their faces.

The wolf king lay lazily in the middle of the throne, looking at the two people who walked in, and there was a wolf head flag with a gray image on a white background behind him.

"What is it?"

A heavy strange sound sounded.

The young man stared wide-eyed and looked at his companion, as if he wanted to say that His Excellency the Wolf King can speak human language.

The middle-aged man raised his head slightly to express his affirmation, then stepped forward, took out the invitation letter he carried with him, and handed it to the wolf king.

"Honorable One, we are the Beijing Mission, following the orders of Chief Xu, we invite you to this year's regular meeting."

Standing up for a while, Su Ming looked at the white invitation letter, or the Huaxia logo on the paper.

For a moment, the air almost froze, and the atmosphere gradually became oppressive.

Even if the potential energy is not released, it still makes the humans below feel strong power.

It wasn't until the wolf king nodded that they breathed a sigh of relief. In the short few seconds before, both of them had an inexplicable feeling that their days were like years.


Su Ming stretched out his body and slowly stood up from the throne. The ground trembled violently, resembling an earthquake.

Accidentally, the young man fell halfway to the spot, staring blankly at the behemoth in front of him.

The middle-aged man hurried forward and pulled him up to avoid being trampled by the wolf king.


The heavy voice sounded again.

Immediately, Su Ming ignored the two and walked out of the ancestral house of the wolf clan first.

With the appearance of the leader of the group, whether it was the wolf cubs playing around, the male wolf on patrol, or the female wolf basking in the sun, they all stopped and lowered their heads to express their respect to the wolf king.

At the same time, a huge thunder surged down from the high mountain behind.


The thunder dissipated, revealing two burly white shadows.

They are white all over, eight meters tall, comparable to a hill, wrapped in lace, with a thunder pattern, exuding extremely strong power.

The identities of the two are self-evident, and he is the son of the wolf king, who has inherited his outstanding talent and is undoubtedly the best among the four branches.

The thunder surged, and the two wolves flashed behind their father and followed him together, as one of the members who went out this time.

The team stepped forward, and the pack of wolves retreated to make way for a passage, and whispered softly, welcoming the trip of the wolf king.

The young man who had just walked out of the ancestral house was stunned and stared at the scene in front of him, his heart was full of shock.

The middle-aged man also came to his side and spoke with sincere admiration.

"As expected of Thunder Wolf King."

Wolf King, Lord Thunder Wolf, Wisdom Wolf, Thunder Wolf.

At different points in time, he has different names.

It was its appearance that changed the relationship between the two races and allowed a new intelligent race to rise.

When the latecomers look back on history, they will still remember that with him as the node, the world began to move towards a new form.

(end of book)

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