According to Su Ming's plan, there is only one way for the wolves to deal with the ancient tree.

That is to cut off all the roots of the unearthed tree while the opponent has not used all his strength, so as to achieve the effect of weakening the opponent's combat power.

Su Ming believes that this can be done with the silver claws of the wolf father, as for the rest of the five wolves, it will take some time to complete.

However, even if it is to solve one of the opponent's attack methods, it is still unknown whether the wolves can defeat the ancient tree.

Under the disparity of a large rank, the battle gap between the two sides is very significant. As an enemy of the elite rank, the ancient tree is far from being able to deal with a few ordinary rank gray wolves.

Su Ming glanced at the entrance that was tightly sealed behind, and smiled helplessly.

With that being said, do they still have a choice?


Only by defeating the opponent can they survive. Otherwise, the bones behind the ancient tree will be the end of the wolf pack.

Thinking about it, Su Ming raised a fighting spirit.

The wolf father beside him also completely digested the battle plan, turned around and began to arrange the actions of the other members.

The battle is imminent.

On the other side, after Gu Shu and Su Ming returned to the wolves, there was no movement.

On the surface, it does not have any action, as if letting go of the wolf pack's strategic plan.

However, in fact, under the lawn where the wolves are located, a large number of tree roots have gathered, ready to wipe them out.

The ancient tree is not a fool, and naturally will not give the wolves any chance. It uses the advantages of its own body to gather a large number of tree roots under the wolves, and wants to attack the wolves unconsciously.

Um! ?

The ground trembled slightly, which caught Su Ming's attention. Thinking of the disappearing tree roots, Su Ming realized that something was wrong.


At a critical moment, Su Ming let out a wolf roar, and he also pulled Su Hui and Su Yi to the rear.


The next second, the ground cracked open, and dozens of tree roots emerged, hitting the wolves.

With Su Ming's timely reminder, the wolf father quickly avoided the main attack range.

The two wolf brothers were slower, and their legs were injured by the rapidly attacking tree roots. The eldest brother was slightly injured and could walk well, but the second brother was already kneeling on the ground and unable to move.

Damn it! !

Su Ming didn't expect that just one attack from the other side would make the wolves lose a part of their strength.

Next, I waited for the wolf not only to face the fierce attack of the ancient tree, but also to prevent it from attacking the second brother who could not walk.

Although the current situation is quite different from what he predicted, weakening the opponent's tree roots is still the main purpose of waiting for the wolf.

As long as there is no means of attacking the roots of the trees, the threat of the ancient trees to them will drop a lot, so that the wolves such as themselves have a possibility of defeating the other party.

Su Ming thought so, and then he looked at the wolf father on the other side, who quickly understood the meaning of his child and rushed to the root in front of him.

I saw a burst of silver light from the front paws of the wolf father, and as he slashed down, the two intercepted tree roots in front of him were cut into five sections and fell to the ground.

The green juice was sprayed out, and the roots of the tree struggled fiercely for a moment, then stopped moving, and the skin also dried up.

Su Ming's guess was right, the wolf father's silver claws naturally restrained these slender tree roots.

The ancient tree was angry. It did not expect that these little wolves could cut its roots. It could feel the weak pain when the roots were cut off.

It will tear the culprit to shreds! !

In an instant, the originally scattered tree roots suddenly condensed together and rushed to the location of the wolf father, which is bound to solve the guy who hurt him.

Even though the physical fitness of the wolf father is not bad among the wolves, it does not play any role in the face of a large number of tree roots.

Soon, it was surrounded by tree roots, and there was no way out.

The silver-white light reappeared on the front paws of the wolf father. In front of the desire to survive, the wolf father broke out with extreme speed, smashing all the three tree roots in front of him.

The next moment, however, more slender roots swung at it.

On the other side, at the periphery, Su Mingzheng led Su Hui and Su Yi, biting hard, slapping the roots of the tree in front of him, trying to break through the encirclement and rescue the wolf father.

Su Ming dodged and slapped the roots of the tree, quickly swinging his claws, scratching the surface, and then quickly biting the cracked position, tearing it in half.

Their efficiency is still much slower than that of the wolf father, but they can gradually see the internal scene.

After seeing that the wolf father was already in a precarious situation, Su Ming Sanlang accelerated the movements in his hands.

Behind several wolves, the eldest brother guarded in front of the second brother to block the attacks of other surrounding trees.

Not only was the ancient tree completely held back by its roots, but Father Wolf and Su Ming also used their control abilities, instructing the surrounding trees to frequently attack the immobile second brother, forcing them to be unable to support Father Wolf.

For a while, the wolves were completely trapped by the ancient tree's offensive.


The wolf father couldn't avoid it, and was hit to the ground by the slender tree roots that flew rapidly.

The violent impact caused its spirit to appear a little dazed, but it still tumbled to the side quickly after it fell to the ground.


The next moment, a large number of tree roots hit the position where the wolf father was previously.

If the wolf father didn't make any moves to avoid it, I'm afraid he would explain it here.

Looking at the scene inside, Su Ming was even more anxious, and broke out at an extremely fast speed.

He kept slashing and biting, tearing apart one root after another, just to rescue the wolf father as soon as possible.

This behavior also attracted the attention of the ancient tree, which directed some redundant tree roots to trap Su Ming and other wolves.

At the same time, the wolf father inside also noticed Su Ming's actions, and it rushed towards his child's position.

The silver claws on its front feet lit up again, but it was a little darker than before.

How could the ancient tree allow them to break through the siege, and the roots of the tree inside changed its previous state, no longer slapped at the wolf father, but tightly wrapped around its body, preventing it from moving forward.


The wolf father's sharp silver claws cut off four tree roots wrapped around him, but then more slender roots came from behind, grabbed its hind legs tightly, and dragged it back. .

The wolf father vigorously resisted the opponent's dragging, pierced the ground with his silver claws, and used the terrain to reach a power stalemate with the opponent.

In the end, the silver claws made five long paw prints on the ground, and the wolf father was hung up.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in front, a large amount of green juice burst open, and the three wolves of Su Ming rushed into the surrounding area in a triangular formation.

Regardless of the injury he suffered when he collided, Su Ming jumped high, bit on the root of the tree where the wolf father was hanging, and used all his strength to tear it apart.


The wolf father returned to the ground without any extra movement. He immediately used his alienation ability to cut open the roots of the trees that wanted to attack several wolves.

It seems to understand that the encirclement has lost its function, and a large number of tree roots are scattered, returning to the interior of the soil, and hiding.

Without the interference of tree roots, the huge ancient tree was once again revealed in front of several wolves.

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