
The clear stream flows through the surrounding woods and flows into the distance.

Between the woods on both sides, many herbivorous creatures walked out of it, came to the edge of the stream, and lowered their heads to drink delicious water.

They were separated by a certain distance, drinking the stream water in peace, not crossing each other's range, nor disturbing each other's actions.

However, this peace was soon broken.

As the three large gray wolves approached, the herbivores who were originally here fled as if they had encountered something they feared.

Su Ming glanced at the location where they left, and wrote it down for hunting later.

He didn't choose to chase any herbivore. One is that the wolves' food storage is temporarily enough, and the other is that they have more important things to do.

Stepping across the stream in front of him, Su Ming took Su Hui and Su Yi behind him and walked towards the direction of yesterday's battle.

Su Ming was very cautious. He didn't choose to approach quickly, but walked slowly, and observed the surrounding environment on the way, the difference from when he waited for the wolf to leave yesterday.

He can notice that the grass here is mostly scratched or squeezed.

This shows that after yesterday, many carnivores went to the central lawn area, perhaps attracted by the strong bloody smell.

Walking to the nearby grass, Su Ming leaned over and gently sniffed the smell left above.

The breath inside is quite complex, there are snow leopards, lynxes, wild boars, and even some raptors, and even the breath of ibex and red deer is preserved.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for the wolf to leave, this group of unwilling guys returned to the lawn again.

It must be because of the so-called alienated plant, the group that lost two leaders has no organizational power at all, unless a new leader can appear immediately.

It is a pity that in yesterday's battle, Su Ming has killed all the elite alienated creatures in the opponent's group.

In other words, the remaining red deer and ibex are just a group of rabble.

Judging from the intensity of the breath, another lynx passed by about two hours ago.

And the lightest, almost dissipated aura is that of red deer and ibex.

Looking at the traces in the grass and the smell, Su Ming was able to describe in his mind the scene after the three wolves left.

First, the eight ibex returned to the original habitat of the group. Those who are familiar with the environment here know that the alienated plants in the center may still be left.

Then, thirteen red deer returned here with the same purpose.

It is worth mentioning that both the ibex and the red deer have repeatedly confirmed that Su Ming dared to return to the original place only after the wolf left.

They guessed right, and Su Ming did keep some moon grass here, but there were not many, roughly three.

They carry their prey and are not suitable for carrying too many moon and night grasses, so they chose three wolves for each wolves to ensure that all the clan companions can eat and eat.

Next, what happened can be imagined.

The remaining ibex and red deer fought for the second time in the first battle.

They fought very fiercely, just for the few moon night grasses.

Su Ming is still unclear about the final result, but it also lays the groundwork for attracting more predators in the future.

Originally, Su Mingben thought that the number of creatures that came here was a bit too much, but now he realized that it was the benefit caused by red deer and ibex.

Although there was basically no possibility of creatures appearing on the lawn in front of him, he still carefully led the two wolves to lower his body, hide inside, pushed aside the branches and leaves, and inspected the scene inside.

It can be seen that on the large green lawn, in addition to the eight inedible 'special' corpses left by Su Ming and other wolves, there are nearly six corpses that are about to be eaten clean.

Compared with 'special' corpses, fresh corpses are naturally more preferred by other predators, and they are almost eaten with only bones and a little fur.

These predators didn't even have a piece of shredded meat left, and they ate quite cleanly.

As for the other 'special' corpses, most of them were cut open by birds of prey or crows and devoured a lot of internal organs.

After confirming that there were no signs of living beings, Su Ming also led the two wolves out of it.

In the center of the lawn, the area where alienated plants grow, there is no trace of alienated plants.

Obviously, the remaining three moon night grasses have been brought back by the victorious side.

Only the few new corpses indicated that another battle had taken place here.

After two consecutive battles, this area exudes a strong smell of blood everywhere.

No matter how many weeds this lawn has, it is suitable for herbivores to thrive here, but its scattered corpses and blood spilled everywhere have destroyed the original environment.

I am afraid that there will be no herbivores returning in a short time.

Su Ming can predict that in the next few days, there will still be predators attracted to this place.

He approached the new corpse, staring at the remaining fur and bones.

The horns of the other side's head are greatly curved, there is no bifurcation like a red deer, and the color of the fur is mostly gray and black.

The identity of the dead creature is self-evident, it is an ibex.

Sure enough, due to the disparity in numbers, the ibexes were defeated in the second battle.

After not staying for too long, after confirming the situation here, Su Ming walked with the two wolves towards the six pits where the bodies were buried.

It is believed that the bloody smell of the central area is attractive, and other predators have no chance of finding these pits.

Walking into the woods, following the direction of the previous memory, Su Ming and other wolves came to one of the pits.

The situation here was the same as before the wolf left, and there was no sign of movement.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction and praised his actions yesterday.

He didn't dig a hole immediately, but turned to look at Su Yi and asked him to confirm whether there were any signs of shadow grass around him.

Su Yi closed her eyes incomprehensibly and quietly felt whether there was a strange feeling near it.

a long time.

It opened its eyes, and in the curious eyes of Su Ming and Su Hui, it silently shook its head.

It seems that this area is not as Su Ming thought, any alienated plants can grow.

At least, there is no Shadow He that Su Yi needs.

Su Ming is not discouraged. If rare alienated plants are so easy to find, then they are not called alienated plants.

Maybe, in the afternoon, I can lead my younger brother and younger sister to search the shadows in front of me.

Su Ming remembered that plants like Shadowgrass liked to grow in the shadows.

Keeping this in mind, he began to lead the two wolves to dig the pit in front of him.

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