Early in the morning, outside the territory, at the waterfall.

The three large gray wolves lined up in a row and walked downstream towards the lake.

Su Ming and Su Hui guarded Su Yi in one after another. After the evolution of the two wolves, their formation also changed when they went out.

The most powerful Su Ming was at the front, responsible for leading their actions and detecting the danger ahead.

Su Hui, who was next in strength, was at the end of the line, and was responsible for protecting the rear of the team from being attacked by other creatures.

Su Yi, who had not yet evolved, was lined up in the team and was safely protected by the two wolf brothers, so she didn't have to worry too much about the sudden attack.

The current goal of the three wolves is only one, that is to help the little sister find the shadow grass that belongs to it.

As for why only Su Ming and the others came out to act today, it was because the two wolf brothers had a new arrangement.

After yesterday, the fallen leaves have also successfully recovered and can move freely again.

Seeing this, the wolf mother also raised the issue of the change of position.

Due to the injury of the wolves, the ongoing teaching of the wolves has been postponed indefinitely.

Now, after Lei Ye, the eldest brother, and the second brother have all fully recovered, then this matter can be restarted.

After discussing with the wolf father, the wolf mother decided to hand over the original duty of patrolling the territory to the elder brother, and she returned to the teaching team, led the leaves to continue to guide the little wolves to learn survival skills, and cultivate them into independent ashes as soon as possible. Wolf.

However, when the wolf mother and the leaves go out, the gray wolf can't be without the gray wolf to guard the cave, so the second brother returned to his favorite position and continued to take on the responsibility of guarding the wolf's den.

As for the remaining three wolves, Su Ming did not change, and continued to go out to explore, collecting white grass flowers for the wolf father, and finding food and new hunting locations for the wolves.

The forest in the morning is still relatively calm, and there is not much noise.

The three wolves walked to the edge of the lake, bent down, and drank the clear water quietly.

After a good drink, Su Ming raised his head and looked at the forest location in the north of the lake.

That was the direction Ling had left before. It's a pity that he didn't meet the other party today, otherwise Su Ming would have wanted to tell him the location of the white grass flower that could heal his injuries.

Until that day, I experienced the magic of the snow leopard,

More than seven days have passed.

I don't know how Ling's condition is and whether his injuries have fully recovered.

Su Ming shook his head, stopped thinking about this matter, and decided to wait until he met the other party, and then make a good inquiry.

He licked the clear water at the corner of his mouth, and with Su Hui and Su Yi who had finished resting, embarked on a journey to find Shadow He again.

The three wolves kept their original formation and shuttled through the vast and dense forest.

In order to take care of their little sister's speed, both Su Hui and Su Ming tried their best to keep their running speed at the same level as before they evolved.

Evolution has indeed brought Su Ming a lot of benefits. He found that his stamina has become more durable, his eyes can see farther, and even insects on distant trees can be seen clearly by him.

Hearing has also been strengthened, and now Su Ming can hear anything around him, even the slightest sound can be detected by it.

Of course, its brain shields it from excess noise.

It was because of such a change that Su Ming dared to assure Su Yi that he would definitely find an alienated plant that belonged to him.

There are two gray wolves whose senses are strengthened several times. Even if it is an inconspicuous plant hidden in the shadows, the two wolves can find it smoothly.

Under the leadership of Su Ming, the team walked through the forest in the northwest, crossed the stream in the north, walked past the location of the previous battlefield, and continued to search forward.

The transportation many times in the past few days has allowed the three wolves to explore this area completely, and it has also been determined that there is no trace of Shadow Wo.

Now that Su Ming and Su Hui's rank has been promoted to the elite rank, their strength has been improved, and they have enough confidence to move towards the unknown area in the distance.

Judging from the mutation of creatures at the current stage, the two brothers Su Ming, who are both elites, are undoubtedly creatures with a relatively fast evolution rate, and there are few opponents who can match them.

The terrain of the new area is basically unchanged from the previous forest, with green trees and lush foliage.

If there is any difference, it may be that in this forest, Su Ming and other wolves have encountered many new creatures.

There is a white-shouldered eagle leaping across the sky. The opponent's body length is as much as one meter. When its wings are spread, it can be more than three meters long. Although it is not as good as the golden eagle of that day, its size is not too small.

There are also argali escaping from the bushes. Compared with the ibex, the argali is slightly smaller in size, and at the same time, the horns on the top of its head are more curved, and sometimes it can even be bent into a circle.

However, when faced with the combination of three large gray wolves, these creatures would all disperse, and even birds of prey like the white-shouldered eagle would not dare to provoke the powerful looking wolves like Su Ming.

Stop and go, the time has come to noon.

Su Ming glanced at the sunlight above, ready to rush back to the wolf's den, enjoy lunch, rest for a while, and then come to look for it.

Just when he wanted to call the other two wolves back, Su Ming noticed a low hillside ahead, and under the shadow of this hillside, an ordinary plant actually grew.

It is like a wild grass that can be seen everywhere, and anyone who sees it can completely ignore it.

However, the environment in which it grows is not quite right.

First of all, the surroundings of the opponent are extremely empty, and there is no trace of any weeds. This can only prove that it is extremely domineering to seize the surrounding resources, so that other weeds cannot grow out.

Secondly, it is under the cover of shadows, but there is no sense of malaise, on the contrary, it is abnormally full of vitality.

You must know that sunlight exposure is indispensable for ordinary plants, but the other party is just the opposite. It is difficult not to let Su Ming not be suspicious.

If he guessed correctly, this plant is probably Shadowgrass.

Su Ming turned around and forgot to glance at his little sister's eyes.

I saw that Su Yi had already stopped looking straight at the plants in the distance, and the wolf's mouth had secreted a lot of saliva.

In this way, Su Ming basically confirmed his conjecture that the other party was the Shadow He that he was waiting for the wolf to seek.

Stepping across the grass in front of him, Su Ming waited for the wolf to walk near the shadow and stared at the shadow grass in front of him.

The feeling of devouring from her body made Su Yi unable to hold back her desire to approach Shadow He in front of her.


Unexpectedly, a slender snake-shaped figure suddenly ejected from the shadows, and instantly attacked Su Yi's position.


Before Su Yi could react, the next second, the giant white wolf claws rushed in front of it, not only blocking the opponent's attack, but also shooting it back into the shadows.

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