
Clear streams flowed through the woods on both sides.

Several snowbirds are here, bowing their heads and drinking water, like a peaceful scene.

At this moment, three super-large wolves walked out of the woods on the west side. They were constantly patrolling the surrounding environment, as if they were looking for traces of some creatures.

Seeing this scene, the Snow Sparrows hurriedly flapped their wings and headed towards the sky, lest they be captured by these wolves.

The leader, Su Ming, just glanced and stopped paying attention to each other. Their target was not just a few snowfinch, but a new hunting location.

Su Ming still remembered the direction in which the herbivores fled when they came to carry food a few days ago.

He led the two wolves across the stream, and according to the memory of that day, walked far away.

After crossing the woods on both sides, a few wolves came to a brand new area.

Before that, they had fully explored the northwest and west areas.

In the northwest location they encountered the ibex habitat, and in the west area they encountered the prairie viper and shadowgrass.

The eastern area facing it is an area that has been completely explored.

The three wolves of Su Ming still maintained their previous formation, with Su Ming in the front, Su Yi in the middle, and Su Hui in the back.

Even after their little sister has fully evolved, the wolf brothers Su Ming and Su Hui still firmly guard her at the center.

After moving away from the creek, Su Ming began to smell the smell left on the grass. Without the obstruction of the creek, the breath of animals would be much more pronounced.

The surviving animal breath here is quite complicated. There are carnivorous creatures such as lynx, omnivorous creatures such as wild boar, and herbivorous animals such as red deer, ibex, argali, and snow rabbit.

In order to distinguish the smell in it, Su Ming stayed for a while and found the strongest smell of argali.

The time was five hours ago, indicating that the location where the other party left should not be too far away.

There are as many as four argalis, and they come to the stream location together to drink water. Maybe their group is also nearby.

Thinking like this, a translucent scent route appeared in Su Ming's eyes. Following the guidance of this route, Su Ming saw the other party walk into the deep woods.

Without hesitation, Su Ming took the two wolves beside him and headed towards the woods.

Compared with other forests, there are many fewer trees here, but weeds are much denser.

No wonder the argali go here, this area is indeed suitable for herbivores to thrive.

It is a pity that there is no water resource here, so if the argali wants to quench their thirst, they need to go out of the woods and come to another area to drink water.

About half an hour later, Su Ming, who was still walking in front, stopped, because the smell of argali was much lighter here.

The four argali who were still walking together spread out in the area ahead, and a new biological aura appeared here.

Judging from past experience, the habitat of argali or other creatures is nearby.


Suddenly, there was an eagle chirping from above.

Su Ming and other wolves quickly tightened their bodies and maintained their fighting stance.

They raised the wolf's head and looked up, but an incomparably huge giant bird was grabbing a scorched lynx.

The other party leaped over the three wolves, and it seemed to have noticed the elite wolves below.

But it didn't stop for a moment, just glanced at it, then flapped its wings and flew towards the distant mountains.

Su Ming stared at each other's figure closely, and at the moment of contact between the two sides, he immediately recognized the identity of the giant bird.

The other party was the golden eagle who fought with the brown bear more than ten days ago. Unexpectedly, in just half a month, its size has grown a lot.

At the same time, Su Ming also noticed the dent in the belly of the golden eagle, as well as the scarred bloodstains. I am afraid that this was the result of the brown bear hitting with the stone armor that day.

After half a month, the golden eagle has not recovered completely. It is obvious that the attack of the brown bear has greatly damaged it.

Perhaps, this may also be the reason why the other party did not attack Su Ming and other wolves.

First, it has hunted for food.

Second, its injured strength is not enough to compete with Su Ming's three wolves.

Shaking his head, Su Ming stopped thinking about it. Right now, the more important goal of the three wolves is to find a new hunting area.

As for the giant golden eagle, as long as it doesn't provoke Su Ming and the others, the three wolves will naturally not target a powerful enemy.

Since the other party's habitat is near this area, Su Ming took his younger brother and younger sister to conduct a carpet search.

There are few trees here, and as long as you look up, you can see the scene in the distance.

No, it seems that there is a silly argali rushing towards Su Ming and other wolves ahead.

Because of the distance between them, the argali didn't seem to notice that the creatures in front were actually three gray wolves.


It fled in panic, and even ran to the opposite position, clearly the habitat of the ethnic group was in the back.

Just now, it was on a meadow with other companions, enjoying the delicious green grass.

However, the next moment, there was a loud eagle call in the sky, and the argali swore that this was definitely the biggest creature it had ever seen in its life.

Feeling the coercion from the other side, the argali was a little flustered, as did the companions beside it.

And when they saw that the lynx, who was still struggling slightly on the other's claws, was suddenly struck by lightning, a sense of fear emerged spontaneously.

Immediately, the four or five argali on the original lawn scattered, some ran to the west, some ran to the east, only the two were wise and clear that they should flee to the habitat of the ethnic group in the south. .

In this way, the argali ran all the way to the south, crossing countless woods, until it noticed that the three figures in front of it did not seem to be of its own kind, and the argali braked suddenly.

Su Ming smiled, he wouldn't let go of the dish in front of him.

A dazzling white light erupted from his face, and in an instant, he appeared on the side of the argali.

Even before the argali didn't even turn around, he was blocked by the white giant wolf.

The silver-white eyes of the other party were staring at him indifferently, as if he had regarded himself as a turtle in a urn.

The argali still wanted to struggle, but saw two strange giant wolves coming from behind. One of them was in flames, and the other was entangled in shadows, blocking the retreat that belonged to the rear.

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The argali only felt a severe pain in the throat, and then it lost control of its body and fell into darkness.


Su Ming sucked the blood of the goat, and just released the wolf's teeth. Looking at the corpse of the ordinary argali, he knew that the other's habitat was in front of him.

Chapter 91 Golden Eagle

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