Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 22: Isn’t it too much to get second?

  Chapter 113 is not too much to take the second place, right?

  Inter-class exercises, the director of the teaching department went on the podium and reported the fight in Class 14 last night.

  As for how to deal with it, whether it should be punished or not, but it didn't mention a word, just let the fourteenth class use the class fee to compensate the first class of glass.

  There is no mention of the graffiti in front of the fourteenth class.

  Then, the radio gymnastics was not done in the intermittent exercises, and the director of the teaching department asked the junior high school to take it back to class for three years.

  Senior high school all stayed for the three academic years, and started to run on a class basis.

  A whole lesson ran!

  As for the reason for running laps, the old crane didn’t say, the original saying was: It’s not good to sit in the house every day, and help you move around.

  Some girls almost fainted and were taken back to the class by the head teacher and classmates, but the old crane turned a blind eye.

  A bit ruthless!

  If it is in normal times, Fang Bing, Dong Weicheng and the others will surely ridicule and pull a wave of hatred.

   But today, no one spoke, just running in the queue silently.

  After the classes were brought back, they all silently took out their textbooks and waited for the teacher to come to class.

  In this way, the fourteenth class seems to have changed.

  Although a few days later, it was still lively as before, as if nothing had happened before. However, everyone knows that it is different from before.

  Sometimes people are like this. To do something seriously is not because you want to do it from the heart, but because you are pushed by various factors and move forward passively.

   Then...Slowly it becomes inertia.

  Wang Dong and Fang Bing actually don’t know why they studied.

  But, as a result, Qi Lei's timetable has been hung in the corner of the blackboard every day. Second, I really want to fight for my breath.

  Therefore, there was less time to slip the number in class, and there was almost no sleep.

  As homework can be completed on time every day, at least listening carefully in class, more and more courses are gradually understood, learning is not so painful, and occasionally I can find the pleasure of solving it easily.

  September 26th and 27th monthly exam.

   Although the fourteenth class is not ranked in the big list, it still takes the exam.

  No. 28 chorus performance.

  Mr. Yang, they are struggling to kill the experimental middle school and take the first place. As a result, the sky does not follow people's wishes, and the second middle school is still the second of ten thousand years old.

  It can only be said that sometimes, hard work may not be rewarded, and reality is crueler than anything else.

  On the 30th, the monthly test results came down.

  In the absence of class 14, the total score of class 7 is the bottom, which is the class Tang Yi is in.

   Later, I heard Tang Yi say that his class "Drunk Fist" (nicknamed the head teacher) really hit a lot of people this time, and almost cleaned up Tang Yi.

   Fortunately, this time he was pretty good. He passed the class 43 and counted down 21.

  As for this matter, Qi Lei and Wu Ning have no idea what to talk to him.

  Because, I can’t talk together at all.

  9 subjects, a total of 1080 points, Wu Ning added 791 points in the test, and Lei Qi scored 989 points.

  A class is the 6th and the second is the second.

  This is the result of adding out the results of each subject.

  The teacher just approved the papers and gave them points. The total score is not counted at all, and no one knows which one is taking the exam.

  This ranking is a result of a few people who don’t know their grades are good, but they got together and ranked them by themselves.

  And Tang Yi, who ranked more than forty in the seventh class, had a total score of 791.

  In other words, Wu Ning, who was ranked sixth in the class, would only be a little better than Tang Xiaoyi if he went to Class 7, and he couldn't even talk about an intermediate level.

  The first is Xu Xiaoqian, with a total score of 1070 and lost 10 points.

  If it is ranked, it will still be the number one in the school year and the only one in the fourteenth class.

  Of course, no one thought that Qi Lei could test 989, which is the only grade in Class 14.

  Because of the third-ranked finance, it is a hundred points less than Qi Lei.

  This makes the finances very unhappy.

  嚓! When he enrolled in school, his grades were better than Qi Lei. How could he let this grandson overtake him? I'm a little unconvinced, and come back next time.

  As for the first class.

  Nate is a group of livestock with a class average score of nearly 1,000 points.

  Don't even mention the fourteenth class, you can't see the taillights, other classes are also incomparable.

  The gap between the second class is a little smaller, but the status of the first class still cannot be shaken.

  Dong Weicheng quietly went to the main building to read the overall rankings. After returning, he was hit hard and secretly found Qi Lei.

   "The head of the class is too livestock? Can we do it?"

  The cowhide blown by the head of the class that day was a bit big, but Qi Lei’s results were not enough for the average level in class 1.

   Still taking the first place in the fart?

  Furthermore, Xu Xiaoqian is like an animal every time she takes an exam. You can’t pass her level!

  In this regard, Qi Lei wants to hammer him.

   "Why is the mouth so cheap? This is just the beginning, why are you anxious?"

   "Oh." Dong Weicheng nodded, the head of the team made sense!

   "Nana, then I'll come back to you again next month."

  Lei Qi: "..."

  Qilei didn't bother to pay attention to him, his eyes drifted to Wang Dong and Fang Bing.

  Actually, don’t look at Dong Weicheng’s cheap mouth, but the exam in Class 14 was pretty good this time.

  Everyone has improved, and the biggest improvement this time is not Qi Lei, but the last few people.

  Yang Jinwei. Well, everyone almost forgot that there is such a number in Class 14.

  In short, since Liu Yanbo was expelled, the former squad leader was very low-key and became a little transparent.

  It is said that his dad, Yang Daqiang, was looking for a relationship with the trustee and wanted to transfer him to another job, but there has been no movement.

  But this month, maybe it’s less bluffing, or maybe the entrance examination is really just about falling in love and not thinking about studying before taking the bear-like test. The foundation is still there.

  There seems to be 700 in the test this time. I don’t know how many places can be ranked.

  Wang Dong and Fang Bing are also good, about 600 points, which is already good.

  The whole class, I suddenly saw a little hope, after all, I just started to study hard, there is still room for improvement in the future!

  As everyone knows, Liu Zhuofu was stubbornly squeezed by Liu Zhuofu for their careful thinking.

  Looking at the learning atmosphere of Class 14 gradually becoming more active, I couldn’t help but feel complacent, and said to my heart that the decision is still right, and I have to give some sweetness!

  Only he and other teachers are the clearest. At the level of Class 14, there is progress, but how can it be so fast?

  This is before the exam. Intentionally or unintentionally, the teachers of each class omitted a little bit of the content of the monthly exam during the class.

   is not obvious, but it is also very careful. The same type of questions, including the key points to be tested, have been emphasized.

  Special, I talked about it the first day, and I will take the test the next day. If I haven’t improved, it’s really hopeless.

  According to Liu Zhuofu’s inference, the overall score of Class 14 should be 100 points lower!

  I can give them a little bit of material next month and put a little more pressure on them.



  The National Day holiday is three and a half days.

  Zhao Na and Yuewei sister and brother returned to Shangbei, specially invited Qi Lei three to eat at home.

  Waiting for Qi Lei to go, Qi Guodong was there, he was already a bit of a male host, and he was busy working in the kitchen.

   And Zhao Na took advantage of the holiday to tidy up all the computers in the computer room.

  Well, Qi Guodong is now helping the housekeeper, but he doesn’t understand computers at all!

  Zhao Na, these are all old machines, and problems are inevitable, and Qi Guodong has only one way to deal with it—restart Dafa.

  Zhao Na has been away for a month, but several machines can no longer be turned on.

  Zhao Wei called Qi Lei to his house and took out 35,000 yuan from his handbag.

   "Earned this month."

   Qi Lei took it over, "Where is your share?"

  Zhao Wei Yile, "I left three thousand, which is enough, really!"

   Qi Lei didn’t talk nonsense, and threw the thirty-five thousand back to Zhao Wei, "Let's let you go first, and count it together at the end of the year."

   Zhao Wei had no choice but to take it back, and then chatted about business.

how to say? This month is the best time, the stalls have spread out, and I have made some good money.

   "But, next month will be much worse."

  Zhao Wei is a little sorry, he has never made money like this.

   "Winter is coming soon, and the morning market and night market are also scarce."

  The Northeast is different from the South. The morning and night markets are seasonal.

  In the winter, at minus 20 or 30 degrees, the morning and night market can't be set up at all, and no one is going to visit it.

   To be exaggerated, spit, and it will freeze before landing, and no one wants to go out and suffer.

  So, the business of socks has to stop after the winter. You have to wait for the beginning of spring next year to get better.

  "Sister Tao said, October and November, you can still work for two months. If you can make some money, it will be enough in December. Let me ask you, what else is there to live happily?"

  Qilei rolled his eyes, Zhou Tao thought it was pretty beautiful, how can so much money come quickly?

   thought for a while and said: "Stop and stop! It just so happens that you go back to Shangbei and replace my third uncle. It's also a winter break."

  Qi Guodong is really not good at looking after his house here. Sometimes he doesn’t figure it out, so he calls people around to fix his computer.

  I can't find anyone, and even pushes brother three up.

  It makes sense, don’t you always take computer classes? Definitely!

Brother    is also speechless. Are you talking about the computer class in the second middle school? In the three years of junior high school, I have taken ten computer classes to death.

  Yes, there is a computer room in the second middle school. On the fourth floor, it is so expensive that you have to take off your shoes to enter the computer room.

  Moreover, the machine is called a bull fork, Pentium 286.

   is not a later generation of FAW Pentium, it is an early CPU model of Intel, named after it.

  Some places are also called 80286.

   To say something bluntly, give this thing to children in later generations, he doesn't know how to use it.

  Dos system, **** screen after booting, flashing mark. You don't need a mouse or anything, just use the dos command to control it.

  Anyway, it is extremely sour and refreshing. It's a little bit in your head, you can't even play a stand-alone game.

  But just like this, it's better than Qi Guodong, so I have to let the little brother three go and help.

  Fortunately, Qi Lei, as a "comer", is slightly stronger than those two.

  This is also regarded as a master by Qi Guodong. He always troubles Qi Lei from time to time, and he never tires of it.

  So, Zhao Wei stopped the socks business and came back. It happened to replace Qi Guodong.

   Let’s talk about it again, next spring will start, if you want to continue to sell socks, I have to say something else.

  Now earning money is the second most important thing to let Zhao Wei exercise with Zhou Tao. When he was able to stand alone, Qi Lei naturally had other jobs to let him contribute to the three of his brothers.

  Don’t look at Qi Lei's three brothers in school like a small second, but Qi Lei is not stupid, knows the importance of money, and never too much.

  It's right to leave it to Zhao Wei.


On the last day of   11, Xu Xiaoqian called Qi Lei and said that President Zhang had invited him to talk to Qi Lei.

  In this regard, Qi Lei naturally did not dare to neglect, and ran to his mother-in-law's home.

  As a result, Zhang Nan came up and said harshly, "Your goal has been achieved, Qianqian can no longer be in Class 14."

   Qi Lei: "."

  Unloading the mill to kill the donkey or what?

  Take a deep breath, and groan for a moment, "Auntie, if we have something to say, let's just say it!"

   "Just say what you are going to do, why bother to scare the children?"

   "Heh." Zhang Nan smiled, "Are you a kid?"


   "Where did you scare the kids?"

  "But your act of giving a stick first, and then handing the sweet jujube, is to fool the child!"

   "Ha!!!" Zhang Nan smiled more playfully, "Well, just say it."

   “Two things, first, it’s okay to ask Qianqian to stay in Class 14, but I am very dissatisfied with your grades. You have to work harder.”

   Qi Lei, "This is for sure! I don't need to urge my aunt, I'm working hard."

  Zhang Nan, "Working hard is not enough, you have to work hard!"

   Qi Lei, "."

  Zhang Nan, "I heard Qianqian say, do you want to go to Beiguang?"

   Qi Lei, "Hmm."

  Zhang Nan, "Beiguang’s journalism profession is indeed the best. With your ability, you really don’t need to worry too much. But."

  Zhang Nan became serious, "Whether you enter Beiguang on the line or enter Beiguang with the score that can enter Qingbei, the meaning is completely different."

  "Your score is low and your performance is average. You may face adjustments when you enter the school. Have you ever thought that you entered Beijing, but you are not in your favorite major, what should you do?"

  "But your score is high, it's different. It's not that Beiguang has taken you in, but you have chosen Beiguang. At that time, no one can control your whereabouts, only you!"

   "Besides, your current thinking is Beiguang, what if you change your mind at that time?"

   "As long as you have the strength of Qingbei, wherever you want to go then, it's up to you to choose."

   Qi Lei: "."

  The mother-in-law speaks at a level. The higher the score, the better, isn’t it over?

  A long story can be changed to a speech.

   However, complaining about complaints, Zhang Nan's words are reasonable, "Okay! I listen to you!"

  Zhang Nan, "The auntie is not very demanding. The exam is second in the school year, is it okay?"


  Qilei spurted out a mouthful of old blood, staring at Zhang Nan dumbfounded.

Have! ! The problem is big!

  As a result, Zhang Nan hasn’t finished speaking yet, “I don’t ask you to take the first place! I still know Qianqian’s talent in learning, you are far behind.”

   Qi Lei: "."

  Who are you running on? It's not much difference, okay?

  Zhang Nan, "I only ask you to take a second This is not too much, right?"

  Seeing Qi Lei did not speak, "Then it is set? For the final exam, take a second to see me! Otherwise."

   "I puff puff!!"

  "Period, end of period?" Qi Lei almost went crazy.

  You have to say, high grade one, high grade two, right. Or within three years, catch up with Xu Xiaoqian's footsteps, Qi Lei will definitely agree without hitting.

  Can you get second in the final exam? Do you want me to die?

   And Zhang Nan doesn’t care about Qi Lei’s expression at all, “That’s it, I need to give you a little pressure.”

   Qi Lei, "..."

   "The second thing." has been enforced, "Can I see your father?"

  "." After this combination of punches came down, Qi Lei was really a little bit overwhelmed.

   "You, what are you doing?"

  This is even more serious than taking the second test!



  (End of this chapter)

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