Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 62: I want to write a novel

William Zhu, the founder of Banyan Tree, said:

   "Maybe one day, the world can only leave us with turmoil and commotion. When that day comes, we are willing to sink along with it, and disappear together in these many temptations and feasting."

   "However, as long as there is a submission, there is a meaning to survive under the banyan tree. As long as there is a heart that is brave enough to face life and sensitive to feelings, we can find our value."

   Some employees said: There is a career that combines ideals with reality. I found this career. Under the banyan tree, where the dream began.

   Some netizens said: There is something more important than literature. I no longer just write for words, I write for life, and write my own feelings.

   Under the former banyan tree, under the current banyan tree, including the banyan tree that has passed away in the memory of that generation in the future, has always maintained the tranquility and calmness that is especially precious in the Internet age.

   Including those authors of the Internet in the early days of the Internet era, there is also a somewhat elegant and dusty demeanor between the texts.

   Regardless of whether it is impetuous or unbearable, at least in this pure land, it still maintains its original innocence.

  In addition, this era is already pure, why have you ever seen such a stinky rascal like Lei Qi?


   Many netizens looked at it, "The world is talented for ten fights, and you account for nine and a half fights?"

   "Who? So crazy?"

   Click in and take a look, 嚯~~~, under the banyan tree, from the webmaster to the moderator, and then to the somewhat famous author, this grandson scolded it all over.

   was a bit reserved, but angry. After all, the hostility was not so heavy these years, and the audience under the banyan tree was even less hostile.

   Everyone is still in line with the polite and humble personal character, stick to the bottom line, just take a look and forget it.


   If you scold "Wangyaner" (Zhu Weilian), it's okay to scold "Ning Caishen". They are all rough masters and are not afraid of scolding.

   But, do you dare to scold "Baby Annie"? Then I can't bear it.

   You should know that Baby Annie's "Farewell to Vian", "July and Ansheng", and "Nan Nuan" have been published under the banyan tree and received a lot of response. Popularity is even stronger, with countless fans.

   These are the first batch of "beauty writers" since the beginning of the Internet era.

   Someone can't bear it anymore, what's this?

   Angrily and reply:

   1st floor [I am a book mad]: "This friend, why should literati be lesser? Every author has the characteristics of each author. There is no difference between them. Please also respect yourself."

   2nd floor [Hua Miao Miao]: "Yes, if your article is well written, please send it out for everyone to appreciate. You don't have to favor one or the other."

  Well, this year, Wen Qing’s anger has come here, all of them have not been educated by Mr. Lu Xun, so they can be polite!

   Qi Lei took a look, you guys...

   If this is twenty years later, wouldn’t it be a scum?

  Which line is this? Can't make a noise!

   I can only say that I have a very good temper. If you let later generations go, you can build a hundred and eighty floors with this one title.

   instantly crackled the keyboard.

   3rd floor [Neurotic child] "Are you blind on the 1st floor? Can't you see the **** they wrote? What a cultural person? Climb!!!"

   4th floor [Neurotic child] "Go back to Mars on the 2nd floor! The earth is very dangerous and not suitable for unweaning."

   The first and second floors were pretty beautiful after finishing the post. Justice was done. It was justified and well-founded. The host must be speechless, right?

   I saw the reply at the end, oh rude! !


   It exploded completely, who would you curse?

   spray! Must be sprayed!

   flushed, his hands and feet trembled with anger, crackled and argued with Qi Lei.

   So, this post started. In ten minutes, three people built a 40-story building.

   Look at Qi Lei, why are there two? The sentence came: "Everyone else is dead?"

   There are indeed a lot of people watching the excitement at this time, come in and take a look, okay, so scolding? ?

   you can do it! Do you still want to fight the heroes?

I come!

   also joined in immediately, replied and went up, and finally attracted the attention of a group of bigwigs.

   Baby Annie, Li Xunhuan, Cai Zhiheng, etc., are all diving and watching.

   In less than an hour, the Jianghu plate almost burst.

It is really......

   God, horse, play, mind! ?

   speechless, vulgar and intolerable, disdain to argue with him!

   Baby Annie: I'm a jealous woman?

   Li Xunhuan: Why am I so general?

   Cai Zhiheng...

   Okay, Cai Zhiheng is the most explosive, because he is not mentioned in the post!

  特? From big guys to small shrimps, "Han Han" who doesn't even know...

  Who is Han Hante? All were selected, why is there no me?

   I'm suffocated...

feeling bad.

   Even more uncomfortable, and Xiang Ailan.

   It me either!

   Annie's jealous woman is on the list, and she ranks first. Why don't you have me? This is where the crouching popped out! ?

   But, after all, big guys have to be reserved by big guys. Now it's just a scolding battle between ordinary netizens and that crazy kid, and they won't end well.

   No matter how it blows up, you can't end the game with an unknown guy, right? Too much identity.

   There is no way, I can only watch, but they send messages to the moderator Ning Caishen, let him take care of it, and don't lose control.

   God of Wealth Ning has actually seen the post and made him happy.

   sat in the office of the Shanghai headquarters under the banyan tree, laughing until his stomach hurts.

   "Don't tell me, this crazy child has a few people who are quite right to scold him!"

   didn't pay much attention to those words that scolded him. After all, Ning Caishen has passed the young and frivolous age. He has experienced a night of getting rich to investment failure. Many things are very open.

  After thinking for a while, I finally sent a message from the station to [Neuropathyer].

   The content is very euphemistic, and the wording is very elegant.

   probably means, please don’t use excessive words to provoke disputes.

   also praised the high level of classical Chinese in [Neurotic Children]. If there are works that can be published in the literature section, there is no need to resort to extreme methods in order to cheat back posts and earn points.

   If the article is well written, once it passes the moderator’s review, points can be awarded internally.

   Of course, if you don’t listen to dissuasion, the moderator can only delete the banned post as a warning.

   Please also respect yourself!

   can only be said to be quite magnanimous, and there is also the style of famous generals.

   However, Qi Lei is being besieged, so sweaty, how can I have time to read the letter from the station?

   scolded in his heart: Teme squirting is really not a man! How strong is this psychological quality to do this job?

   Only for a while, don't look at his quick reply, a shameless posture, in fact, it is completely supported by those hot words learned online by later generations.

   In fact, the body has been scolded, so be careful, shattered!

   stared at her eyes:

   "I will endure it! I will endure it again!"

   "For the motherland! For the people! I want to endure!"

   finally got free, saw the letter in the station, click to open it, moderator? Ning Caishen?

  Oh! Are you more tolerant than me?

   Still deleting posts? Who are you scaring?

   immediately replied: "If you can't argue, delete the post? Rubbish!"

   Ning Caishen has been waiting patiently, and finally received a reply, opened it at the first time, and then was a little dazed.

   almost mad, Xin said, this guy is really crazy, right? Is it so irrelevant?

   As a result, before he finished complaining, another letter from the station popped out, with the signature still [Neurotic Child].

   frowned and opened.

   "You are not a good thing either. If you fail to stock market, you will come to William Zhu as a running dog. You are not vigorous, and you are not worthy of the name of a literati! If you have the ability, don't delete the posts. Have a trick!?"

  Ning the moderator jumped up with a cry.

   "Fuck you uncle!! Bullying the honest people, right?"

   can't bear it anymore, open the post, end in person, tear it up! !

   Looking at those other well-known authors, Ningcun’s husband has all ended? So what are you waiting for?

   Actually, I can't hold it anymore.

   Baby Annie: "You are jealous of women, your whole family is jealous of women!"

   Li Xunhuan: "You are a general, you shit!"

   Cai Zhiheng: "......"

   Okay, he has nothing to say because he didn't mention him!

   followed one by one, sentence after sentence:

   [Baby Annie]: "Those who humiliate themselves humiliate themselves. I think you haven't read any books."

   [Li Xunhuan]: "The clown, did he entertain others or make himself funny."

   [Ning Caishen]: "Silence does not mean making a loss, maybe it is looking at silly B. Do you understand, child?"

  【Scarlet Cai】: "......"

  The scolding war continued to escalate.

   Qi Lei endured the torture of his conscience:

   [Neurotic children]: "@安妮宝贝, the heroines in your novels are like medieval loincloth women, without beauty."

  [Neurotic child]: "@李寻欢, the clown has only been out for so long, are you putting on makeup? Remember to put on lipstick. Trash author!"

  [Neurotic child]: "@宁财神, there seem to be four big characters written on your face-I am a bastard. Hello, village husband, goodbye village husband!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

   Baby Annie exploded directly, trying to crawl along the network cable and scratch people.

   resisted the anger and maintained the image of a lady, "Then excuse me, do you have any works?"

   Li Xunhuan was originally melancholy, but now he is even more melancholy.

   "Please be civilized and be your own person?"

   And Ning God of Wealth...

  Ning Caishen also wanted to have a live pk with this idiot, "Little Yakuza! You say it again?"

   Cai Zhiheng: "......"

   Could you please pay attention to me? I can't open my mouth!

   Until this time, the scene was completely out of control, and more and more authors and netizens joined in.

   Qi Lei, who is far in the northeast, smiled and sighed, "Hey, the experience of Internet struggle is still not rich enough!"

  [Neurotic children]: "@安妮宝贝, the work will be available soon, without those two attacks, I dare not fight against the worms here!"

   [Neurotic children]: "@宁财神, I am not like you. I squatted on the toilet for half a year before suffocating some sour articles. Laozi’s articles come just as they say."

  [Neurotic children]: "@李寻欢, I suggest you start practicing from elementary school composition, it will improve you!"

   [Neurotic child]: "@那人谁谁, what ellipsis do you always use? Looking for a sense of existence?"

   Cai Zhiheng:......

   completely depressed, my heart said, who is this joy? Do you have any grudges with me?


  [Annie Baby]: "Can’t wait to learn your masterpiece!"

   [Ning Caishen]: "Don't be so hard, you can post if you have the ability!"

  [Neurotic child]: "What anxiously? Wait, I will prove it to you sooner or later! Let the netizens all over the world see what is called an article!"

   [Baby Annie]: "You don't sit on the toilet too, do you? Ha!"

   [Neurotic child]: "Medieval old lady, crawl on the same side!"


   Annie is crazy again.

   [Baby Annie]: "My old mother will post it as a testimony. Take out something, write it well, and I will log out!"




  Under the banyan tree, I can’t stop it. Suddenly, a crazy child appeared to do something, but in the end he cursed and cursed and became a written fight...

   Become a neurotic, want to publish works?

   After the incident, why did Ning Caishen feel that it was not right?

  特? Did you let this silly fork play? He wouldn't really want to post an article here for hype, would he?

   Now all under the banyan tree are paying attention to this war post, and they are holding back to see the jokes of the crazy children, waiting for his works to come out.

  嚓! !

   is a bit too complicated, I can’t figure it out.

Well, while the great gods of all walks of life are fighting, in an Internet cafe somewhere in Shanghai, a seventeen-year-old, one-year-old boy named Han Han, ran away from class, was on the net, and looked at the chaos under the banyan tree with a bewildered expression. .

   "Who is this squirrel? Why do you scold me? I'm just a diver, OK?"

   really couldn't help it, and replied under the post: "Little chick!!"

   Well, this is the first time that Han Datanzi has cursed people on the Internet.

   So cool!

   is several years earlier than the original time and space.



   In the afternoon, there were no classes in Class 14 and Class 1, saying that the logistics office had to maintain the circuit of the West Campus overnight.

   Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao, and Cheng Lele naturally all ran to the Internet cafe.

   They came, and Qi Lei couldn't expose his target, so he suspended the scolding war.

   put the banyan tree down and opened a document happily.

   That is the novel he will publish under the banyan tree, called-"Love in Belgrade".

   tells about the exotic love between a young Chinese woman Qin Banruo who opened a coffee shop in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, and Su Mei, a diplomat attache to the Embassy of Yugoslavia.

   has just started, and just wrote that the charming and coquettish Qin Banruo and the incomparable wisdom and courage Mei Changsu met and knew each other at the embassy.

Um! Qi Lei admitted that he was still pretty.

   didn't write for a while, maybe it was really tired these three days. Just get off the machine and lie down on the sofa to sleep.

   It was already ten o'clock when I opened my eyes, and Xu Xiaoqian and the others hadn't left yet.

   This surprised Qi Lei. He came to Xu Xiaoqian and sat on the armrest of the sofa chair, "Why don't he go home?"

   But seeing Xu Xiaoqian's fierce face, staring at the screen, he replied, "Sleep at Yang Xiao's house."

   Okay, I have a fixed excuse, which means I will stay here tonight.

The Qi Lei of    Nong is a bit inexplicable. You must know that unless there are special circumstances, Xu Xiaoqian will not be able to move her home.

"What's wrong?"

   did not wait for Xu Xiaoqian to answer, but Yang Xiao kindly reminded, "Don't mess with her, righteous!"

   Qi Lei was even more dazed, "Who messed with her then?"

   But Xu Xiaoqian suddenly screamed, only on the computer screen, "That's a silly fork!"

   "I will scold him all night, dare to insult my idol!!"

   Qi Lei took a look, shuddered in shock, and the chrysanthemum was numb.

   I saw that Xu Xiaoqian opened the website under the banyan tree, and kept posting under the post of "The world is talented for ten fights, I am not talented, I have nine and a half fights"!

   complained as he brushed, "This is just a lunatic, I just open my mouth and curse, it's so unqualified!"

   "You can scold me if you scold it! The only thing left is Cai, the ruffian, who does he look down on!?"

   "He must be destroyed!"

   Qi Lei: "......"

   quietly ran to the corner and started a machine.

   I don’t know, it has nothing to do with me!

   Turn on the computer and log in to OICQ first. I wanted to hang up, but I saw that the portrait of [Beautiful Girl Seven Seven] in the friend list was beating, but it was also gray.

   Qi Lei clicked on, and the other side just posted a series of question marks under his message, without any other reply.

   Qi Lei smiled and left a sentence under the question mark, "You can verify it and let your boss come and chat with me."

   Hit enter and the message was sent. Since it is offline, Qi Lei will not be able to reply until tomorrow morning.

   did not expect that, within a minute, he received an application from a friend.

  【小马哥】has added you as a friend.

   Qi Lei's eyes lit up, Brother Xiao Ma! It's coming! ?

   Click to open the chat box, just about to send a message, the opposite message came first.

  [Little Ma]: "Hello Boss Qi."

   Qi Lei: "..." Well, comfortable!

   It's not easy for Tonyma to call "Boss Qi".

   Clean up the mood.

   [Little Rock]: Have you verified it?

   [Little Ma]: It’s verified, Boss Qi has done a lot of business, and I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.

   To be precise, it was just verified that Tonyma personally typed the mobile phone number left in the advertisement.

   The one who answered the phone was a woman, who was very polite but alienated in the workplace.

   But when he said that Qi Lei asked him to call, his attitude changed immediately.

   What's even more exaggerated is that Tonyma almost didn't cry when the other person told about the size of their Internet cafes and the installed capacity.

   is bigger than Qi Lei said before. Now there are more than 260 Internet cafes and more than 25,000 devices.

   [Little Ma]: I apologize for the previous performance of the customer service, which is really inappropriate.

   [Small Stone]: Your customer service is very dedicated, but not very bright. Otherwise, the two of us could catch the fire more than ten days ago.

  【Little Horse Brother】:......

   held back for a long time.

   [Little Ma]: I will fire her tomorrow!

   [Little Rock]: That's not necessary, the little girl is pretty good.

  【Little Horse Brother】:......

   [Little Ma]: Actually, it's just a dessert, which looks very ugly.

   [Little Rock]: Really? That's a pity.

   Tonyma was greatly relieved when he saw this sentence, facing the computer.

   quickly type.

   [Little Ma]: Boss Qi said that we can install our software?

   [Little Rock]: Of course you can.

   [Little Ma]: much is the cost?

   After that, I added another sentence.

   [Little Horse]: We are a small start-up company. In fact, we don't have much capital. I hope you don't charge too high a price.

   [Little Stone]: Don't you, I'm only seventeen.

  【Little Horse Brother】:......

   Who are you fooling? Seventeen? Are you kidding me?

   But it was Qi Lei’s message that came over.

   [Small Rock]: We can skip the installation fee.

   [Little Ma]: Really?

   [Little Rock]: And I can still call the shots. Among the pre-installed software on all computers, only your OICQ is installed.

   [Little Ma]: "!!!"

   [Little Ma]: But, our customer service is really ugly! !

   Qi Lei looked a little bit painful, and said to his heart, the customer service will not be your wife, right? Is it so protected?

   [Little Rock]: Can you not mention the customer service?

   [Little Horse Brother]: Good!

   [Small Rock]: I can install the machine exclusively without charge, but you have to answer me truthfully if you have a few questions.

  【Little Horse】: Know everything.

   [Little Rock]: How many registered users do you have?

  【Little Horse】: More than 5,000.

   [Little Rock]: That's just a little bit! ?

   [Little Ma]: That’s a lot. After all, OICQ has only been online for half a month.

   [Little Rock]: Oh, how many registered users will be expected in one to two months?

   This time, Brother Xiao Ma groaned for a long time, and finally...

   "Three to fifty thousand!"

   Qi Lei saw this number, and his heart sank, but it was still too small. It seemed that he took it for granted, and the initial increase in Penguin users was not that big.

So to say...

   Brother Xiao Ma is useless! ?



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